Friday, February 09, 2007

Dedicated to my Mini

When I reached home last night, I found my handphone to be in feverish condition. It’s hotter than usual, and when I tried to find out what was wrong, it blacked out on me. As a result, I gave it and MC for a night, took out the battery and sim card, and let it cooled down for a least the night. I had this paranoia that hot handphone device could be dangerous, I even thought of possibility of it blew up in my hand. Hey, I have seen two computers blew up before, I have seen cd rom together with the cd flew from its CPU slot and attacked me when I worked on Saturday. Coincidence? I don’t think so. Those big or tiny machine, like us, they also piss off if they worked 24/7.

So, for my handphone, when it died down, lived and died down again, I knew that I might as well blame myself for letting it overworked. I charge it almost everyday, because I play games almost everyday. But I also know the risk of letting that device rest for one night, and this morning it’s proved. Everything was reset to default, I lost all my contact, phone number and email, my games, windows and my interface change back to normal, all the programs and settings I installed for long period of time had disappeared, now that I know how not enough is ‘normal’.

I have developed good relationship with it, as psycho as it sounds. It’s like an entertainment and work centre for me. To play games when I’m bored, to write when I’m in long journey, anything, from blog, stories to recipe and things to remember or even to write my secret resolution lately, to prepare my journey quotations, itineraries and calculations, to listen to my favorite music, or even to check my emails.
From physical appearance, I have been over protective to it, from making it wear the bulky-crystal-case and another puffy bag and never take it overseas to protect it from theft. However, mentally, I’ve been less protective and have been a mean master for overworking it.

Now I’m hopeful that I would be able to retrieve those information that I’ve lost.
Hayaaah, but this time, unlike usual, I don’t kick or curse at the device, as what I used to do to something broken (ex.lift, washing machine, computer or even a plastic sealing tool). As the matter of fact, I feel guilty, poor thing, now that I know how much I need it, it’s awake and ok now, but I think it still a little bit angry with me. The sickness apparently drained out its energy and while I’m hoping for its survival, I need to make sure the fever won’t come back.

Hik. Please don’t leave me. Hik hik sroot.


They have computers, and they may have other weapons of mass destruction.
- Janet Reno