Tuesday, May 22, 2007


The time I need to wake up and get ready every morning determines my kind of breakfast. If I have enough time, I could have better breakfast and even enjoying morning paper. If I don’t, I have to settle down with crappy breakfast or stuff anything in my mouth while working, or have to keep coughing to camouflage the Godzilla sound from my stomach until lunch time.

Actually having breakfast in train can come in handy. But in here, it’s prohibited to eat or drink in the train, I guess for hygiene purposes. Otherwise it would be too cruel. Right?
However, I’ve seen it being practiced without compromising on environment quality; aka, it’s still clean although people are eating. In Sydney, during peak hour morning, everyone is having breakfast inside the train. They also have those comfortable seating they can flip facing front or back so they can chat with friends during breakfast time. Okay, maybe there is culture problem here. If Sydney-an eats sandwich for breakfast, Singaporean might settle for Laksa or Prata with curry sauce, so I can also see the government concern. For those who don’t know, Laksa is something you shouldn’t eat when you wear bright clothes.
I do remember in Indonesia, there is also no regulation to prohibit people from eating in Jabotabek train also. But there is a catch, big one; there is no room for eating. There is even no room for your leg once you happen to lift it up for a while. But my last update is about seven years ago, I guess now, you can still put down your leg if you don’t lift it too long. It’s an improvement leh….

Saturday Night, after my bloody inhuman exam, although very tired, we went to the Euro Fun Fair, something like portable festival and entertainment, it was set up near our house. We went to similar event before err…some years ago, and we had great time and spent good amount of money to play. So I thought I wanted to have some fun and we dropped by. Unlike back then, now we didn’t have to pay to go in, in negative way, there were many people because it’s free to look-look see-see. There were quite a numbers of rides, pretty carousel, big Ferris wheel, some ‘killing’ machine that go round round round and round, actually those high excitement rides, but for me, whack me any time or I’d rather ride roller coaster half a day that those machines that only good at manipulating round move. Huek…. Boi tahan.

There are also stalls with games and huge toys as present. But I don’t know why, it didn’t feel happening at all, unlike last time we went. The music was there, the crowd, hmm..too much idle crowd. Maybe the operator played a big part. Previous one, those, I suppose, UK people would go around and aggressively promoting their stalls and asked people to join them. The Werewolf exhibit even displayed the guy who will turn into Werewolf outside (before he turned into one of course), the promoting was so good and the feel of festival was there. We did pay to go in to see the Werewolf. He he, it was doubtfully true of course, but we did run to exit for our dear life..!
Now, there was no those ginger haired guys, there was no Werewolf, instead there was a Haunted House, but the guy who were at the stall was so bored that he sit motionlessly beside the scary monster on display and he even looked scarier than it.

So it was quite a disappointment, maybe it’s us who were too tired to have the mood, but honestly, we tried to generate it to no avail. We stood in front of the Bumper Cars, one of my favorite rides, but the will to play was not there. There were a lot of people playing, but it doesn’t look really fun because they were not mad, people should be mad and willing to crush each other to qualify to play bumper car. Instead, uhm..sorry, they looked too Singaporean, they are careful, easy to be scared and even frown when somebody bumped on their car. Hayah! Go to the street and play safe, the ride isn’t named as Bumper Car for nothing.

But one good thing to scribble on my note, foul mood and tired body also saves me from spending. : )


I went to the museum where they had all the heads and arms from the statues that are in all the other museums.
- Steven Wright

Don't shout for help at night. You might wake your neighbors.
- Stanislaw J. Lem, "Unkempt Thoughts"

Vegetarian: Indian word for lousy hunter.
- Seen on a bumper sticker

Those are my principles. If you don't like them I have others.
- Groucho Marx