Monday, December 28, 2009


P.S: I had a handful of html, but hopefully it works fine!

Sometimes, I like to try out little quizzes like these, when I don't feel like doing anything heavy or something tasking. Everyone (admit it!) love to know more about themselves to certain extend. I think that human is so complicated that we don't even understand ourselves 100%. Some make it good like 80-90%, but most probably many fall into category of 60%, while some barely make it pass 40%. Where do I get these number? From my own undefined analysis. Mhe he he.. I'm quite sure about it though, and I believe if I'm very sure for long, it would be eventually true. Of course! Otherwise, I would change the numbers. Right..?

I used to call them silly little quizzes but I drop the 'silly' because sometimes I'm amazed with the result, especially when it says nice thing about me, of course. As the way I am, I love pop-up-less and really straight to the point quizzes without the need to sign up anything or those annoying quiz who let you answer 100 questions and tell you that you need to pay at the end of the day to know the results.

I found this website by accident, and believe me, I can spend significant amount of 'light' time just fumbling through all those, but after that, get on with reality.

I don't really wonder about this question, but there were some occasions that make me think "Am I a flirt?" I was told before by some friends (guys!) that some guys 'misread' my signals because I was being nice to them, and to guys, being nice almost equal to I like them too in more than friendly kind of way. I would brush it aside because it's unreasonable to me for not being what I am (which is: nice --> huekkk) and if they know me well enough, they'll see. Truth to be told, I proved my point. However, I was reading woman's magazine sometime ago, and to my surprise, there are many things that considered as 'flirt' to men. Even the simplest thing that looking at them in the eye or be playful with your hair. Hah? So I was willing to know, here are the relevant tests (many because I want to be sure), as I don't want to be misunderstood no matter how slight is the possibility and I'm not exactly in the status that allow me to flirt anymore!

Quiz: Are You A Physical Flirt?
Your Physical Flirt Level: 10%

You aren't a physical flirt. If anything, you tend to be a bit cold, physically.

There's a good chance that you don't enjoy touching people... or being touched.

And while there's nothing wrong with how you are, you may be sending people the wrong message.

So give a hug or pat on the back every now and then. Even if you aren't trying to flirt, it will make you seem friendlier.

Touche! I emphasize many many times that I don't like being touched as common communications. See what this amazing little quiz does? ;p

Quiz: Are You A Natural Flirt?
You Are Not a Flirt

Flirting doesn't come easily to you, and you can't stand anything to do with it.

You just try to be as honest and real as possible. To flirt would be fake.

While there's nothing wrong with being yourself, you might benefit from being a little more assertive.

Approach someone you're interested in for a change. Try talking to someone you're into instead of only talking to those already into you!

Quiz: What Kind Of Flirty Girl Are You?
You Are a Coy Flirt!

You're not so much a flirt as the type of girl who draws flirts in

While you look like you're just relaxing, secretly you've got your game on

A little look here, a little wink there... you give men the encouragement they crave

And in return, they flirt up a storm with you - while you just sit and smile

Quiz: Do Men Think You Are A Tease?
You Are Not a Tease

You definitely know how to flirt, but you usually choose not to.

You're not the type of girl who leads guys on - and men appreciate that.

Your charms and sexiness are saved for the one guy you're into...

And for that, he digs you even more!

Okay, as you see, I'm suck at flirting. It's good to know though. I'll be mermerized if the tests prove otherwise! ;p

Sometimes, when I'm in emotional ride, it frustates me to think that I'm just one of the billions who think with my heart and being controlled by my feelings. While I believe I can't really escape from being with my gender, I try, try, try very hard to control my emotions (because it's tiring being controlled by them) and I hope I'm getting better by days.

Quiz: Do You Follow Your Head or Your Heart?
You Follow Your Head

You're rational, collected, and logical.

Generally, it takes you quite a while to fall in love.

In fact, you've even been accused of being very picky.

While you're cool, you're not ice cold.

You just know what you want, and don't mind waiting to get it.

Well now, hairy business.
Along my live, I can count with my left hand how many times I change my hair style.
I've cut my hair boy short two times, and both times it's icking me and it grows back. Fast.

Quiz: What Length Hair Should You Have?

You Should Have Super Long Hair

You are free spirited and carefree. You are a total wild child, and no one is going to tame you!

Your hair tells people that you're an individual who doesn't care what other people think. You and your hair break all the rules.

You are a mysterious type who has many secrets. You prefer to keep to yourself.

There's a lot hiding behind that hair. Very few people truly understand what you are all about.

If I wonder how they come out with these detail analysis from only few questions, I won't get good answer. But as long as it floats my boat, it's fine.
Speaking of which, the hairstyle situation below is just as accurate! Ha ha..

Quiz: What Hairstyle Are You?
You Are a Ponytail

You are energetic, laid back, and a lot of fun. You are ready for whatever life throws at you.

Your idea of style is looking presentable. You prefer simple, well fitting, and neat clothes.

At your best, you are productive, inspiring, and full of live. You love to be active.

At your worst, you are hyperactive and frenzied. Sometimes it's hard for you to calm down.

I believe in first impression. It helps that I often get it right.
Although I tend to get the negative side first..

Quiz: What Big Cat Are You?
You Are a Lynx

You are a quiet observer of the world around you. Your wisdom comes from listening carefully.
You've always been extra sensitive and aware. And it's made it difficult for you to fit in.

You see past people's outward personas. You are able to penetrate a stranger's soul.

What you've learned about people is both beautiful and ugly. And you keep these secrets to yourself.

Some things you are certain about yourself, especially if many people told you so.

Well, it does say many times that I am a loner..

I am far from social butterfly or bee or monkey (why do they call it butterfly anyway?), I prefer to eat alone than eating with people I'm not connected well with. I prefer to spend Saturday night at home doing my own thing than going to cool party with 'cool' people I'm not connected well with.

Your Personality at 35,000 Feet Is Thoughtful and Contemplative

Deep down, you prefer spending time alone to spending time with others. You enjoy thinking more than talking.

You don't spend much time thinking about your place in the world. You are who you are - and people can just deal with that!

Your gift is relating to other people. You don't hide from your own emotions, and you are good at drawing other people out.

You are inspired by what is possible. Real life is often too ordinary for you.

You are happy as long as you are given some personal space. It's important for you to have your own private life.

For below, easy question: Who Doesn't?

You Crave a Blissful Life

Your dream is to live a light hearted, carefree life. You don't want to be bogged down by stress.
You'd like to recapture some of the playfulness and innocence you had as a child.

You believe that life should be about celebrations and fun. The world needs more happiness.

You want to focus on the positive and stay optimistic. It's too easy to get depressed.

Below: Hell Yes!
Want me to confess something? Put me in five inch heels and see what I'll tell you!

Quiz: What Type of Woman Shoes Are You?
You are Barefoot!

You're a total free spirit, go with the flow girl

You can't be restricted by shoes for very long

And unsurprisingly, the same goes for men

Your match is out there - and he's as carefree as you are

While I can be pain in the ass when someone tries to take advantage/bully/push me around (it's not only me saying!), What is scarily accurate below is: I love throwing things at people!

You Are Rock

Powerful and overbearing, you intimidate people with your presence.

People know they can't push you around, and they respect that.

Deep down, you are calm, confident, and unmovable.

You take everything pretty seriously, and you think deeply about all aspects of your life.

You tend to feel smothered by paper people.

You don't mind crushing the spirit of a scissors person.

When you fight, you: Use all of your strength

If someone makes you mad: You're likely to throw something at them

Crazy, mad, weird, unique, enigmatic, I have heard them all..
Perhaps what confirm the fact is... I consider those as compliment...

You Are 70% Weird

You're so weird, you think you're *totally* normal. Right?

But you wig out even the biggest of circus freaks!

What makes my day?
Being told that I'm not one in dozen..
but 2% of the population! Woo Hoo!

Quiz: How Rare Is Your Personality?

Your Personality is Very Rare (INTP)

Your personality type is goofy, imaginative, relaxed, and brilliant.

Only about 4% of all people have your personality, including 2% of all women and 6% of all men

You are Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Perceiving.

If someone asks What is My Favorite Season, I'd say Fall.
Even though I love Summer for beach and diving holiday,
I love Spring for the color and beauty,
I would love snow for the coldness, mysteries and fun.
I would love autumn leave and orange forest..

Your Soul Is Connected to the Fall

You are a somewhat sensitive soul with a tough exterior. You are street smart and wise about the world.

You have the heart of a poet, but you're not too eager to let anyone else see it.

You are very creative and deeply talented. You are still looking for the perfect outlet for your expression.

You embrace change and think the cycles of life are beautiful. You don't shrink away from the darker elements of life.

Couldn't be more agree: I take playing and relaxing very seriously!

Quiz: The Snow Test

Your Snow Test Says You're Independent

You feel like something good will happen to you in the next few months.

You don't really like to work, unless work feels like play. You only are successful when you are doing what you love.

You are an independent, individualistic person. You thrive when you're doing your own thing.

Your biggest worry in life is your family. You stay up at night thinking about them.

When it comes time to relax, you always go the extra mile. You take relaxing as seriously as anything else in life.

Below are those things that caught me off guard.. and hell you also have every right to be..!

I'm confident and I have been lucky. But this? I wouldn't have thought, I thought jeans, T-Shirt, pony tail, plain face, sport shoes are wayyy no indicator for sexyness?!?!
Quiz: How Sexy Are You?
You Are Very Sexy

Damn! You are one hot number. You have a lot of sex appeal.

You know you're sexy, and you're not afraid to put it all out there.

And while you're very appealing, you're careful not to be trashy or over the top.

Sexy is all about attitude. And you totally have the attitude that people love.

How You Are Sexy

You are secure in social situations, and you definitely have a confident vibe. And that's very sexy.

You know what (or who) you want, and you're not afraid to go get it. What could be sexier than that?

You accept your body as it is, and that's sexy. If you feel attractive, you are more attractive - no matter what your shape is.

You are open to all sorts of experiences, and you have a taste for the exotic. Your adventurous spirit is very sexy.

I for one who always say that men are as complicated as women. I thought it doesn't count that all my siblings are male, it doesn't count many of my best friend are male, but now I suppose it does count?..

Quiz: How Well Do You Understand Men?

You Have Your PhD in Men

You understand men almost better than anyone.
You accept that guys are very different, and you read signals well.

Work what you know about men, and your relationships will be blissful.

I don't believe love at first sight but I believe in first impression. If only I can show this to future employee or future (fill in the blank) whoever I need to impress, no?
Quiz: What Kind of First Impression Do You Make?
You Make a Great First Impression

You can handle almost any social situation with grace, even the tricky ones.

Strangers often find you charming and interesting. You are often remembered fondly.

Even if you're not naturally outgoing, you can make conversation with anyone if you need to.

Whether you were born this way or had to work to get here, you are definitely charismatic.

You're popular and well liked. People definitely look forward to being around you.

Your social connections bring you a full and rich life. You understand how important it is to make a lasting impression.

For those monkeys who always say that except appearance, I don't belong to my gender, it's happy day for you! I'm more masculine, it says...But wait.. scroll to read what it has to say.. it doesn't mean I'm eunuch!

Quiz: Are You Feminime or Masculine?
You Are 45% Feminine, 55% Masculine

You are in touch with both your feminine and masculine sides.

You're sensitive at the right times, but you don't let your emotions overwhelm you.

You are tough but tender. Logical but emotional.

You're not a eunuch, just the best of both genders.

Well, depends on how you look at these things, I tried tons of them and it's fascinating that I agree with majority of it, even when the result said bad things about me.

Anyway, if these gives you fun, relax your mind, why not? By all means..!