Thursday, April 28, 2011


I miss writing.
Or to be exact, I miss having a mood to write.
When I checked my archive, I haven't really write anything much this year, or even last year.
I have ideas, things and stories to write, but it's either the mood didn't get to me, or the things that I had are too private to share.

Anyho, let's get cracking. I plan to get started, and I have to. I'm not dead yet.

What is up with the royal wedding?
Seriously, I don't read much news nowadays, yet I couldn't seem to escape hearing something about it. Let me put it this way.
I could not care less about it.
Enough of it already. I can understand that it's big in England, but why the hell it's became a breaking news internationally, does anyone really care? Two married got married. Big deal, they are royal. Big deal. To me, they are just two ordinary people getting married, no offense, they are not even interesting characters to me. So all the hype and everything are completely waste of space, there are billion other news more deserving and important to appear in my television set. Argh.

Other thing, again, seems like we can't see summer in 2011 too. Last year, May, June and July was as rainy as those months ended with 'ember', September, November, Desember.
Now we are entering May already, and the weather is as wet as ever. Yesterday I was caught in the rain on site in the morning, thinking that my afternoon will be spared. But nooo, it was raining heavily in the afternoon too.

Why I concern about weather? I like rainy weather in the city (read:not in holiday), the days become cooling and pleasant. Rainy weather is bringingout my indoor mood to get really relax, like, writing, listening to music, play game, sleep, any relaxing activities.

However, rainy weather sometimes deprives me from doing my other favorite activities, taking pictures, cycling or doing something outdoor. On the less fun note, it also make my work more difficult if progresses are delayed because of rain. Other new reason that I have, now I'm in the mercy of weather because of my new mode of transportation, ngojek boooo.
The whole taking up of motorcycle license probably deserve its own post. Yah, now I'm at the mercy of rain, and seems like every afternoon, there is always heavy pouring rain here. Sometimes it stops on time, sometimes it's not. Since I lost my riding buddy, it's not fun to stay alone in the office waiting for the rain to subside.

What else is worth mentioning? Aiya.. mood again.
I haven't been in contact with facebook for almost three months. It seems like short time, but I dreaded to jump in. A lot of things to clear and more things to catch up. I guess I'm fine living without facebook. For me, it's like, when I'm active, I'd be active, but once I left, it's hard to drag me back. Thinking of clearing up everything numbs my nerves. I also have to finish my journal, it's been too long. Anyway, this weekend is long weekend, hopefully it gets me up and running, I mean writing.