Wednesday, December 28, 2005

New Year Resolution

After married, I began to write resolutions every end of year. I’ve wasted too many years without it, I know. But what’s the difference with me now…writing it down, keep it inside my drawer, and read it again the next year? Actually, I had tried few good habits like that, most of them failed.
I wrote down the places I want to visit and things I want to do, just like those advices we read from Chicken Soup book, scrabble, scrabble, scrabble, I threw it away. Too much lahhhhh…..make me desperate that I have THAT MANY things I’m longing for.
Tried to write down shopping list, when I go shopping, I remember everything except the list.
So…arghhh… the point is I should have hung the list and look at it the whole year. Notice that, I wrote LOOK, not DO. Don’t give too much pressure to yourself, enjoy life.
Learn from me, the lazy human.

Here, I tried to recall my list, personal points not included of course.

I made resolutions that I want to wear more skirts, spend more days without tying ponytail, as you might have guess, failed, some miserably. I really wonder why? WHY?
But maybe this is considered as the best year for hair. I finally cut my hair short (after 15 year with long hair!) until I couldn’t tie it, but then again, when I could raise it up with numerous pins, I tied it again.
For coloring, I only had one moment of thought to color it. If I ever colored it, I’d do it lime green. Mhehehhehe…, it’s cool and I haven’t seen anybody else do it. Not just apply some lime green, but I’d color it white first to get the best result, really fresh lime green. Rather than lime green + original black = dirty green.
So imagine that after a month, I’d be the ugliest girl on earth; dirty green hair with white grayish root. Aiiiyoooo..
Anyway, I already have natural brownish color shade without effort. I thought it means Rambut Rusak, but many said it’s nice shade they wanted to achieve. Hehhehe…kupluk

I wanted to accomplish x number of dives. This one is the most successful, more than I have targeted for.

I wanted to finish Commandos 3: Destination Berlin in x month, done without doubt.

I wanted to learn guitar. At least now I have guitar.

I wanted to learn Chinese. Nope, too expensive!

I wanted to learn etc…
Advice, don’t start a resolution with I want to learn… Most of it failed. Not fun.

So forget about serious resolution. I will make ‘Fun Things To Do’ only.

About 2005, is it a good year for me?

- My big family and my own family are in the best relationships this year.
- I met wonderful people.
- Everything is doing well, everyone is still around me. :)
- I have a blog….mhahahhaha

It had been a great year. Hoping for the same or better year ahead, for me and for you. :)


Times are hard for dreamers.
- Amelie

You live and learn. Or you don't live long.
- Unknown

Love all, trust a few.
- William Shakespeare

Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.
- John Lennon

Why is it that we rejoice at a birth and grieve at a funeral? It is because we are not the person involved.
- Mark Twain

Your life story would not make a good book. Don't even try.
- Fran Lebowitz

I'm trying to arrange my life so that I don't even have to be present.
- Unknown

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Empty Head, Ugly Bag and Snowman

Don’t try to work when your head is empty.

This morning, I came with clear head and did some important things in one hour. Then, my consciousness deteriorated like water through broken vase. No, I didn’t stare blankly on my screen or daydreaming, even worse, I was very busy.

I busied printing, then collected my paper, then cursing and swearing about ugly printer. (I refer everything as ugly; real ugly, broken things or un-delicious food). And I wondered why it took so long to print one page, I printed again, only to realized that I already had one perfect copy on my table and I was the one who did the printing. It felt like I had broken links in my brain today, did the things I already did, felt stupid and angry a while, and laughed at myself later. Yes, I have those crazy symptoms.

Then I worked hard, but just realized that I did almost nothing. I was fast but sloowww in progress, like something that never finish.

That’s it! I twing.

Just now I said something to my colleague. I told her that her bag was very ugly. It was just a remark that came to my mind and passed through my lips. But girl, she made a big fuss about that. Mhehehhe…She was so not confident with her bag then and kept pushing me to say why it was ugly. We even stopped some other colleagues to ask for their opinion.

Guy 1: “Nooooo! Pleaseee… noooo! I don’t want to be involved in this kind of female talk. Spare my life. I appreciate what I have and would never risk my safety to comment on that.” Then he ran out.

Guy 2 : “It’s…ermmm.. not really ugly. Just doesn’t suit your cloth. know what I mean..? It would look good if you…Eh…what I meant was…..”

Blabla..I didn’t understand at all. Then he also ran away.
I never made it up, they said something like what I typed and suddenly the exit door attracted them like magnet.

Me : “Come on. It was only a remark. I said harsh thing every time. Doesn’t mean you have to listen to me.”
Her : “But is it really ugly?”
Me: “Not really….ehm… it looks……quite…..quite ugly.”
She lifted up her pencil in threatening movement, joking of course (joking? come to think of it…), then she asked again.
“Which parts of it are ugly?”
Uh. I was thinking hard. I was not supposed to answer that. She gave me signal NOT to answer that. (Men, don’t ever answer those kind of questions from a gal).
“The material and the shape.”
“Youu!! But why? Why? It’s leather and bla bla..”

All the while we were laughing. But what was funny that she was taking my comment very seriously.
Once, we had office function. We had beach party and supposed to wear beach clothing. I didn’t go as I was very lazy…, most of the people really dressed up, so they brought their beach wear and changed it after office hour, Friday night. She was new then, she didn’t bring any beachwear. Worse, she wore an office skirt. She was worried that she didn’t look ‘matching’, so I said, maybe a slipper would help you rather than those heel shoes. Ended up, I had to accompany her to look for slipper in the mall under my office. I was feeling guilty and sorry for her extra expenses. Me and my big mouth. Hehhehehe

Sometimes, I’m also like her. One comment, if hitting on the right target, straight to the source of pain, I would take it seriously even though I know I shouldn’t. Kekeke.
I guess that is all about woman.
So, don’t say the wrong thing, I will hunt you down and make your life miserable. Ask my husband. :)

As usual, received some few cute Christmas thingy from colleagues. I brought few snowmen this morning, for my Christian friends. Not that I’m racist or what, but to buy for all is too muchhhh…it’s was tedious enough hugging few snowmen on the day I purchased it, suspicious stares and hidden smiles,..and yesterday I overheard my non Christian friend laughing at one of the cute sock he received from some other person. Ugh…what would he think about snowman then?
But I should have bought for all…argh

Lunch time. My lunch colleagues who didn’t receive snowman brought somebody else’s snowman and asked me why I never gave them.
I was cornered and really felt guilty.
“Hey! For etiquette, don’t you think that you shouldn’t ask? Especially when I decided not to give you?”
And bark at my colleague whose snowman leaked my secret gift,” Look what you have done!”
The snowman owner was panicking. The other two admitted they had thick skin to demand for it. Hehhehe…
(I have one spare bigger snowman at home (for myself!), but if I gave one, the other would kill me).
I should have bought cards only. Just cards like last year. Okay. Okay. Next year I’ll bring Santa Claus. For all. Or dress like him.

Christmas…Christmas…what should I do. Few gathering invitations…maybe I should fix my bedroom’s light first. I forget how my room looks like..


I like work; it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours.
Jerome K. Jerome

I do not like work even when someone else does it.
Mark Twain

Being busy and being productive are not necessarily related.
Brian Koslow

Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?
Edgar Bergen

A man dies still if he has done nothing, as one who has done much.
Homer Simpson

Don't try to have the last word. You might get it.

Always tell her she is beautiful, especially if she is not.

Hari Ibu

Tanggal 22 Desember, adalah hari Ibu di Indonesia. Tadinya hari ini ceritanya mau makan2 bareng, tapi dimajuin jadi kemaren.
So kemaren ngambil cuti dadakan deh, selaen males kerja, holiday mood, juga pengen jalan2 bareng keluarga sebelom mereka pada pulang.
Huaaaa..bakal pulang besok.

Emang sih rumahnya kayak kapal pecah sekarang. Hehhehe…sofa bed gue diangkut ke kamar tamu buat tidur, jadi ruang tamu tinggal kerangkanya aja, coffee table gue di geser buat ngebloking pintu gudang, biar ruang tamu jadi kosong, soalnya kita demen goler2an semua, dan bisa buat ajang peperangan ala Chinese, maen mahyong. Trus pool table gue jadi meja tulis buat bokap gara2 coffee tablenya pindah. Bean bag gue jadi tempat maen tenggelem2an ponakan gue, en kasur tipis yang tadinya buat tamu dijadiin goler2an juga diruang tamu. Trus di kursi, di kolong, dimeja, dimana2 ada robot2an, pistol2an, balon ama maenan. Dvd ama Vcd, asli ama kagak bertebaran.
Udah itu, parah2in kondisi. Lampu kamar gue rusak, sebel abis, jadi kabel2nya bergelantungan trus lampu2nya ditaruh dibedside gue,en gue punya torch diving yang guede ditaruh di tempat tidur buat macem2, buat dandan lah, ngeliat muka Hubby etc etc..
Trus karena kita siangnya diluar terus, tuh lampu belom bisa dibenerin, jadi Hubby bawa lampu baca guede mencuat2 nangkring dimeja komputer.

Enaknya, tentu saja, ada nyokap ama kakak ipar gue yang nyuciin, masak dan bersih2 rumah. Jadi gue gak usah pusing2 soal cucian selama mereka disini, dan tentu saja rame, banyak temennya, bisa maen macem2, bisa rebut2an lagi...ama ponakan..

Kemaren cuti ngajakin mereka shopping2an, karena ponakan ini bongsor, umur cuman 3 taon tapi pake baju 7-8 taon, udah kagak ada trolley yang muat buat dia, en kegendutan buat digendong. Jadi tiap kita punya kesempatan dia ditaruh dikeranjang supermarket. Jadi kemaren gue kebagian dorong2 sepanjang kita jalan2 dicarefour. Karena pas dorong geu condong kedepam, dia enak2 aja bersandar. Jadinya rambutnya yang jabrik2 itu nusuk2 muka, berasa kayak diparut ama jenggotan.

Habis ngemall, ngemil, kita maen bowling, sambil nungguin bokap dan Hubby (kerja) ngabung buat makan malem. Masing2 maen lima game, dari ancur2an banget ampe lumayan, ancur lagi, lumayan lagi. Yang maen cuman gue ama big brother, kakak ipar lagi hamil en nyokap gue gak boleh angkat berat2 en ponakan gue belom boleh maen. Emang keberuntungan gue ama Bog Brother gak bisa dibagi2, dia maennya bagus, gue ancur2an, gue maennya bagus, dia ancur2an. Pas bokap join, keberuntungannya dibagi tiga..

Akhirnya makan steamboat deh, ngumpul2 sebelom hari besar.
Mikir2, mungkin sekarang is the happiest time in my life. Moga2 terus2an. Gue punya kerjaan, keluarga yang akur2 dan temen2 yang asik2... Sehat dan gak kekurangan. Menang undian 10 juta dollar pasti asik tapi enggak juga gak apa2.., toh gue gak pernah beli...

Ntar pulang kerja mau nyolong2 beliin nyokap jam tangan. Kemaren dia ada demen satu en gue udah hapalin bentuknya.... ;p

Dari gue buat loe:
Merry Christmassss.
Find Your Christmas Miracle.
Remember, he’s making a list.


Only serious quotes today.

It's pretty hard to tell what does bring happiness; poverty and wealth have both failed. -- Kin Hubbard

If you ever wonder where your love went, you forgot that you are the one who makes it. -- Paul Pearsall

“If you think you’re too small to have an impact, trys going to bed with a mosquito in the room.” -- Anita Koddick

Everyone has the ability of making someone happy, some by entering the room, others by leaving it. -- Unknown

The Lord prefers common-looking people. That is the reason he makes so many of them. -- Abraham Lincoln

Monday, December 19, 2005

Dino Thunder Shut Upppppp

It’s Monday again.

Friday I was almost sure that I got high blood pressure. (My definition of being veryyyyy angryyy)..

I was in the train, on the way to meet a group of people. I knocked off from office early and confident that I could make it on time. One and a half station from mine, the train stopped for few minutes, then moved for few meters, few minutes, few meters, few minutes…
Until one time it stopped, then there was an announcement asking passengers to mind their own business, eh, to switch to other mode of transportation.

To what?

Taxi? I hate taxis. I hate Singapore taxis. I hate small cars. I hate cars.
They just go fast and break every time they want while I was holding my puke. Almost always. The drivers are either rude or talk too much.
And the queue is like rainbow. Colorful with people and you never know where is the ending.

Bus. Bus is the bigger version of taxi, bus driver is SLIGHTLY better. But the destination I wanted to go was out of bus lane and I was not really familiar with the route.

My two options were disappeared.


Bus – MRT and… Walk.

And suddenly my ankles decided that it was a good time to strike. I sprained my ankles, had to walk from one station to another and I was running late and sure enough, I was going to miss my dinner. Huh.

And today, I made special trip to do some paper work for my cousin, end up my journey was useless because the matter could only be done in some place far far away and I don’t know when I can free my precious Saturday with Christmas and New Year Eve come along. Who want to disrupt those days with stupid paper works?

Enough with ranting. It’s just another PMS time. ;p

Saturday, I went out with family. I brought them for shopping, what else to do here…
And to catch Power Rangers show for my nephew. Ugh, Power Rangers, those ugly US imitator. My time, I love Goggle Five. Ayakino, yayaya, kikiakino… (the soundtrack – I swear I remember it correctly).

There was a long line to get into the middle, in front of the stage. Out of nowhere, my brother asked me to join the line with my nephew, and I absentmindedly obeyed. When I was squeezed between hundreds of children (I’m hyperbolic at numbers but they are everywhere!), I sat on the floor with face as confused as my nephew.

“Parents please sit on the side.”
Hey, I’m not a parent.
I'm only a kind-hearted-slow-thinking-fell-into-trap sister of the ugly Daddy..

I had to move my butt; all the while I kept holding my nephew. Because when I explained to him that the Power Rangers was going to be as big as me, he was quite worried. He thought the Power Rangers would only be as small as the robot toys. He might be scared and I was also worried with walking children and adults bumped into him.

We sat. There was one big guy blocking our view. Huh. I thought parents should sit on the side.
Because of the big bloke, I had to cross my legs, half lifted so my nephew could sit and have better view.

Ten minutes. Fifteen. Finally, the host was out. She was annoying. She talked too much and asked the children to shout “Dino Thunder Power Uppp” as loud as they could. My ears protested. She asked them to shout louder and louder.
I looked at my nephew, afraid that he scared. He looked at me and asked whether I scared.

Of course not.”

I already promised him that I would kick the asses of the Power Rangers in case they scared him.
But I was scared. The children around us looked hungry, wild and aggressive, and they kept shouting.

After the agonizing scream, the host asked PR to go out, then she pointed at the poster, “Here they are!”

Kunyuk. Make it fast..

Then she laughed like horse and asked PR to come out again, and a little girl came out. Turned out she was a fan of PR and she was able to demonstrate all the movement of PR.
There went few more minutes, and my leg started to numb.

Dino Thunder Shut Up….

Finally. The yellow, red and blue head were out.
I was clapping and cheering, lucky he was not scared.
So they did the actions. Until one time, the music changed into scary sound. It’s time for monster.
I was looking behind with dazed eyes and jumping pulses. I didn’t want to see the rubber monster my size.
Hell no! I was even afraid with Chiki and Dufan mascot.

Lucky there was no monster. Low budget.
So the Blue Ranger was being hypnotized and became the monster.
And my leg was killing me, and now there were two big blokes in front of us.
And my nephew was so concentrate that I didn’t want to move him.

The red and yellow were fighting with the blue. They knocked him down.

YEAH!” I shout happily.

“Wait..wait….,”said the host,”The Blue Ranger wake up again.”


They knocked him down again. He woke up again.

Kunyuk Red and Yellow. Udah maen keroyokan, kalah lagi.
I was paralyzed from waist down.

They knocked him down again.

“Is Blue Ranger finally regaining his memory? Is he?”

He better be, nyet.

“Yes, he is…!”

Wooo-hoooo!” I was cheering and clapping. The show was over. It was time to find out whether I could walk again or have to amputate something.

But of course, despite numb legs and ears, we were having a good time.
Only so far, I haven’t find a way to get even with my nephew’s Dad.


“You know, some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don’t help.”
(Calvin and Hobbes)

“No, Hal, you’re not wrong, you’re just…less than right.”
(Malcolm In The Middle)

“Oh Lisa! You and your stories! Bart is a vampire! Beer kills brain-cells! Now let’s go back to that…building…thingy…where our beds and TV…is.”
(Homer Simpson)

“When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen. When they’re finished, I climb out.”
(Erma Bombeck)

“Aba-de, aba-de, aba-de, that’s all folks!”
(Porky Pig)