Sunday, November 23, 2008


'Spring' cleaning today.
It's amazing how many junks can build up over a life time.

Real junks, rubbish, unused things, garbages, and my first skirt that stun me for almost half an hour, stunned! How could I ever fit inside that?!! Wohoo, my waist, was..WAS, incredibly small that I'm not even sure one of my tigh can go in now! What happened?? Ouch..ouch..ouch...

Other junks in the category of throw or not throw, it's not useful anymore, i don't even know if it has its use, but it's difficult to throw away. Gifts, cards, letters, toys, souvenirs, books, tools for art and craft, even bicycle we had never used anymore because it's so tedious to pull it out of the store room, assemble the wheels, looking for the pump etc.

Some small things contain a lot of stories. I had a bag full of bottles full of sands. Each bottle of sands come from different beach I had visited, housed inside decorative glass bottle, or mini bottle I got from the hotel. Every bottle had different story and place to tell. White sands, rock sand, coloured sand, fine sand, black volcanic sand to bottle full of tiny shell from a shell beach. I stop collecting them long time ago, because my friend suggest to me to collect underwater sand, which I did, once. I would only take a very small amount of it and dry it before putting it into bottle. But then again, we learned how precious is underwater macro life, how tiny are every creature, so I stop my sand collecting, under or in the shore.

I still have sea shell though, some particular beach are full of seashells, colourful and nicely shape seashell. Altamar Phillippine has a white beach like that, what i did was just park my butt somewhere on the beach and pick them around me without effort. Or laying on the hammock and let my hand drop and scoop them up. I planned to make a nice book marks for my colleagues., but then, eh.. time flies..

Some sea shells can make very nice necklace or bracellet. It's not glamourous bling bling jewelry, but it's sure one of the kind and exotic, especially if you got it from someone who made it with you in mind. : )

So, I also had this small bag of sea shell, brought it to office yesterday for my colleague who has a lot of indoor plants; air plants and water plants. He would put it in a used cookies plastic container, and decorates it with rocks (and now sea shells) and plants. It creates a nice green green environment in office.

Toys, I have hundreds of toys. From soft toys, board games, real toys to those I got from Kinder chocolate and McDonalds. Yes, I can ve victim of Happy Meals. Some of their toys are nice, like the one we built into a big ship from 4 parts. Each part is playable on its own. I just don't like the characters of McDonalds. WTC (What the crap...) a clown (yaiks!), a burglar (!), a chicken (!) and potatoo?
Nevermind, don't let me start on that.

I also have a nice big punching bag with Donald Duck faces standing in fighting position. I love all inflatable stuff (eits!), I mean chair, baloon, inflatable children pool for my nephews etc etc.

But these toys have to go, not because I don't like them but I think some kids will like them better. So I packed them all nicely in ziplog bags, and give them away. Many other things (real junk!) or hardly used stuff visited dust bin. Clothings and other useable stuff in good conditions will find way to those who need it.

In this modern time, we might be able to backup the memory with online journals and albums, thanks to that, but anyhow, everyone would always have a storeroom full of stuffs to be cleared once in a while.

To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.

Junk is not, like alcohol or weed, a means to increased enjoyment of life. Junk is not a kick. It is a way of life.
- William S. Burroughs

Junk is something you throw away three weeks before you need it.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Lonely Planet Bluelist:The Best In Asia - Sucks!

That day I was watching Lonely Planet Bluelist: The Best In Asia, it’s in Singapore, well, only main English speaking channel.

Anyway, the advertisement of that program intrigued me when I saw it, because they are using underwater footage as part of the ad. The best diving sites in the world are in Asia, all located within these three triangle: Indonesia, Phillippine and Malaysia. Their positions in the world globe, equator, current, tide etc make them the best with the most diversity and pleasant water temperature.

I didn’t purposely catch the program, when switching between channels, they were visiting Bali for diving, of course, I stopped to watch, especially when they visited Menjangan, the previous dive site we went in 2005. Menjangan is a beautiful place with beautiful underwater life, blue, colorful, pretty, they have great reef and various macro lives, and also slave boat wreck. The surface interval was also special in the land full of deer, or Menjangan in Indonesian.

However, I was very disappointed with the show. Just for your information, I didn’t start my impression objectively, because I always envy people who are being paid for travel. Argh..See, we work hard to have money to chill out and travel once in a while. They travel all the time, everything paid, and on top of that, they are being paid to do so. Why on earth..? But people always say that too much of good things are also not good. My view is, people who say so are simply jealous and try to cheer themselves up. Hm…personally I don’t mind too much of good thing, who in the right mind does?? ;p

So, I’m disspaointed with the show. It’s supposed to give viewer the impression of the dive sites. So this host went to dive in Menjangan with one of the people we actually know personally in Bali, we just met him again during our trip last month. He is the pioneer of coral reef conservation in Bali. Artificial reef, cracking down cyanide fishing and helping out fisherman who endanger their lives by diving with tyre compressor which cause poisoning and paralysis. He is quite a dominant name in Bali scuba diving industry.

The thing is, the host sounds so ‘blur’ in diving. She practically ‘swimming’ under water, saw the hands swing everywhere for buoyancy, and her commentary was like ‘this is wonderful, nice, beautiful' I guess it’s just right if audience expect more in depth comments than that, maybe something more specific about the dive site or diving instead of general comment we can use for any hot guy or hot girl or hot dog in the street.

If that can actually pass, there was another thing that is really really disappointing, she actually said ‘oxygen tank’ for the very tank that she and other divers breathed. It’s very usual that non-diver thought or make remarks that we are using oxygen tank, but it’s unacceptable for divers to say so. When we breathe oxygen, that means we are in trouble, fighting for our life or survival when we had some incident or decompression illness. There are many mixes of gases for different type of diving and depth, but in the tank for recreational diver, we breathe air, just like what we have on the land, 21% Oxygen and 79% Nitrogen. It’s just being compressed. We hope we don’t get to feel the oxygen because it literally means trouble.

So it’s bad. Come on, it’s Lonely Planet, world-class brand, millions of people actually refer to their brand for travelling etc. And you are being paid for it……!

My father hated radio and could not wait for television to be invented so he could hate that too.
- Peter De Vries

Television is to news what bumper stickers are to philosophy.
- Richard Nixon

On cable TV they have a weather channel - 24 hours of weather. We had something like that where I grew up. We called it a window.
- Dan Spencer

I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.
- Groucho Marx

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tulamben, Bali (24-29 October 2008)

Tulamben, Bali (24-29 October 2008)


or click the link on the right side..


Sunday, November 09, 2008

Sepatu Butut

Gue banyak sepatu butut. Sekarang sih udah mendingan, dulu saking parahnya kondisi sepatu gue ampe temen gue nawarin buangin, padahal itu sepatu kerja gue satu2nya. Sepatu itu ceritanya udah bolong bawahnya, jadi kalo nginjak aer, kebanjiran. Masalahnya gue suka banget sepatunya karena enak dipakai, dan buat dapet sepatu yang gue suka itu susah buanget. Ada pula sepatu yang lapisan dasarnya udah copot, dilem, copot lagi, dilem lagi copot lagi ampe artinya dilempar. Biasanya gue gak tega buang sepatu gue sendiri, jadi minta orang buangin.

Sepatu casual gue yang terakhir juga udah copot solnya, alias kelewer2 kayak buaya. Udah cukup banyak toko2 hardware dimall gue masukin tapi gak nemu yang namanya lem sepatu yang pake kalengan, kalo gak salah dulu gue pernah denger jualan lem sepatu kaleng ini banyak syaratnya soalnya anak-anak remaja sini suka high nyium lem gituan, murah meriah. Cuman kesel aja, gila, nyari lem sepatu kayak nyari martabak keju atau cerita fiksi. Ada toko2 hardware yang lengkap dan masih jaman dulu, tapi letaknya jauh di Lavender dimana kita kudu jalan, diantara toko2 army dan barang2 diving, buat kesananya juga kudu jalan, dan cuman Sabtu karena hari biasa udah tutup pas pulang kantor.

Akhirnya gue lem juga sepatunya pake power glue. Gua masih punya sepatu laen jadi gue gak terlalu khawatir.

Kebetulan banget, kemaren temen gue yang disini kirimin artiket tentang sumbangan, ceritanya himbauan buat menyumbangkan sepatu buat anak2 sekolah disini. Katanya masih banyak anak sekolah sini yang gak punya sepatu yang nyaman. Sementara standard siswa disini, tiap tahun mereka dapet sepatu baru, jadi mari menyumbangkan sepatu baru atau duit buat beli sepatu baru buat mereka, biar bisa membantu membangun keyakinan diri mereka.

Gue kayak…Eh…tai macam apa…(maksud gue mau ngomong, what the crap..), sementara sumbangan2 laen buat dapet dana nyekolahin anak2, beli buku, vaksinasi atau bakal buat makan dan obat2an. Harga satu sepatu sekolah bata cukup kali buat bayarin uang sekolah anak dipelosok Indonesia sekitar setengah tahun. Pokoknya habis temen gue kata2in. Sementara sepatu gue juga dodol, perasaan dulu pas sekolah sepatu gue awet ampe copot atau paling enggak bisa bertahan 5 tahun, atau dulu pas bokap gue pake plastic kresek sebagai pengganti tas, atau gue pake tas president brodol bekas punya tetangga yang kebuka dan keluar semua isi tasnya pas dilanding tangga, atau pake rok yang pinggangnya dari karet biar pas gue gedean atau lebaran masih bisa dipake. Apa-apan suruh gue nyumbang, harus sepatu baru, biar membantu keyakinan diri? Bakal jadi apa tuh anak kalo gak punya sepatu baru aja gak pede?

Haha,..pokoknya habis messengernya, dia jadi kelabakan, ha..kaget karena gue yang biasanya baek hati…(achoooo!)...tiba2 jadi kejam, salah topik sih loe…!

Sekarang biarin gue dan sepatu butut gue menyendiri. Huh ;p

If the shoe fits, it is probably worn out.
- Craig Bruce

Who will wear a shoe that hurts him, because the shoe-maker tells him 'tis well made?
- Algernon Sydney

A shoe that is too large is apt to trip one, and when too small, to pinch the feet. So it is with those whose fortune does not suit them.
- Horace

The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.
- Carl Jung

So now I'm left with cigarettes, and I'm trying to scrape that off my shoe and then I'll be done.
- Diane Lane