Monday, February 26, 2007

To My Dearest Family

It’s over again. My one week holidaaaaaaaay.
Feeling kind of sad but I should treasure what I have, because basically I’m on top of the world.

It’s very amazing to see my family grows so fine and how we cherish the time we can spend with each other. Everyone of us grows as responsible adults and we still stick together and put the priority to be with family on top of other things.

This Chinese New Year I have two nephews and two nieces, it means many angpau expenses without any incoming. Hayah! : )

One of course my closest nephew, Jovan, now almost five, he used to visit me every year or more. I still remember when I saw him the first time, laying on the mattress, cute but a foreign thing for me, a baby in the family! Then when he was few months old but able to interact very well like playing, joking and communicating, then he was as tall as my pool table and only able to watch and cheer us playing, then he was a head taller and asked us to play with him every day. He is very smart now and able to talk all day long without stop, I mean, really really without stopping.
One of the days, I spent one whole day looking after him, because others were not around or busy, so it was an intensive session compared to others days when he could interact with others. It was a tiring day, but I have to admit, very fun. We exchanged thought and it’s amazing how colorful is a child imagination; I had to bite my lips many many times to be able to make my face serious all the time.

So, from me, 30, and Jovan, almost 5, we had all the conclusion to all the question in the world.

We talked about movie. He still remembers that he watched Dino Thunder with me,
Dino Thunder
, he even remember the stories.

J : Kow2, remember that time we watched the show, the blue color became bad guy..!
M : Hah?

After trying very hard, I remember the story. It’s amazing that he remembers! I thought 3 years old kid has five minutes attention span. Or 30?

Then we talked about Spiderman.

M : Do you know that Spiderman 3 is black color?

He was amazed, then we talked about another Spiderman installment, I suggested that Spiderman 4 comes in yellow, and he was very excited, Keren! Then we decided that the next one after that would be in various color, if he sit on the green couch, he would be green, if he was eating strawberry ice cream, he would be pink.

Then we talked about Batman and Superman.

M : I like Superman more than Batman (although they are both shameless by wearing underwear outside), because they both have wings but only Superman can fly.
J : I like Batman more, because Batman wears a mask, I don’t like superhero showing face. Batman and Spiderman are cool because they wear mask.
M : Do you know Batman has a car?
J : Really? Wow!
M : Because he got tired sometimes. Eh, what about Superman and Spiderman when they got tired?
J : Spiderman has a car too, a Kijang.
M : Really? What about Superman?
J : Superman has a motorcycle.
M : Why Batman and Spiderman have car, but Superman only has motorcycle.
J : (After thinking for a while). Actually he only just bought the motorcycle, he used to take ombrengan all the time.
M : But why Superman never nebeng Spiderman?
J : Oh. Because Spiderman doesn’t like Superman, Batman also.

I couldn’t bring myself to talk more about the poor Superman, anyway there was an ant passed by. I pushed the ant away and explained to him that the ant could bite him.

J : No, it’s alright. When I was in the kindergarten, there was a big ant in the toilet, but it didn’t bit me.
M : Why?
J : Because it couldn’t see me, so it wouldn’t bite me.
M : Are you sure? What about mosquito, does it able to see you?
J : No.
M : Then why it bites you?
He thought hard.
J : Oh. It just taking its own sweet time and enjoy flying. But because it couldn’t see, it hit everything, when it happens to hit us, it tastes it and decides it’s good to bite us.
M : Oh.
J : Do you know that big red ants, with very round bum?
M : Yes, why is that?
J : Because they eat balls.
M : Hah?
J : Once in a while my toy balls would disappear, I suspect they had been eaten by ants.
M : Oh. That’s why they have round bum. They must have very huge mouth.
J : They do. Do you know they can fly with the rockets?
M : Hah?
J : Yes, because they are small and rocket is big, so a lot of ants can go riding rockets.

Beside talking and sharing ‘knowledge’, he was also faithfully following me when I went to cut my hair. He stood by the hair washing chair and talked about shampoo, then played driving when we were sitting on the chair.

J : Look! I’m using first gear. Brummmmmm.
M : Hey! There are some polisi tidur. Jeduk. Now everyone has benjols.
J : Your is as big as egg. Amah’s benjol is orange and mine is as big as…
M : Coconut.
J : Wow! Hahahhaha.
M : Can you send us home with your car? So we don’t have to walk.
J : Of course not! Don’t you know that I’m only pretending?

Jebret. Komentar yang menusuk hati.

On some other morning he insisted to follow me to the wet market. It was a very mild few drop rain, but we brought two umbrellas, one for us, and one for mom who was already half way. We took so long to walk, he almost disappeared below the big umbrella and he insisted to hold his own. By the time we reached mom, she already finished with the shopping.

I miss him already.

Do you know when a relative you haven’t met for a long time, and they come and very happy to see us, talking about how we behave when we were little, how we adore them and close to them, only to our amazement that we don’t remember a single thing and thought nothing about it?

Now I’m afraid of that, I’m afraid to be on the other side, the forgotten one. It’s silly, but now I can understand, how time is turning around.


My niece, Xin-xin, Jovan’s sister, is a very friendly little baby who loves to smile. She is eleven months old, small built but very active. She climbs everything, she is a dare devil who doesn’t afraid of falling down or knocking herself everywhere. She out-crawled me, I proved it when I played with her and tried to catch up with her. Everytime she was daydreaming or looking at the teve, if I look at her, she would knows and directly looked back. Everytime I sing Itsy Bitsy Spider, she would clap her hands. She loves being walked at the garden and playing up and down. Someday I planned to take her go hiking : ), if my back permits me, of course. : )

Son and daughter, of my second youngest and youngest brother, I didn’t have a chance to know much with them. Because the boy, Keegan doesn’t like to interact with others and the girl, Nadya is still a baby. Keegan is very cute but he also cry all the time. He he he. He walks like a king and we agree that he is capable to be the mafia leader. Nadya has a very bete face. She frowns almost all the time, with one eyebrow higher than the other, and with eyes that look at other dalem-dalem. She looks very serious but she can laugh easily too.

For my parents, I can see that they are aging, but they are happy and proud to have us around and to have us living the life we are, that every one of us turns up to be good person. They still and always work hard for the family, they take care of us and be there for us all the time.

I do wish, deeply, that we could always do the same for them.

It’s nice, to see the familiar faces around.
Those who share the greatest memories, that only us know.
Those who go through the thick and thin together, the storm and the spring.
Those who share the same food, and cry at the same fallen ice cream.
Those who feels the same pain, and the same happiness tears.

It’s very nice, to be around you guys.
And although we are far apart, we never lose this bound at heart.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Gong Xi Fat Chai, Hung Pau Na Lai

Finally, weekend is here. I mean, finally THIS weekend is here.
In Singapore, this is a long weekend stretches from Saturday to Tuesday, as it’s the big day, Chinese New Year. Some company even gives half day today, but not mine, hiks..
But I’m still happy to be able to go to my family home tonight. Yay!
As this hour, my office is deserted already. Those who are still around looked as if their soul have been stolen, they stare blankly at their computers or bite the tables.

As usual, before I go anywhere, the previous week is always chaotic. So did last week, suddenly there were a lot of things that I need to do, from work in the office to my first lesson to dive master course. Finally, again, after postponing the course for a year and a half, we started. Hopefully we can finish it fast, good and soon. Need a lot of study and confidence training to go through smoothly.

Happy Chinese New Year to those who celebrate. As Chinese always say,
Have a Prosperous New Year
: )

Don’t forget to be happy, be healthy, wash your hair every day, don’t be naughty, don’t ask me for Angpau, and everyone below 30 is under age.., everyone above 30 is of course…old! : )


An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.
- Bill Vaughan

Friday, February 09, 2007

Dedicated to my Mini

When I reached home last night, I found my handphone to be in feverish condition. It’s hotter than usual, and when I tried to find out what was wrong, it blacked out on me. As a result, I gave it and MC for a night, took out the battery and sim card, and let it cooled down for a least the night. I had this paranoia that hot handphone device could be dangerous, I even thought of possibility of it blew up in my hand. Hey, I have seen two computers blew up before, I have seen cd rom together with the cd flew from its CPU slot and attacked me when I worked on Saturday. Coincidence? I don’t think so. Those big or tiny machine, like us, they also piss off if they worked 24/7.

So, for my handphone, when it died down, lived and died down again, I knew that I might as well blame myself for letting it overworked. I charge it almost everyday, because I play games almost everyday. But I also know the risk of letting that device rest for one night, and this morning it’s proved. Everything was reset to default, I lost all my contact, phone number and email, my games, windows and my interface change back to normal, all the programs and settings I installed for long period of time had disappeared, now that I know how not enough is ‘normal’.

I have developed good relationship with it, as psycho as it sounds. It’s like an entertainment and work centre for me. To play games when I’m bored, to write when I’m in long journey, anything, from blog, stories to recipe and things to remember or even to write my secret resolution lately, to prepare my journey quotations, itineraries and calculations, to listen to my favorite music, or even to check my emails.
From physical appearance, I have been over protective to it, from making it wear the bulky-crystal-case and another puffy bag and never take it overseas to protect it from theft. However, mentally, I’ve been less protective and have been a mean master for overworking it.

Now I’m hopeful that I would be able to retrieve those information that I’ve lost.
Hayaaah, but this time, unlike usual, I don’t kick or curse at the device, as what I used to do to something broken (ex.lift, washing machine, computer or even a plastic sealing tool). As the matter of fact, I feel guilty, poor thing, now that I know how much I need it, it’s awake and ok now, but I think it still a little bit angry with me. The sickness apparently drained out its energy and while I’m hoping for its survival, I need to make sure the fever won’t come back.

Hik. Please don’t leave me. Hik hik sroot.


They have computers, and they may have other weapons of mass destruction.
- Janet Reno

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Kepalae Tigae

(Sori agak gak nyambung, ini nulisnya tanggal 6 Feb)

Akhirnya hari itu tiba juga, hari dimana kalo gue kenalan ama orang..

Hallo, senang berkenalan dengan elo.
Hallo, senang berkenalan dengan elo juga.
Berapa umur loe.
Hah? Awalnya tiga? Dasar bangkotan!

Gak gitu kali yah, gak bakalan persis kayak gitu., mungkin kata bangkotan diganti dedengkot, uzur, kempot?

Tapi ternyata tiga puluh itu masih muda ya. Hihihi, now that I say. Benernya udah sejak gue memasuki ujung penghujung 20, yaitu 29, gue udah berasa tiga puluh, tapi masih cengangas cengenges gembira kalo isi formulir yang masuk kategori 20-29, nya-ris, dan sekarang 30-39, kunyuk.

Tapi kata orang, perubahan usia kelihatan secara fisik tiap delapan tahun, jadi dari 24 ke 32 tuh tampangnya agak sama, nanti pas 32 baru kelihatan berbeda, begitu pula 16-24, 8-16 (huh?), dan 0-8 (kayaknya jelas-jelas teori ini NGACO).

Kemaren pas bonyok disini, jadinya kita semua makan-makan deh, soalnya Hubby juga ultah sehari sebelomnya. Irit. Di kantor juga dapet kue. Hari ini gue udah normal, udah berasa senang jadi thirty. Kalo kemaren karena pagi-pagi gue nguantuk berat dan menraktir diri sendiri dengan caffe latte, sedangkan gue udah lama bener gak nyentuh kafein, akhirnya gue jadi kegirangan dan hiper aktif, jenis yang jantungnya berasa berdegup-degup gak jelas karena pengaruh kopi dan akhirnya jadi bawel abis.

Ya. Begitulah kira-kira. Krisis paruh baya. He....

Gue juga gak mau jadi jenis yang bacot-bacot, aduh udah umur segini kok gue belom ini-itu, belom kaya, belom bla bla, gak deh, bikin stress aja, harus jaga diri biar gak ada keriput bermunculan toh!

Anyway, thanks banget buat semua yang inget.

Barusan gue denger dari radio kalo kemaren tuh hari “Paling banyak absen’ di UK, sebanyak 300 ribu orang gak masuk kantor dengan beralasan sakit. Jadi, tentunya gue usulkan, tanggal 5 Februari dijadikan hari libur internasional. Gitu.

BTW, ini juga pos gue yang keseratus di blog yang ini. Lumayan. Lumayan bawel maksudnya.


Youth is a disease from which we all recover.
- Dorothy Fuldheim

The woman who tells her age is either too young to have anything to lose or too old to have anything to gain.
- Chinese Proverb

I absolutely refuse to reveal my age. Why am I-a car?
- Cyndie Lauper

It takes about ten years to get used to how old you are.
- Unknown

Don’t worry about middle age: you’ll outgrow it.
- Laurence J Peter

Monday, February 05, 2007

Posko Banjir

Updated 6th Feb :
Untuk membantu korban bencana banjir Jakarta, kami atas nama KAPA FTUI dan BEM FTUI membentuk Posko Banjir...
Kita sudah melakukan evakuasi korban banjir di beberapa lokasi. Daerah Ciledug dan Bintaro pada tanggal 2 dan 3 Februari 2007 serta di Kalibata tanggal 4 dan 5 Februari 2007.

Kita juga menerima dan menyalurkan bantuan berupa :
1. Uang
2. Pakaian layak pakai.
3. Selimut, handuk, dan perlengkapan ibadah.
4. Bahan makanan.
5. Obat-obatan.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, hubungi :

Garda (K-267-06) 08568220064
Satria (K-250-04) 08568136460

Gue kagak tau ternyata banjir di Jakarta separah itu. Ampe hari Minggu kemaren pas gue liat beritanya di RCTI. Banyak temen2 dan sodara2 yang tinggal di daerah2 yang kena banjir atau sekitarnya.

Sodara sepupu gue menceritakan soal bagaimana dia melalui proses evakuasi beserta anak dan orang tuanya, cerita yang sangat susah gue bayangkan, betapa repot dan khawatirnya mereka. Masalah mereka belom berakhir, tapi setidaknya mereka udah ada ditempat yang aman untuk sementara.

Buat yang membutuhkan, dari Mapala UI yang bekerja sama dengan KAPA FTUI membentuk Posko Banjir yang bertujuan untuk membantu proses evakuasi.

Semoga berguna untuk yang membutuhkan.
Take care you all..

Untuk teman-teman yang membutuhkan info untuk evakuasi dll.
Mapala UI bekerjasama dengan KAPA FTUI membentuk posko banjir untuk membantu evakuasi korban banjir.
Atau bisa juga menghubungi :
1. Arys Liar dengan Yuni di 021-686 26 331
2. Wanadri dengan Henry di 0815 94 39306

Menanggapi banjir yang melanda kawasan dki jakarta, Mapala UI berada dalam status siaga banjir dengan membentuk "Posko Banjir Mapala UI 2007. Agung Cahyanto (M-695-UI) ditunjuk oleh Badan Pengurus Mapala UI sebagai koordinator Posko.

Saat ini Posko tengah mengirimkan sejumlah personil untuk melakukan proses evakuasi dan assessment di beberapa titik banjir.

Proses evakuasi berupa membantu masyarakat yang terjebak di lokasi tempat tinggal yang terkena banjir untuk dipindahkan ke lokasi yang aman. Dalam proses evakuasi, Posko yang berkoordinasi dengan KAPA FT ini mengirimkan 3 tim (terdiri dari 3 perahu):
- 2 tim yang terdiri dari 6 personil dikirimkan ke daerah Kemang, Mampang dan Poncol
- 1 tim dikirmkan ke daerah Bintaro dan Ciledug

Assessment dilakukan untuk mengetahui kondisi banjir di beberapa wilayah, seperti Kalibata, Cililitan, Kebon Pala, Kebon Baru, Bukit Duri, Pengadegan, Kampung Melayu. Assessment nantinya akan dijadikan dasar sebagai langkah Posko ke depan.

Mengenai bantuan, saat ini Posko sudah menerima bantuan (dari pihak anggota Mapala UI maupun eksternal) berupa kendaraan pick-up untuk pelaksanaan operasional. Beberapa pihak pun sudah menyatakan akan memberikan bantuan kebutuhan tertentu, seperti kerndaraan jeep, dana, air mineral, dan lain sebagainya untuk mendukung operasional posko.

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Hari ini gue bertekad mau nulis. Apa aja biar untuk melewatkan waktu. Karena minggu ini, rombongan makan gue, empat orang, semuanya setuju, ini minggu yang amat sangat lamban dan membosankan. Kenapa ya, mungkin gara2 bentar lagi imlek dan habis itu adalah bulan-bulan boring?
Gue punya beberapa ide buat nulis, tapi gak ada yang cocok disaat ini, benernya gue gak milih2, tapi kadang2 ada tema yang jauh lebih cocok di waktu tertentu toh.. kayak gue tiba2 punya ide cerita soal Natal. Yeee....telat.

Tadinya bener2 mentok, biasanya begitu Word nyala, usus-usus otak langsung tumpah ruah, tapi barusan bingung juga, ada kali sepuluh menit cuman bertampang tolol.
Jadi, gue mutusin mau cerita soal Big Bully. Hayah, kebanyakan bawel di pembukaan nih. Jangan salahin gue, inget, misi gue kali ini, buang waktu.

Gue suka dapet banyak ide cerita dari temen2 makan gue tiga biji cowok yang berkepribadian langit, bumi dan.. sawah deh.
Satu orang yang logic banget, yang berpikiran praktis dan bebas, dia paling semangat kalo ngomongin sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan sistem atau duit. Kalo mau ngomongin soal gaji, tunjangan, asuransi, investasi, aturan2 konyol, dia pasti antusias. Dia juga bekas playboy cap kaki tiga, sekarang sepertinya udah tobat karena udah kawin dan punya anak, tapi topik kesukaan dia satunya adalah cewek dan sebangsanya yaitu cewek lagi.
Satu orang lagi lebih bertipe sensitif, pikirannya lebih konservatif dan orangnya lumayan bisa diajak ngomong apa saja, cuman kadang2 pikirannya suka ekstrem terlalu meyakini teori yang dia himpun sendiri dari beberapa sample. Misalnya kalo beberapa temennya yang berambut keriting suka gigit kuku kaki, berarti semua orang yang berambut keriting suka gigit kuku kaki.
Contoh gue agak gak meyakinkan tapi kira2 gitu dehhh. Mungkin agak extreme juga seh contohnya he he he.

Satu makhluk lagi, yang baru bergabung gak gitu lama yang lalu, orangnya agak aneh tapi kocak. Mukanya selalu banyak ekspresi2 aneh gak jelas butuh apa kagak tuh ekspresi, trus dia juga suka gak nyimak, kalo orang ngomong yang serius2, pasti dia cuman jadi screen saver dan ogah nimbrung. Kalo topiknya dia suka, dia rame. Yang ini masih muda belia, bikin sirik kita bertiga yang seumuran. Dia baru resmi masuk kasino tahun lalu, baru 21 tahun. Ck ck ck.. anak keciiil.

Kemaren dulu entah kenapa kita cerita soal Big Bully. Jadi anak2 nakal yang rese dan suka membully teman, ada pula yang tukang sabotase. Salah satu contohnya, kalo udah ngumpul bareng, mereka gak malu2 untuk memalu-maluin teman. Seperti ketika salah satunya sengaja atau tidak ketangkap ngeliatin seorang cewek, langsung aja yang laen ribut2 dengan sekencang-kencangnya.
We!! Loe ngapain ngeliatin si (nama/ciri2). Naksir ya!?
Eh gila loe, ngeliatin () ampe ileran kayak gitu.
Katanya loe ngimpiin () ya semalem! Yang gini gitu gini gitu...

Katanya kadang2 orangnya lagi ngantuk atau gak ngeliatin siapa-siapa pun, gak angin gak ujan digituin juga.

Salah satu temen gue ngakunya dia termasuk disisi yang tukang resenya, satunya lagi ternyata sering jadi korban, komplainnya dia bikin gue hampir nyembur nasi gara2 pengen ketawa.
Kalo digituin ama cewek cakep sih gak apa-apa, lah, ini sama cewek yang berantakan..

Udah itu ternyata cewek2 yang dijadiin target banyak yang telmi juga, banyak yang jadi ge-eran beneran dan jadi mendekati tuh cowok yang kelimpungan kecebur got.

Kalo dipikir-pikir, tukang bully yang versi cowok2 jahat juga ya, ada yang ampe ekstrem dan kalo ada anak yang gak tahan mental bisa-bisa bunuh diri. Gak berapa lama disini dibahas sebagai satu masalah sosial yang serius, soalnya anak2 yang dibully jadi setres abis-abisan dan banyak kasus bunuh diri juga.
Gue gak tau sih seberapa berat tingkat bully membully disini, kalo dijaman gue dulu, ca e lah, anak2nya pada tabah2 aja dan tahan banting, mungkin tingkat gangguinnya beda kali ya. Gue inget tahun pertama di SMA gue dulu dengan tragisnya ada cowok yang diplorotin celananya, untungnya gue gak inget siapa, jadi kalo ada yang tau gue dan berasa pernah diplorotin didepan gue, tenang aja, gue gak inget muke loe, tapi mbok ya kasih tau temen2 loe nunggu ampe orang lewat dong!
Ogah liatnya, gue kan mau makan siang.: )

Waktu masa kecil banget, ada satu anak yang dulu tukang bikin onar disekolah. Gambar gue dicoret-coret ama dia, padahal susah payah gue bikin buat dikumpulin. Soalnya dianya sendiri gak bikin, jadi pengen jerumusin orang lain. Gue harus bilang sama ibu guru kalo gambar gue dicoret2. Tapi ada satu anak lain bertampang keibuan yang mengira gue sedih dan coba menghibur gue, jadi dia gambarin lagi dan hasilnya mengerikan, cuman dia berniat baik sekali. Anak yang merusak gambar itu minta maaf dan dia bilang sebagai tanda baikan, kita sama2 belanja permen diwarung. Ya gue ikut, sampai diwarung, gue lagi liat2 permen, dia ambil beberapa permen dan langsung lari sambil teriak ngajakin gue lari juga. Sompret! Monyet gundul! Gua yang gak tau apa-apa diajak jadi tukang copet. Tapi gue kaget dan gue gak mau ditangkap, gue lari juga akhirnya, malah gue larinya lebih cepat dari dia yang udah duluan. Habis itu gue gak kenal-kenal lagi deh tuh orang, dia berusaha bagi2 hasil copetan, tapi gue omelin habis-habisan. Gimana enggak, rumah gue cuman beda beberapa rumah dan satu tikungan dari tuh toko, gimana kalo mereka ngadu ama orang tua gue. Dasar kampret.

Kalo ngebully orang, mungkin bisa dibilang gue juga pernah. Soalnya nih orang, namanya anak SD, otaknya suka gak jelas, tiba-tiba nyubit gue pas pelajaran. Berhubung gue paling gak suka dicubit, gue langsung bales geplak. Eh, dia langsung nangis meraung2 dan bu guru dateng deh, tapi untungnya gue gak dihukum.

Eh, gara2 nulisnya kepotong telepon kok gue tiba-tiba males nulis!
Sebagai gantinya gue kasih foto temen kerja gue yang paling baru aja deh: )