Monday, March 20, 2006

Ann-other Moon-day

It’s a Monday. There are at least 52 Mondays in a year, about 1/7 of the year are Mondays. But yet, it feels like…hum…blow your nostril big and lift up the left side of your lips…naaah…

But, there are Mondays that I like. None of them happens when I work. When I was out there in holiday. I liked to think At this times, my colleagues are doing this. The office would feel like this…while I was jumping up and down somewhere, or Mondays when I couldn’t wait to go back to school to meet that particular guys…mmmhemhemehem…

So yesterday I managed to buy a pretty plastic bag for my thousands birds, the project is getting seriously done. I have slowed down for the last weekday, and skipped on weekend, because it amazingly gave me quite a big deal of headache. But now I have eight hundred and forty one birds, I want to finish them before Wednesday, before the one in my wish go to another session of chemo.

Saturday night, we went out to meet James and gang for an outing, regarding his new diving forum. We went together with Leo. The outing was held in a pub, something I hardly understand, pub is noisy….! When we went in, I had a hard time catching my breath. It was awfully smelly, smoke, beer, air-con, and terrible karaoke voices. Don’t laugh, but pub is not my place. I might enjoy going to café with (good) live music once on a while, but pub with all the drunk and smelly chap and ugly voice, maybe I’m too old for that. Ha…
After socializing for a while, we went and sat outside, ordering some finger food in next-door eatery, in a while, some others joined us too.

From my past posts, I wrote about those crazy emails with who and who rich people in the world who has trouble finding somebody to inherit their treasure and wealth (Can you actually believe that!?) and tell us that we are the one! Strangely, these few days alone I have received four different emails in my other anonymous email accounts.
Let’s see
Amoz Zongo from Bank of Africa has ten millions US for me.
Mekus Bamba from Abidjan Cote D'ivoire wants to share his parent’s 22,5 millions US.
Dave Yorke from UK said he has HUGE funds, doesn’t wish to disclose it for the moment and asks me to email him to the ‘confidential’ email, lasting with @mail2world and
Aniemeta Peter from Ghana has gold mining company with 250kg gold dust.
I strongly suspect that they must be together, because they all got my email in the same time. *Don’t they think that I will confuse about which fortune I choose to take?*

I have more interesting story to share. Hubby’s colleague, a Russian, received a call from neighborhood police or something that his neighbor complained seeing him naked. He woke up in the middle of the night, thirsty and decided to grab a drink in the kitchen. Like me, living in the packed apartment, I don’t have a problem seeing nose-digging neighbor, that means his neighbor wouldn’t have difficulty figuring out what and what is what.
Apparently, his neighbor didn’t like what they saw *My eyes! My eyes!* so they decided to call police. Mphhh…..the matter should rest here, but that crazy fellow wanted to do some operation payback, so he called back and complained that he had been called in the middle of the night and disturbed by it. He was thirsty and too sleepy to put on thing, so he didn’t see what was the big deal that he had to be waken up again to receive a complain call.
Few years back, my friend also told us the same story. He and his flatmates, females and males, found Singapore too hot and for their own convenience, stripped up to bikinis and did their household activities normally, before they got a knock on the door to ask them to dress up.
Shouldn’t the neigbors are the ones who have to be sued because they are peeping to other’s house?

Nail biting, pillow chewing, finally I finished watching 24 season four! Exciting! Now I’m crunching waiting for season five. Watched Japanese movie Umizaru for a change, it was good, although some part are unbelievable. But for unbelievable factors, nothing beats Into The Blue. Huh. And for boring factor, I will nominate Broken Flower with Transamerica comes next. I thought these two movies are good, I was waiting for the show but like that, half-baked.

Talking about baking, I found my new favorite, baked rice. Ho-hum-hum.


If you can't convince them, confuse them.
- Harry S. Truman

Anything that is too stupid to be spoken is sung.
- Voltaire

I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific.
- Lily Tomlin

I've been accused of vulgarity. I say that's bullshit.
- Mel Brooks

If you believe everything you read, you better not read.
- Japanese Proverb