Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Sometimes I wonder What Am I Talking About

With these rainy season, my posts had been a little bit melancholic, hehhehe…actually, not really, not much different, or actually, no one can tell anyway…
Still finding the best way to post the pictures (keep looking for reasons to cover my laziness)…

As usual, whenever I visit Jakarta, I hunt for movies. :)
Few weeks before, I watch 24 season three and like it much. At first, I refused to watch this TV serial, I thought, what the hell could happen if every episode is dedicated for one hour only, what could happen, that must be a bloody boring movie?!?
When I had time to rent the whole third season, whoa, it was good.
So I hunt for first and second season in Jakarta, don’t know whether the forth has come out. Yesterday, we’ve just found out that they gave us two set of second season! $##%@#!
Other than 24, we bought TV Serials like Las Vegas and Rome, and few other movies.
No, I still refuse to watch Desperate Housewife. I’d even prefer Taken. Yikes.

New year, where are those good movies? Narnia and King Kong? Gak napsuin amat…

A week ago, just getting hot with Da Vinci Code, too late I know. I’ve lost my appetite for novel quite a long time ago. There are many novels untouched inside my room, just because I didn’t feel like reading it. The last one I read was A Lost Child, by don’t know who from don’t know when, bought it at second hand book fair in perfect condition. Not a bad one, after that, Harry Potter, that’s when my brother sent the e-book to me and I had spare time in office.

I figured out sometimes I have extra time for e-books in office so I bought Da Vinci Code e-book, knowing that the movie would be out around May. I heard about this book last year, but didn’t have the will to read it, as I heard that it has some religious thing.

I shared the e-book with my colleague and both of us were peeping from a small window in the monitor. We were both free at work last week. The beginning was so-so, I kept distracted and did something else, then the middle was very tense. It was so tense for us, being a Da Vinci virgins, I got excited and suddenly I spent much time reading about Leonardo Da Vinci and his arts. If only my university textbook was as exciting as this, I wouldn’t have hard time understanding the concept of human proportion etc…
And Bam, there was the disappointing ending.
Yeah, ending is almost always be the most difficult part.
At least, I think, it restores my interest in reading, which is something maybe more healthy than sitting in front of computer. Also, there are not many exciting games nowadays.

I’m bored so let me be movie commentator:

I had one Japanese movie: Quill, about a seeing golden retriever. It was a cute and touching one.

28 Days Later:
Good interesting concept at the beginning. What if one day you wake up and realize that you are alone in the world? Sounds like a promising movie …but it was a cliché. Disappointing.

Butterfly Effect:
Hardly able to find someone who look dumber or more annoying than Aston Kurcher. But surprisingly, I like this movie.

Zzzzz…. Didn’t finish.
Fyi, I watch from DVD, if I watched in cinema, I hardly fall asleep except one of God Father series, I was eleven and I woke up few times only whenever Andy Garcia came to sight. Andy Garcia? I remember I found him cool then, or was it because I was eleven?

Love Me If You Dare, French movie (?) It’s a good one. Not a usual love tale, terrible and horrible (why these two words have the same meaning?).

A Very Long Engagement:
Realized that it’s not an English-speaking movie. But it’s a very long movie. Long doesn’t always mean long or good but also doesn’t always mean boring.

Chicken Little, Fantastic Four, The Guru: Yawn.

The Jacket: Like it. Andrian Brody and Kiera Knightly’s.

Hostage : Bruce Willis’s. Pfft. It could be a hit if released in nineties.
But now, not much people are still impressed in one-man hero. The movie is too Bruce Willis and so predictable.

I’m sleepy.


May you be the kind of person your dog thinks you are.
-- Mahatma Dahgi

Don't steal. The government hates competition.
-- Unknown

There are so many things that we wish we had done yesterday, so few that we feel like doing today.
-- Mignon McLaughlin

I loathe people who keep dogs. They are cowards who haven't got the guts to bite people themselves.
-- August Strindberg

When I cannot brag about knowing something, I brag about not knowing it.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson