Friday, January 13, 2006


I don’t know why but I seem to have problem with those ***** email.
From ancient time until recently, I received many mails talking about free laptop, money, etc. Gee, I was amazed about how people still believe in those kinds of mail. It doesn’t take a genius to see… I can just delete them but that’s not the point if I keep receiving them from people I suppose they are able to know more. Some say, just try, nothing to lose, iseng, etc… Fine with me and my thrash bin.

One day I was having problem closing my jaw when Hubby told me that one of his colleagues was actually transfer money so that he could receive big sum of reward (It even sounds that stupid!). And he is still expecting to receive a mail telling him that he is rich, and he would have been transferred some amount of money bla bla bla…, he even told Hubby,” Wait until I rich.”
Speechless, Hubby said, “I’ll wait.”
See? He actually transferred away his money, how foolish is that?

Note :
Actually I wrote this quite sometime ago, but I refrained my self from posting it because I didn’t see any point that I could contribute to world peace.
But just this morning, my smart cyber friend shared me this link:

I love it!

I know that this will offend someone somehow, but IT’S time to know the reality….
And face it with a smile!

This is the introduction of the link:
The whole idea of this website is to turn online scammers into victims. It's just that simple.

If you aren't aware, a really popular scam right now is the Nigerian 419 scam, it goes a little something like this. The person that emails you usually has some really important title that commands respect and they have a sob story, rough life, war torn nation, blah, blah and how they have a huge amount of money that they need to move out of the country, usually Nigeria. This is where you come in, if you only provide them with your bank account numbers, etc they can wire it over to you. What a great deal! Once you provide them with the information, instead of depositing the money, they go ahead and steal all of yours. So you in fact, don't get the millions of dollars :(



Humor is just another defense against the universe.
-- Mark Twain

There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.
-- Steven Wright