I want to close this year with what I do best: mencela!
What is the English word for that? Mocking? Yup, maybe.
Two or three days ago, in newspaper, I read an interesting article. This company provides sperms, what make it special is they provide sperms of celebrity look-alike. And so far, they are doing pretty well. Look-alike, mind you. And according to the article, best selling sperm is from a Ben Affleck look-alike donor. (What are they thinking?)
The even more weirder thing is that they can actually do customization.. so for example if you want Hugh Jackman chin, Tom Cruise eyes and Gerald Depardieu nose, or whatever, by all means! (I wonder how?! You mean you can decide which of that little sticky thing is actually eyes, nose?)
Anyway, I think it' quite scary to customize babies.. or designer babies, so they said. Well, it's just unnatural for my liking, where is the element of surprise, where is the cuteness of parent-children look-alike, where is the human element???
I heard before about customizing DNA so that the babies would be born healthy, well, I think that one might be a breakthrough in medical history in positive way. Who doesn't want healthy babies? Who want their babies to suffer? I've seen many suffering and pain so I guess that would be well received in respected way.
However, to design how a baby would look? Worse, with look-alike? You know what look-alike is.. look-alike can mean anything! What if the Tom Cruise look-alike is actually Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder? Hallooo... It's subjective! How many time someone says you look like some other people and you did your best to deny it? I know I did, many many times. From being flattered to WHAT?!? Get out of here!!
I mean, if you can secure the real deal, there is no point of going for look-alike. Sssshhhh..
But as I grow older, I learn there is one thing consistent.
Never say never.
Unless you really in the respective shoes, you never know what you are going to do or what you are going to feel. It's just so easy to judge from afar.
So, even though I find it ridiculous now, I never know what I would do in their position.
I guess every parents want their kids to have easier life, and honestly, people associate easy life with better looks. It might be true, proven many times. It might be not, proven many times.
But, one thing.... Ben Affleck? Come on...