Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Talking Crap

It was a very busy week for me. On Friday, I was..gasp.. the last person to leave office, something I’ve never done, since, eh, I had never done. Actually I wasn’t free to leave yet, but I didn’t want to work alone, it’s just not too exciting to work overtime on Friday night alone. The big office that used to be a Jewish cemetery didn’t sweeten the deal.
I hardly work overtime, not because I’m a lazy worker, I’d like to think I am a smart worker. Cuahhhhhhh

See, there is nothing that justifies work longer hour means one is a harder and a more efficient worker. I used to have a few colleagues who chatted, went for coffee break, walked around all day and worked overtime until midnight, almost everyday. Of course overtime is unavoidable at times, but if it happened every day, it means either the person or the boss is stu---.

Like me, my working hour is from 8.30am-6pm. That is 9,5 hours.
Wakeup, breakfast and bath, journey to office. That’s almost 2 hours.
Dinner, journey back home, bath etc. That’s 2,5 hours.
Sleep and the wake up process (beauty or not) takes 7 hours.
Consider everything is using standard timing, no delay, no special journey, those daily activities take 21 hours of my day.

Then I am left with 3 hours!
These 3 hours only daily is what I can use for a longer bath, grocery shopping, house & plants maintenance, special dinner, watching TV, play games, read book, laundry, special shopping trip, socialize, etc, etc, the list is going on.

So we who are tied with working hours barely have the time for ourselves, there is a little point to make it lesser by working overtime if you can avoid/manage the time, whatever. Of course I’m lucky enough to have a boss who doesn’t judge a worker capability by the hours (hopefully I read him right).
Once I went to interview with this guy, who had this very cunning face and drooling smile, and first thing he said was, For our office, if you go home at six, you won’t learn anything. -- He was saying that unless you work long hour, you are too stupid to pick up something during the 9,5 hours. Going home late = Obviously Smart, Otherwise = Obviously Stupid --
Of course, what I could do was horse smiling, cengangas cengenges, anyway, I always behave during interview. Come to think of it, he must be a dumb to have that principal, maybe that’s him. Fiuh, bless in disguise, I was not called again. Anyway, his office had that kind of fishy weird smell, and he looked like …..gossip.. gossip…gossip

So, back to the topic, that’s why too much work could be lethal, especially for relationship or social needs. Some people are so busy with their works that they don’t have time to hang out with friends, or even to write to their friends, it’s sad in this time of fast forward communication, some don’t have time to look for or to maintain the other half etc etc. So, the phrase, get a life, does have a deep meaning.

I have a colleague who thinks the opposite way with me. We have such a different view that I gave up debating things with him long time ago. I’ve become too lazy to defense my principal, because imo, it’s useless to talk to someone when their minds are fixed that their way is the best. It might be the best for them, but not for anyone.
The conversation will end up like, he would try to convert my thinking and after few times, I would lost my interest to explain mine. Basically he has a very ideal thinking about life, that we should try to achieve our best while we are young, by reaching high, earning the most and working hard, nothing wrong, it’s indeed a very-very good principal.
Maybe in my ideal view of point, which I don’t know when it disappeared, I agree with him. For now, I believe that good life doesn’t always mean money, title and career. They are all something quite useless if we aim it the wrong way.
Huh, those crappy topics.

My weekend was quite ‘dotty’. I washed my beanbag, and it gave me more trouble than the last time I did it. So I had to take all the beanies out, put it in a gigantic plastic bag, washed the cover and had to fill the beanies back. I’ve had enough so this time I bought another bean bag cover to avoid the tedious process in the future.
The time, the process proved to be more and more difficult. The beanies flew everywhere and it was like snowing in the house. It could be fun, it was fun, until we had to catch and put the beanies back in the bag. Catch is indeed a correct way to describe it. Those little culprit ran everywhere, or stuck on the forehead or between the toes. Until now, we are still finding some leftover convicts hiding in various places.

Beside the ready-to-use cover, which costs half the price of the beanbag, to cut cost and to add more choices I bought some fabric that I wish to be able to convert into pretty covers. I chose the monotonous print, because beanbag is shapeless, it would be hard to make the ends meet if I bought the pictures printed ones. So there are two huge fabrics, one with black and white cow-skin print, the other fresh green tiny checker board. If I couldn’t make the covers, I have plan B, give it to the qualified tailor and let them become evening gowns. Stylo.


Lord, make my words sweet and reasonable, for some day I may have to eat them.
- Paddy Ashdown

Trust the man who hesitates in his speech and is quick and steady in action, but beware of long arguments and long beards.
- George Santayana

My people and I have come to an argument which satisfies us both. They are to say what they please, and I am to do what I please.
- Frederick The Great

Humour is laughing at what you haven’t got when you ought to have it.
- James Langston Hughes

Oh, love is real enough, you will find it someday, but it has one arch-enemy – and that's life.
- Jean Anouilh