Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Cinta dan Sayang?

Satu kejadian sedih kemarin membuat gue merenungkan lagi soal dunia fana. Manusia itu rapuh bener ya! Dari segi emosi maupun fisik. Walaupun kadang2 banyak orang2 tebal yang biar begimanapun dicela cuek tak terusik (gue pengen kayak gitu juga! Sungguh :), ada pula yang biar kejedot sembab lebam kepotong masih tegar berdiri dan meringis.

Doeloe, tempo gue masih SD apa SMP, gue pernah baca komik Nina yang ceritanya meresap ke hati. Gua gak inget judulnya, kayaknya Gadis Berhati Batu, pokoknya ada batu-batuan, tapi ceritanya tentang cewek, emang Nina selalu cewek, kalo enggak judul komiknya Johan (jayus deh komik berjudul Johan). Iya, nih cewek kehilangan sahabatnya yang meninggal dunia. Saking sedihnya dia bersumpah kagak mau berteman dan menyukai temen atau siapa aja sehingga dia gak bakalan hancur lebur lagi kalo suatu hari kehilangan.

Benernya ide ini kagak eksklusif, banyak kok dimana-mana, dilagu tempo doeloe juga, Simon and Garfunkel, lagunya juga meresap dihati, berjudul I’m a Rock (batu juga kan) yang intinya sama aja (I touch no one and no one touches me…And the rock feels no pain, and the island never cries). Selaen itu ide ini juga diterapkan dimana-mana, secara sadar maupun tidak sadar.

Waktu gue lulusan, temen SMA gue berpesan, karena dia tau gue masih berjomblo ria, dia berpesan kalo gue punya cowok, jangan menyerahkan 100% perasaan.
“Lha kenapa?”
“Soalnya loe masih muda, belom tentu langsung ‘jadi’, banyakan juga kagak, jadi daripada sakit hati, mendingan jangan 100%.”
“Trus berapa dong?”
“25% lah kira-kira.”
“Idih pelit banget.”
Emang sih tuh temen udah berpengalaman banyak. Dan untuk yang kesekian kali, dia lagi deket2 mau putus, bukan salah dia. Justru gue heran juga cewek-cewek pada jahat padahal dianya baek dan amat sangat berusaha mempertahankan hubungan pribadinya. Cuman, menong gue tau juga sih, kalo jangan2 dianya tengix sama cewek2nya. Haha..gue gak tau deng.
Jadinya wajar aja kalo dia jadi berprogram defensif gitu, selaen itu, gue dapet nasehat begitu bukan dari dia doang, tapi dari temen2 lain, terutama yang pernah gagal. Cuman gue pikir aneh ya, gimana caranya seperapat-separapat gitu feelingnya, bahkan gak nyampe setengah-setengah! Itu sih gak niat namanya, dan kalo gak niat, mendingan jangan? Habis kalo seperapat, itu sih gak cinta namanya!

Tapi banyakan giliran gue tanyain prakteknya, pada gak bisa seperempat juga, pada end up tetap sepenuhnya dan biarpun hancur lebur pas gagal, mungkin itu emang resikonya. Mau cinta? Harus berani sakit hati. Mungkin yang bener2 berniat 25%, ternyata seriring berjalannya waktu, sadar atau enggak, jadi 100%. Ya dong, kalo enggak, gak kebayang hubungan kayak apa yang menahan-nahan rasa biar gak bener2 cinta, kan namanya membuang-buang waktu. Mau apa tidak, jangan setengah atau seperempat, justru nanti jadi biang penyakit yang bikin hubungan jadi gagal. Pas gagal, malah bilang, tuh kan, mendingan seperempat.. jadi kayak lingkaran setan tooh.

Cuman seperti gue bilang, hati manusia tuh rapuh. Kalau sakit hati, biasanya kapokan. Trus ada insting buat bertahan hidup dan melindungi perasaan sendiri, jadinya lahir teori2 25% atau bahkan teori batu yang gak mau nyoba sama sekali. Kalau dilihat dipilem-pilem drama, biasanya perlu cowok ganteng yang atletis, baik, lucu, nekad, tahan banting tujuh turunan dan tahan malu tiga puteran, pokoknya yang bener2 oke buat menyembuhkan patah hati seorang cewek. He he he.
Atau kalau enggak, keinginan melindungin diri sendiri juga bisa pengaruh ke perasaan secure seseorang pas mereka memutuskan untuk mencoba menjalani hubungan. Mungkin kepercayaan dan keyakinan jadi gampang terusik, kalau ada pertanda-pertanda gak jelas atau perubahan sikap dari sang pacar. Kalau tiap kali merasa gak nyaman, gak aman, gak tenteram, diterusin pun jadi biang kerok air mata. Karena itu orang-orang bilang, sebadung2nya dan sebebas2nya seseorang, mereka mendambakan seseorang yang bisa jadi temen yang mereka percaya gak bakal menyakiti mereka, yang bisa menyambut mereka pas pulang ke rumah, dan selalu jadi sumber kekuatan yang gak pernah goyah, sesuatu yang stabil tapi indah.

Temen gue disini kalo ngeliat cewek cakep berbaju seksi suka komentar, kalo cewek gue pake baju kayak gitu gak apa-apa, kalo istri gue gak boleh. Mungkin rese, mungkin male chauvinist pig, tapi kalo baca yang tersirat-sirat, sama sedikit sok tau, bahwa dia berharap untuk mendapatkan ketenangan dan kepastian dari pasangan hidupnya toh, biar dia gak pernah harus sakit hati...emang analisanya agak jauh, tapi kesimpulan gue cukup simpang siur dari cerita2 lain.

Gak ada orang yang pengen sakit hati..
Gak semua orang bisa sembuh dari sakit hati..
Tapi gak semua orang bisa menolak untuk menyayangi..
Kepercayaan dan cinta, susah numbuhnya tapi gampang ngancurinnya.
Manusia, secara fisik juga, jempol gampang dicopot, tapi gak tumbuh-tumbuh lagi.

Dan kalo gue terus2an mencoba bikin pepatah-pepatah indah yang meresap2, pasti jadi ngawur dan keyboard gue hancur, quotes dari orang2 dibawah mungkin bisa mengungkapkan maksud apa yang gue mau bilang.
Tapi yang pasti, gue pengen percaya, cinta dan sakit hati gak selalu jadi satu paket hemat. Bisa gak..


Love is the wisdom of the fool and the folly of the wise.
- Samuel Johnson

‘T is better to have loved and lost,
Than never to have loved at all.

- Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Those who have courage to love should have courage to suffer.
- Anthony Trollope

The walls we build around us to keep out the sadness also keep out the joy.
- Jim Rohn

When you are in love and you get hurt, it’s like a cut... it will heal, but there will always be a scar.
- Anonymous

You can close your eyes to things you don’t want to see, but you can’t close your heart to things you don’t want to feel.
- Anonymous

Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.
-Kahlil Gibran

Monday, January 29, 2007

New Extension!

Check out my new extension at

Or click on the link on the right, Places.
Not a cute name I know, but I'm bad at giving names...

If you asked me about babies name, first thing came to my mind would be.. Paijo.
I hope that explains.


Friday, January 26, 2007

Woman of Times

I always heard stories from my mother and my grandma about how difficult it was to be women back then, the other sources were from the movies and novels.
One of the example are the novels written by Amy Tan, a Chinese American, she wrote a lot of book telling lives of traditional Chinese women, how they had to pass through all the sexist treatments. Also from my mom’s favorite author, whose almost all of her book had been made into serial movies, there were a lot of stories with similar theme.

Some of the traditional cliché unfair treatments were arranged marriage, social status of women, sexist birth preference, from major until the small and minor things. Women were almost always in unfavorable position from society; even from their own husband who considered has all the right of their life and well-being.

The generation before mine, my mother and my grandmother, they still had many stories to share. My grandfather used to witness people ‘taking care’ of unwanted newborn daughters. As most Chinese family preferred to have sons and condemned if they didn’t, in their poor time daughters were only burden and sometimes shame to the family. So they would bring the newborn to the jungle or to river and gagged them to death using sand or some other ways, or just left them to flow with the river.
My grandmother was married at the age of sixteen; she hadn’t even gotten her period when she delivered her first child.

Even for my mom, my uncle himself called her old maid when she was still unmarried at 21. She married at 22, and even though it was the modern time, she said it was a big relief to deliver he first child, a boy. For the tradition held tight by my grandmother, daughter was the one who usually had to do all the chores and housework and at the same time still had to help out with family business. As the result, my uncles’ daily activities were only studying and playing, while my mom handled everything from cooking, washing, tending the shop, sewing clothes and studying. But she was always had the first ranking in school. Even that, my grandfather considered that she had too much education as a female and didn’t allow her to go to school at one time.

Lucky from my generations, education is the most important thing they want us to pursue. Although sometimes my mom would worry about my personal life, for my dad, I should put education first above all.

I remember when I was a kid; I had this teacher who liked to make student’s life miserable by asking us to bring a lot of funny stuff to school. One of the assignment, we had to grow corn. So I buried a corn seed to grow a corn tree, right?
Apparently I didn’t and (don’t) have the talent to grow anything. My corn didn’t make it and I went to school with the pot to show the teacher that eventhough I didn’t have the corn tree, I tried. More than half of class had the same result with me, but the bad thing was, where she asked me to show the corn seed I dig up something else and mistakenly showed her a small orange rock. Maybe she was having a fight with her husband or had PMS attack or had something *** up her ***, she went furious and violent. She called me, a kid, didn’t know what the hell that I did wrong, a liar who tried to con her, accused me of avoiding my homework, liar liar liar. Her voices rose from normal to Pavarotti versus hyena. For me, being scolded was one thing I can’t tolerate at whatever condition, I think it’s rude and nobody deserves that except in boot camp or army training, additionally, I was accused something I didn’t do, and she called me LIAR, which it very hurtful. I was so angry that I remember vividly the sequence of incident until today.

There was a knight in shinning armor, a guy I remember until now because he stood up to me in the way not many people would, gave his testimony and defended my defense. But the teacher went even more berserk, and worse still, she accused him of lying also. I mean, which type of teacher could do that to children? She might not be one, but I remember my primary school time, almost all kids were well taught to view honesty as something really precious, and I can’t imagine that anyone could go the length of lying of get away from assignment that time, in brain of eleven years old kids. Even the thought of not being able to finish an assignment was unbearable, that’s the pressure that teachers and parents put on us. And now, she stood there, pushing every obvious reasons aside, and calling two shaking kids as liars.

From feeling helpless to angry, I couldn’t control myself but cried, especially when someone I didn’t know took the effort to defend me and got the same treatment. And I almost never cried as a kid, yeah now, I’m older and sensitivity took over me, but I didn’t cry many times back then, even when the hot water flask I carried exploded and my two feet were covered by blister because of hot water pouring onto it, I still walked a distance and didn’t feel the need to shed a tear.

So, the experience destroyed my confidence and beliefs in school and teacher, so I went home and declared to my Dad that I didn’t want to go to school ever again, at my mind, school was the only and main cause of problem, I thought he would think it’s a good idea too. He was very shock but he managed to talk me out. Even until I was in the Uni he kept reminding me that school is very important for the future. So he is the opposite of my granddad and I know how grateful I am.

For my mom, she still adapted some traditional but acceptable thinking at times, like that I should get married, have babies before thirty. She also insisted that I turned on my bedside lamps for three days in the row after I got married, the tradition that is still adopted by many families.
Small things, more ridiculous tradition that she has also eliminated now was like she used to forbid me to sleep on the top bunk of two-tier bed, because girls shouldn’t step over thing.

The reason that I got the idea to write about this topic is the India movie called Water. Even modern time like this, there are still so many people who don’t agree with the making of this movie to disclose something so bitter in the past.
Water is a movie about a child, who got married and became a widow at eight years old, it basically destroys her young life. The society didn’t accept widows, and they had to live isolated among their own for the rest of their life. The movie tells about the sadness and bitterness of their life, some come as very shocking to me. The movie also features a eunuch, although there is not much story about them. They are also one of the society rejected groups, I watched a documentary not long ago, in some term, they are like woman trapped in man’s body, but it’s forbidden for them to do change their sex. So they become eunuch and treated differently, they are considered as possessing supernatural power, as they are too considered as having double gender as man and woman.
Back to the movie, although it’s not my favorite, the disclosure of the theme is daring and impressive.

So, for women living in this modern time, it’s a privilege for us to do things we do now. Sometimes maybe, it’s overdone.

Like one comment of man I know, Woman. They always say, treat me equally, because although I’m a woman, I can do everything a man do, give us equal right and opportunity.
But at the right time, they also use their gender to avoid being treated equally on their advantages. Let me have the taxi, ladies first. Man should carry the bags for us, because we are weaker and not as strong as man.
Somehow, they always win.

Kekekeke :)


Woman do not find it difficult nowadays to behave like men; but they often find it extremely difficult to behave like a gentleman.
- Sir Campton McKenzie

Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.
- Timothy Leary

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

What A Weekend!

What a weekend.
Saturday we went sailing again, we visited Singapore Sea Sport club in the morning for enquires about sailing course, seems like we had to postpone the course because we won’t be free on the schedule given.

Saturday wind looked good, but the sun was biting our skin, apparently the temperature was 42 Celsius degree, I don’t remember I had ever been alive in that temperature, I thought once it passes forty, I’ll be extinct. But I survived, in fact, that day we exposed to the sun more than ever. Result, roasted meat.

Our destination was to go Pulau Ketam and back. We had a fun starting journey, but half way, the wind was dead, we were hovering near Pulau Ubin, we could wave to Changi-Pulau Ubin ferry which passed by frequently, sometimes it sent a small tsunami to our boat, small, tiny. We attempted to land on Ubin few times but didn’t manage to do it because of sticks placed around the beach, I think the purpose is indeed to avoid unauthorized landing by hungry sailors and their passengers.

Yes, indeed we had a lot of time to kill, what made us anxious was the urge to eat the bacang. This time I brought double portion, but because I woke up too early, I miscalculated, I should have bought double for four of us, but in my morning math:
2 X 4 = 6.
When there was a slight wind, we sailed to nearby buoy and intended to tie our boat to the buoy, but the current was too strong that our boat kept drifting apart. So we moved to outside boat traffic area and tie two boats together while having our foods.

After a frequent accident, purpose or un-purpose falling to the sea, we decided to go to Frog Island, the wind had picked up because there were huge storm cloud hanging on our head. The water was great that day; it was green instead of dark brown because of high tide, the beaches looked clearer. One tiny fish decided to swim to girls boat and I had to spend few minutes trying to scoop him out. It’s girl boat, so it’s HE.

When we reached Frog Island, instead of fishing boat, this time we had accompany of an old tugboat. One of the boat crew was busy putting down a ladder. What a tedious effort, why don’ they just jump to the sea. It looks more dangerous to use the ladder, we commented.
How not, the ladder looked very fragile, one end clung to the front of the tug boat, and the other stood on the sand about 45 degree, while the boat was about 1,2 maybe 1,5 meter high.
We circled the boat and saw another guy.
What a nerd, we thought. He was wearing a neat white long sleeve top and looked like he was ready for high management meeting.
Then we knew why.
We saw a bride coming out from the boat with wedding gown, huge and floppy and flowery wedding gown.
It’s an outdoor wedding photoshoot. Oooo.

We landed our boat side by side and watched the couple like a bunch of primitive natives while eating our bacang. The girl climbed the ladder with every effort. Good work!
If it were me, I would land face first in the water while my feet entangled in the ladder, that’s my husband comment.

They then posed around, while trying to ignore us and never used us as background. We were tempted to run behind them and squat, but then we decided to relax on the beach, half dipped in the water and played whale.

After we finished every logistic, we started to sail back, not far from Frog Island, we stuck for a while. The scenery around was beautiful. I regretted that I didn’t bring my camera. There were few big rocks popping out from the sea and full of seagulls, the reddish sand of Frog Island provided a great contrast with the jade water. It looked like lake, but nice one, Singapore water never looked this beautiful.
In front of the background, the guys sat with those sad, sun burnt and refugee’s face provided a good photo opportunity as ‘boat people’.

The wind picked up quite fast, and soon it became strong and exciting ride to the shore. We won the unofficial race. : )
When we reached the shore, two rainbow came out in the sky. We had never, in our five years here, or my friend along his life, seen rainbow in Singapore. It’s indeed beautiful day.

It would be a more enjoyable day if not for bad news back from home. There was burglars in the house, daytime, when family was out of the house. Lucky, nobody was hurt except some material lost. It scared the crap out of me, I was worried and pissed off because I couldn’t do anything and I wasn’t even at home to talk and got the clear news. So we rushed back to our house.
Jakarta, Jakarta, no matter how much I want to be back, this incident put the idea off to the back of my mind and throw it somewhere in my digestive system.
Now I can only cross my finger and hope everything is going to be all right.

Sunday, we walked a quarter of Singapore, just for fun. The not so fun thing was the hot sun, it was thirty-five degree, sound acceptable compared to a day before.
2007 is going to be the hottest year!

It’s been a week since Adam Air has gone missing. I couldn’t imagine the feeling of the family waiting for news of their loved ones. I hope there will be some miracles. I still believe in them.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Minggu Pertama di Bulan Januari

Empat hari libur yang dinanti-nantikan semua orang, akhirnya resmi berakhir. 2 Januari dijadikan hari libur soalnya Idul Adha jatuh pada hari Minggu, trus Senennya emang udah libur, jadi digantiin ke Selasa. Awal November, waktu gue sadar kalo kita ternyata bisa make kesempatan libur tanpa ambil leave, ternyata semua tujuan favorit udah penuh dan tiket pesawat udah pada abis. Siapa bilang orang sini gak tau cara bersenang-senang?

Tahun Baru, gak banyak acara special. Lagian menurut gue, menurut gue nih, pergantian tahun emang highlightnya ya count down sepuluh detik itu, laen ama Imlek atau Lebaran yang lebih banyak ‘konsep’ dan acara. Nonton firework juga mendingan dari teve, hahaha, kayaknya itu gejala mulai-mulai berpikiran seperti orang tua, tapi emang, kita gak terlalu suka keramaian, dan count down, ramenya gila-gilaan.

Hari Jumat, sebelom pembukaan libur panjang, boss gue ngadain House Warming cum New Year party di rumahnya. Untungnya dia gak ngundang ‘orang-orang penting’ di kantor, jadi kita bisa have fun tanpa kena merinding-merinding karena harus rebutan makanan ama big boss. Boss gue sendiri ini emang dulu bekas teman kerja, dan dia orangnya bisa membaur dan down to earth, trus rumahnya ada dua doggie lucu, jadi kali ini gue dateng deh, gak enak juga gue udah beberapa kali gak pernah dateng ke pestanya. Pestanya BBQ, karena gue males duduk dimeja dengan beberapa kunyuk yang isi obrolannya kerjaan mulu, jadi mendingan gue ikutan bakar2 sekalian nyumbang bikinin apa yang udah gue makan sebelomnya.

Untuk hari-hari libur laen, selaen kemaren, kita banyakan dirumah, berleha-leha dan bersantai-santai : ). Ada sih spesial dinner dan lunch, dan pas malam tahun barunya sempet ke kota tapi cabut sebelum jam sebelas buat menghindari keramaian. Waktu itu gak berasa tahun baru banget, soalnya semua orang bekerja seperti biasa, tukang minuman, tukang makanan, cuman bedanya disana-sini ada aja grup remaja yang lagi bersiap-siap buat count down party.

Kemaren, kita pergi sailing dengan Leo, Willy dan satu teman lagi yang baru kita kenal, cewek, Meiling, baru 19 tahun, tapi udah jagoan sailing. Kita ngumpul jam dua belas di teminal bus dan habis itu naek bis lagi ke sailing clubnya. Ternyata, kita punya banyak logistik, dari minuman, bacang, kerupuk, apel, jeruk ama bihun goreng buat makan siang dan tea break. Rencana kita, berlayar ke Frog Island, satu pulau yang ada batu berbentuk kodok gede lagi nangkring (kalo dipikir2, kapan ya kodok gak nangkring?), piknik dan balik lagi.

Nyampe di club, kita nyante-nyante dan duduk-duduk karena angin gak cukup kencang buat berlayar. Setelah duduk beberapa saat, kita gak tahan dan mulai ngabishin bihun, kemudian bersantai-santai lagi. Enak banget melihat laut dan langit bebas lagi. Suasananya santai dan angin sepoi-sepoi bikin kita merem melek. Syooook.

Setelah beberapa saat, angin udah mulai bertiup, jadi kita bersiap-siap dan make baju renang didalam baju biasa, dan make booties. Trus kita mulai gear up setelah Leo dan Meiling keleng beleng bawa2 layar, tali-tali dan tiang-tiang layar. Kita bakal memakai dua perahu, tipe 420 dan Laser Pico, isi 3 dan 2 orang. Willy harus pake semacam ‘celana besi’ buat gelantungan pas berdiri dan rebahan disisi kapal. Cowok2 dikapal 420 dan cewek2 di kapal satunya. Setelah pasang memasang, kita menggeret kapalnya ke laut dan mulai berlayar.

Angin tidak begitu kencang, tapi lumayan. Buat laser, penumpang gak usah ngapa2in, selaen naik turunin papan ditengah pas dasar laut dalam ataupun dangkal, atau mindah2 badan buat menyeimbangkan kapal, selaen itu cuman perlu nyante2 dan look pretty. Kapal berangkat dengan kecepatan sedang dan untuk beberapa lama, jarak antara dua kapal cukup stabil. 420 lebih kencang karena mempunyai dua layar, tapi kerugiannya, mereka gak selincah dan seringan Pico. Setelah kita deket ke Frog Island, angin mulai berhenti bertiup. Kita cuman kanan kiri atau mundur ditempat, selaen tidak ada angin, arus juga lumayan kencang. Untuk beberapa saat kita gak bisa ngapa2in walaupun udah pake cara manual, mendayung pake tangan.

Air laut coklat tua dan gelap, sama sekali gak bisa melihat apa-apa, kecuali pas dipermukaan ada ikan gala besar atau ikan kecil dan loncat-loncat, dan sekali gue liat sesuatu yang panjang dan garis-garis, seperti tekstur sea snake, ngintip bentar ke permukaan, tapi selain itu, air laut sini cukup mengerikan, walaupun kita sempat berpikir untuk diving di Singapore berhubung Malaysia lagi musim badai, gak diwujudkan deh. Kalau ampe kapalnya kebalik aja, gue ngeri harus menelan air laut aneh begitu. Hm, hm, tapi bagaimanapun, laut tetap laut, basah tetap asik. Sekali kita dilewati satu perahu motor, dan tau-tau banyak sampah disekitar kita, sementara kita stuck gak bisa bergerak. Untunglah kita berdua temen baru nyambung-nyambung aja dan rata-rata hobi-hobinya sama semua, jadi not bad at all. Frog Island keliatannya dekat banget tapi tak terjangkau, akhirnya kita memutuskan untuk balik, setelah komunikasi ala barbar sama kapal satunya, tereak-tereak. Angin bertiup ke arah main island dan selaen itu kontroler kapal 420 patah. Pas kita udah mendarat, angin bertiup kencang, ternyata kita semua sependapat, coba lagi, kapal cowok2 memang bertekad begitu dari semula, jadi mereka mampir untuk mengambil kontroler baru (betewe, kedengarannya jelek soalnya gue lupa istilah buat pengontrol kapal).

Gue megangin kapal sementara Meiling ikutan menginspeksi kapal satunya. Laser kita agak ditengah, tapi air laut cuman sepaha, tapi berasa banget kakinya mendam dilumpur yang cukup iyuh. Setelah beberapa saat, gue join 420, soalnya Willy pengen nyobain naik Pico. Begitu berangkat, waw, kali ini baru asik, anginnya kencang dan kita sempat sibuk banget, mindahin layar ke kanan ke kiri, kapal oleng ampe mau kebalik jadi kita bertiga buru2 ke satu sisi dan mundur2in ampe pantat dan badan serebah-rebahan diluar. Padahal disaat-saat seperti itu celana besinya si Willy berguna banget, dia bisa ngerasain ngestunt main sirkus-sirkusan. Sekali gue kejedot tiang kapal saking sibuknya narik2 layar dan bunyinya BONG. Tapi gak sakit-gak sakit-wee.

Beberapa kali kita deket sama Pico dan sekali sempet sengaja tabrakan kecil-kecilan, tapi banyakan kita cukup jauh. Begitu dekat Frog Island, kali ini kita dateng dari sisi satunya, angin berhenti lagi, tapi masih ada sepoi-sepoi, jadi pelan2 kita zig zag sana sini dan perlahan tapi pasti, kita mendarat. Sampai dipulau, yang pertama kita lakukan, makan bacang! Bacang gak pernah berasa lebih enak. Pico masih jauh dihorison, sepertinya angin berhenti. Kita menunggu beberapa saat, sambil ngobrol juga sama salah satu kapal penangkap kerang yang parkir dekat kita.

Frog Island mempunyai pasir merah bata kasar, bercampur dengan tulang tulangan coral, dibagian lain dari pulau kecil itu ada batu-batu besar dan salah satu batunya ya sikodok, yang walaupun kita setuju lebih mirip beruang kutub. (Nama asli pulau ini katanya Sibuku Island) Di sisi lainnya ada dataran yang jadi hijau soalnya penuh dengan ganggang, kelihatan cuman kalau air surut, kalau air pasang, yang kelihatan cuman batu-batu. (Kok pasirnya gak hanyut ya kalau pasang). Air sekitar pulau mendingan, kita masih bisa melihat dasarnya dan gak banyak lumpur.

Agak lama, akhirnya Willy dan Meiling berhasil mendarat disisi ganggang. Mereka harus menyeret perahunya ke tempat kita, begitu nyampe, perahunya ditinggal dan mereka lari menyambut bacang. Kita juga buka2 kerupuk dan makan buah.

Berhubung kita udah dilaut tiga jam lebih, dan langit mulai gelap karena badai akan datang, kita pun langsung balik. Kali ini kaptennya gantian, Leo ambil Pico berdua Hubby dan Willy jadi raja diantara cewek-cewek di 420. Angin start cukup pelan, disatu tempat kita harus dayung manual lagi, tapi gak terlalu stuck, pas mendekati pulau, anginnya jadi kencang, dan Leo cerita Pico mereka sempet nyilem bagian depannya, jadi mereka berdua buru2 berat2in bagian belakang kapal biar gak kebalik. Pas kita lagi ngeringin air didalam 420 dipantai sebelom digeret balik ke atas, angin bertiup kencang banget sehingga gue yakin kalo mau dalam setengah jam kita bisa ke Frog Island dan balik lagi. : )

Habis geret2 perahu dari pantai ke pavement, kita bersih2, nyemprot2 besi dan layar. Sambil nunggu layar agak kering kita mencuci booties yang penuh dengan pasir, kadang2 jiwa kekanak-kanakan kita gak terbendung dan perang2an saling menyemprot air. Setelah itu gulung2 layar, beres2in tiang dan tali-tali, and nyemprot life jacket, trus geret2 perahu lagi ke tempat parkir perahunya, kemudian semuanya jogrok ditepi kolam renang sambil cerita-cerita dan ngabishin semua bekal yang masih ada. Ngeliatin laut, ngeliatin kapal dan langit. Sekali lagi, Syoooook.

Kalau hujan badai gak tiba-tiba mengguyur, kita mungkin gak bergerak-gerak. Akhirnya malah kocar-kacir karena hujan gede turun tiba2. Jadi kita mandi dan habis itu makan malam di club. Gile bener, karena clubnya cukup ramai malam itu, dinner kita gak dateng2 ampe sejam-an, begitu dateng, katanya nasi cuman ada tiga, lagi dimasak. Jadi kita harus share dulu, agak lama juga, nasi baru dateng lagi. Tapi makan malamnya lezzzat.

Hujan gede sempet berhenti, begitu kita kelar makan, hujan lagi, jadi kita duduk2 di bar dulu, begitu pesen minum, hujan berenti, begitu minum abis, hujan turun lagi, begitu terus, akhirnya kita bisa pulang juga, dan untung banget nunggu bisnya cepet, begitu pula bis yang langsung nyampe rumah.

Wet day is happy day. ; )

P.S : ~Syooook itu bahasa prokem sini, artinya kira2 uasyieeeek buangeeeet.~


I know only that moral is what you feel good after and what is immoral is what you feel bad after.
- Ernest Miller Hemingway

For my part, I travel to go to anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.
- Robert Louis Stevenson

I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships.
- Gilda Radner