Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Surga Ada Di Kaki Orang Tua

On yesterday newspaper, there was an article that caught my eyes. I have seen similar a topic not so long ago in another newspaper.
It’s story about an elderly in China who committed arson. He is seventy, and the reason that made him do it is very pitiful, he just want to go to the prison, where he could get food and shelter. He was just release from five-year prison term for the same act, with the same reason.
The news followed by some statistic fact that although this case is extreme, it is a fact that many elderly, specifically in China, doesn’t have anybody to take care or provide for them, their children moved to big town to find a better life and leave them.

As I said, not so long ago, there were some articles in the news paper about elderly suicides rate her in Singapore. The reasons, they are lonely, they children don’t care about them and sometimes they feel they have become a burden and the children don’t treat them well. It’s quite common that some elderly passed away alone in their flat and not to be found until days or weeks after, because children hardly visit them.

It’s indeed a very very sad reality that is growing in modern society.
Long gone the days when children feel obligated to take care of their parents and respect and even fear of them. Long gone also the day when mother in law is a living hell.
Look around me and my family, sometimes I feel sad to see my parents and my mother in law’s effort to make them ‘needed.’ Of course, they don’t have to do that because they have filial children and even in-laws. But read between the lines, they can’t help to think that they have to contribute something, by being helpful and always being there when we need them for fear of being rejected like others.
It’s heartbreaking to oversee their fear. At these age, when they are supposed to enjoy life, they never stop caring and worrying about us. Something I keep telling them that they need to enjoy life and their hardwork and they don’t need to save for us anymore as we can take care of ourselves. I can see my dad’s target is being postponed years by years, from making sure all of us have good education, married, and now, they are worrying about our children.

Maybe most of the people never realized how much effort a parent puts into their children. From the moment the mother carries them, goes through the pain of labor, cry and worried when the children are hurt, wait by the bed when the children are sick and forgive them when they are rude and ungrateful, sacrifice their own pleasures and needs for the children, give them time, love and everything.

And some of the angels still end up on the street. : ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

I received this one long time ago, unknown writer, original in Indonesian. It makes me think really hard, and shed some hurt and shameful tears.


Ketika aku sudah tua, bukan lagi aku yang semula
Mengertilah, bersabarlah terhadap aku
Ketika pakaianku terciprat sup, ketika aku lupa bagaimana mengikat sepatu,
Ingatlah bahaimana dahulu aku mengajarimu.

Ketika aku berulang-ulang berkata-kata tentang sesuatu yang telah bosan kau dengar, bersabarlah mendengarkan, jangan memutuskan pembicaraanku.
Ketika kau kecil, aku harus selalu mengulang cerita yang telah beribu-ribu kali kuceritakan agar kau tidur.

Ketika aku memerlukanmu untuk memandikanku, jangan marah padaku.
Ingatkah sewaktu kecil aku harus memakai segala cara untuk membujukmu mandi?

Ketika aku tak paham sedikitpun tentang teknologi dan hal-hal baru, jangan mengejekku.
Pikirkan bagaimana dahulu aku begitu sabar menjawab setiap “mengapa” darimu.

Ketika aku tak dapat berjalan, ulurkan tanganmu yang masih kuat untuk memapahku.
Seperti aku memapahmu saat kau belajar berjalan waktu kau masih kecil.

Ketika aku melupakan pembicaraan kita, berilah aku waktu untuk mengingat.
Sebenarnya bagiku, apa yang dibicarakan tidak penting, asalkan kau disamping mendengarkan, aku sudah sangat puas.

Ketika kau memandang aku yang sudah mulau menua, janganlah berduka.
Mengertilah aku, dukung aku, sepeti aku menghadapimu ketika kamu belajar menjalani kehidupan.
Waktu itu aku memberi petunjuk bagaimana menjalani kehidupan ini, sekarang temanilah aku menjalankan sisa hidupku.

Beri aku cinta dan kesabaran, aku akan memberikan senyum penuh rasa syukur.
Dalam senyum ini terdapat cintaku yang tak terhingga untukmu.

Ayah dan Ibu


When I’m old, and not the person I used to be,
Please understand and be patient with me.

When my clothes are being tainted by soup, and I forget hoe to tie my shoelaces,
Please remember how I used to teach you those things.

When I keep saying and repeating the same stories,
Please listen to them patiently, don’t shut me down.
When you were little, I repeated the fairy tales a thousand times so you could sleep.

When you need you to bathe me, don’t be angry with me.
Remember I had to use everyway I could to make you shower when you were small.

When I don’t understand a single bit about technology and new things, don’t laugh at me.
Think about how patient I used to answer every ‘Why’ from you.

When I can’t walk, show me your hand and reach out for me,
Think about how I used to hold you when you learned to walk.

When I forget about our conversations, give me time to remember.
Actually the conversations are not important to me, but having you listening by my side.

When you see me growing old, don’t be sad.
Understand me, support me, as what I used to do when you started to learn about life.
Back then, I showed you how to face life, now accompany me to go through the rest of mine.

Give me love and patience, I will give you thankful smile,
Smile that carry my unlimited love for you.

Mom And Dad.