Monday, July 24, 2006

July's Backup

They say, when someone had entered old age, they would have reserve thinking; they would start to think like children again. That is the reason why someone said their boss started to act like a child, stubborn and persistent, and therefore, made some decisions that he viewed not as wise, in echo of agreement from others. To my surprise, they are serious.

Is that so? Maybe it is.
I like one advertisement; I guess it’s from Mercedes, about a life that starts the other way around. I tried to write a story about it, but I don’t think I made it well. So human born old, and get younger everyday. They become fitter, healthier, better looking and happier the more they live.
One more, insurance will cost less when we buy it ‘older’. And we are pretty looking by the time we are ‘old’. People like to take care of cute baby rather than old wrinkle elderly.
Isn’t it a great concept?
One flaw though, human has to grow from tree, otherwise, it’s hard to bear an elderly. I hope I made myself understandable.

I don’t think I fit into old age yet, definitely not, no, no, no, but I like simpler things nowadays, because life around the world is more complicated than ever. I do remember a low budget movie called Human Time Bomb, and we were like, Gosh, a very daring and original concept, who would want to blow themselves? But today, we can watch news about another, another and yet another real cases. If Nazi raised everyone’s brow and caused the world to curse them, there were still another Rwanda genocide and around the world riots.
And pageants! The programs we watch when it’s too hot to go outside or the remote control run out of battery, they are still the same, with the same type of faces and fake smiles waving to the camera. Since we are more into reality shows nowadays, why can’t those Beauty Pageant Queens walk the way they wish, answered questions without being politically correct, laugh, frown or kick fellow contestants when they lose? Why the image of a beauty queen waving around with big fake smile gave me nightmare?
I’m sorry; weekend’s program is so crappy that I didn’t have other choices than to watch an Encore, of a Pageant. Brrr.

I watched a cute movie titled Little Manhattan. It’s not a masterpiece, or something spectacular. It’s just a movie about two kids, ten and eleven, and they like each other. That simple. But the movie is very smooth, funny and crisp from a child point of view. And the child actor is excellent with priceless expressions. It’s good just because it’s very real and fresh.
And I watch a kind of weird Mandarin movie called The Shoe Fairy. It’s weird, it’s a quiet movie, it doesn’t have the best plot or originality, but somehow it’s nice. Very nice, imho.


First you forget names, then you forget faces. Next you forget to pull your zipper up and finally, you forget to pull it down.
- George Burns

USA Today has come out with a new survey: Apparently three out of four people make up 75 percent of the population.
- David Letterman.

I went to a restaurant that serves "breakfast at any time". So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance.
- Steven Wright

A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere.
- Groucho Marx

My wife has a slight impediment in her speech. Every now and then she stops to breathe.
- Jimmy Durante