Monday, May 29, 2006


Semalem baru tau tentang Yogya, gue masih pikir salah kali beritanya, soalnya cuman ngeliat sepotong kecil kabar ngintipnya dari hape pula, ampe akhirnya tadi pagi liat beritanya dikoran.

My pray goes to every soul and every family and every tears..

Indonesia tuh kasihan, udah miskin, sering kena bencana alam. Kalo dibilang, Indonesia itu duduk diatas kompor, diatas segala lempengan tektonik, vulkanik dsb. Segi positifnya Indonesia kaya akan segala sumber daya alam, tapi sayangnya yang memanfaatkan banyak bukan orang Indo, tapi orang2 asing yang berduit yang mampu menanamkan modal dan mempekerjakan buruh2 murah lokal.

Menyedihkan, banget, padahal kalo diurus baik2, mustinya Indo punya segala modal buat jadi negara makmur dan kaya, biarin 200 juta penduduk (ini statistic jaman gue masih di Indo?) mustinya gak masalah kalo yang ngurusin bener, bukan kampret kunyuk tukang2 korupsi yang gendutin perut buncit sendiri.
Kalo Indo jadi Negara kaya, mustinya segala teknologi paling cepat punya, jadi mereka tau kira2 kapan disaster akan datang. Emang disaster buatan alam gak bisa diramal, tapi resikonya bisa dikurangin. Dan manusianya bisa dididik sehingga mereka punya standar hidup lebih tinggi, lebih aman dan punya tempat tinggal yang layak kalo mengungsi. Manusianya lebih tau kalo jangan sampai menimbulkan tanah longsor, membom terumbu karang, untuk mencegah natural disaster yang gak natural.
Seandainya Indo kaya, lebih banyak dokter yang bisa membantu, pemerintah bisa membantu dengan sepenuh hati, gak korup soal sumbangan demi keperluan minum susu anaknya, kapan lagi? Semuanya merasa benar, semuanya berasa tragis.

Manusia seharusnya bukan cuman statistik.

For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
-John Greenleaf Whittier

Friday, May 26, 2006

Menado May

Finally, it's done.
Click on the sidebar link,
or check out


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Title Is Boring

I hate Taxis. I hate Singapore Taxis especially. They drive like mad man, sneak around like bajaj and brake anytime like bus. Furthermore, they have this kind of smoky smell.
And I hate myself for having a very low tolerance for motion sickness, especially for Singapore taxis, I would prefer walk, bus, motorcycle and even bicycle.

Those unavoidable moments are those like midnight hours and unfamiliar places. We visited our friend for an opening ceremony in his new office and ended up taking taxi. Although I was safe from motion sickness, the ride left spooky pukey feeling whole day long.
I admit I have been waiting to watch Da Vinci Code, the tickets were sold like crazy in front of my eyes on the first opening day. The next day, since we were free, we bought a late show. It was scary, we bought the ticket for the next three hour show, in far far away unpopular theater, and yet it still ran out like hot cookies. The unfilled seats were filled the moment I chose it, so I had to change it again and again.
Anyway, imo, the movie was better than the book. Because, I didn’t really understand the book! He… I think they chose excellent casts, and Paul Bettany looks good. : )
By the way, I just want to say I was so happy that I still could catch the late night train, the last train to home.

Sunday, we did half a day spring cleaning. Took care of the gears, laundries and…books.
I can’t believe how many books I have, and how many more I want to have. But still, my favorite ones were the ones in pictures, for children, comics. Comics last forever, while novels can only be read one time, maybe two times, after a very long span. So we moved half of the book to the storeroom, the new bookrack Hubby just built few weeks ago, and another half, those comics I like to read before bedtime, between TV advertisement, when doing business in toilet… to our room, for easy access, and actually, because our original rack is over overloaded. We cleared up a whole stack of magazines, including some wedding magazines I used to refer to for my wedding gown etc. Sniff sroot.. they were bloody thick, and we threw away one Pre married book, it was a book we used when we attend pre marital course from church, the cover was a wedding picture of a couple with sixties, maybe fifties gown and hairstyle, with pinkish and purplish background, while the groom had thin scary moustache and high hair enough to hide Mickey mouse and family. So if you need some chuckle, you are welcome to see it, we still keep one.

The other half of Sunday was consists of lazying around, we don’t know where to go and we haven’t gone back to our previous life routine. We hardly touch computer at home, and we sleep nine hours a day. It was only yesterday I stayed up to twelve and realized, "Hey! Black Sky!"


A small town is a place where there's no place to go where you shouldn't.
- Burt Bacharach

Dead birds don't fall out of their nests.
- Winston Churchill - when someone told him his fly buttons were undone

I have spent a lot of time searching through the Bible for loopholes.
- W.C. Fields - during his last illness

I admire the serene assurance of those who have religious faith. It is wonderful to observe the calm confidence of a Christian with four aces.
- Mark Twain

I can only please one person per day. Today is not your day and tomorrow doesn't look good either.
- Bumper sticker

Thursday, May 18, 2006


I admit, I have this laziness disease. My only devoted time for serious computer works, like..uhm..writing blog are during office hours. That is why I haven’t completed even a quarter of journey story because I don’t have much leisure time these few weeks. When I am at home, I could never be serious with computer, I could spend hours playing, two weeks ago smoke even came out from my computer because I played all day long during super hot summer. But when I try to do something serious, even something fun like holiday research, or write, I found my forehead on my keyboard in minutes, I had OIUYTRE written there once, or ERTYUIO if you are Arabic reader, or EDCRFVTGB if you are Chinese reader. Observe your keyboard if you are confused.

These three weeks, many things happen, although I can’t remember what happen a week before I went to Menado, it was sort of blur except I got a call from my Korean friend. He is mysterious one, he is able to locate me anytime anywhere, but he CAN’T be located, such as he doesn’t have fixed email address, fixed telephone number or house address (Come to think of it, I’ve never asked, anyway we have never had frequent enough email exchange for this kind of ‘have to be written’ information.) So, he calls me often enough for us to know each other news, but this time, he was here, in Singapore.

He called on Friday afternoon, but I missed the call. When I called back, he missed the call. At the evening, he called again. He would be in Singapore until Sunday and asked to meet up on Saturday, but I would have to catch my plane very early on Saturday. After speechless for a while, with broken Indonesian, he said, half laughing, “Ini tidak adil.”
So, until next time he locates me, because after he left Singapore, I don’t have his contact again.

One week after that, Saturday 13th evening, we touched down on Singapore. I had my younger brother who just married recently with his wife as my guests. They were my most ignored guests because I didn’t have the mood to go to town; anyway they had their own plans.

Gotta get back to work, hopefully I can dig up a complete journal next something.
Next week, next…


I love deadlines. I especially like the whooshing sound they make as they go flying by.
- Douglas Adams

The amount of sleep required by the average person is just five minutes more.
- Anonymous

When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity.
- Albert Einstein

I sometimes go to my own little world, but that's okay, they know me there.
- Joel Hodgson

Why is the alphabet in that order? Is it because of that song?
- Steven Wright