Monday, November 08, 2010

Who are my friends?

Nowadays people who doesn’t know facebook might be considered as outdated, especially those who works in office or in front of computer most of the days.
Personally, I don’t think that they are outdated, because I still have many friends that are not active in internet, some even hardly ever touch internet.
On the other hand, they might have better lives, peaceful, rare and real. They make friends with real ‘touch’ (face to face, voice on the phone, or handwriting on the paper),
They do real thing (if they play fighting, it’s real punch, if they play game, it’s real game) and if they grow vegetable, we can actually cook and taste them.

Haven’t watched Social Network or what the movie called, but I do agree that networking bring another level in human life, although I might be one of the few who prefer real ‘touch’ but with networking, we can keep up-date with our friends, although not in so much personal level as it used to be. There are many advantages from internet, each comes with its own baggage, but consider that now we can again, keep in touch, make friends, discussing similar interest and gain knowledge, lots of knowledge.
As my good friend pointed out lately, there are many things we can learn from internet, and it’s actually indeed amazing. Show of hands from those who had learned a recipe from internet, read something useful about things you want to do, place you want to go, pets you want to keep, found something that you hardly know it exists, and just to fill up some spare time, reading something funny or something you like, the list goes on and on.

I haven’t reached Twitter level yet, it sounds like an interesting concept though. For facebook, it’s nice to see what’s up with friends, how are they, how they look like now, and whether they are the same persona after all those years I haven’t seen them. How they multiply and go on with life, I really think it’s nice.
But on the other hand, friends can get a bit tricky. Who are my friends? Is knowing someone for a while qualified as friends?

I do appreciate the concept that we can find new friends through facebooking. But most of the time, I don’t understand the friend requests. Someone can pop up from somewhere asking to be friend without something I can link too specifically. I simply don’t really want a total stranger to see what is happening in my life on personal basis. And if you genuine want to be friend, what is wrong with a start? Perhaps some effort to introduce, intention bla bla.. just like the old time concept, penpal. It would be nice to know someone bit by bit instead of pouring too much information by giving them access to your day to day life. I might be too outdated to want this, but yeah, I guess I need more than just to meet the eye to make friend. And that is not even ‘meet the eye’ ; p..

The funny ones are requests those who locked up everything in their profile and suppose that I can take a guess about who they are. I’m on the bandwagon and understand completely that people lock up their profile, me too. But if you try so hard to protect your identity, why ask random people to be your friend? One click away and they can see everything. Or they might be a ghostie, a term for fake id account to spy or gain information.
I’m sure most people have any kind of friend requests. But think about it, I want to be your friend. My online name is not even real. And that’s it. Take it or leave it. Of course I’ll leave it. Who knows you are a psychotic crazy person or worse, someone from work? ; p
This also apply from people with ‘open’ profile. Yes, they are outgoing and out to make friends. I do like the concept that “everyone is friend” or the kid’s style of friendship “friend is someone who meets your eye in the playground/who has the balloon, who run around, who wear funny costumes, well, there are many criteria for a kid to choose a friend, but it’s almost anyone who can talk or play with. I think it’s nice, in ideal world.
But in cyber or real world, exposing yourself to random strangers is never good.

Anyway, another more funny thing are those who tried to do something and it’s so awkward that it’s funny. So those friend requests came with messages like ‘Hi Aping..’ ‘Aping…’ ‘Hey Ping’
That’s it, that’s all. As if that explained more, but they gave me a chuckle nevertheless. I’d like to have new friends, perhaps someone I can click with, someone with something in common, or someone to brighten each other days, someone who has history in my life, someone who comes and drop along, or someone who make right genuine impression, but I don’t want to be just another count in your friend’s quantity without any actual personal relation. It’s pointless.

There was one winner of all though. So this guy send a request, ignore once. He sent a long message, asking how I am, telling story, which and which. At that time, I understood he got wrong person, so I pointed out to him. But he didn’t buy it, he kept insisting, reminding me of things I’m not familiar with, this and that event, who and who (it went on and on for few cycle of Q and A) until finally, one fine day, he accepted that he got the wrong person. But he still insists to be friend. Although he gave impression that he is friendly and fun, but I’d rather he finds his real Aping.

The latest one I got, is from someone with the same name, Aping, and he is a guy. What, there can’t be two Aping in facebook!
So no friend! Hahaha…

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Constant Change

The only thing that is constant is change.

How true, and how sad.

I always feel I belong more to group of people who are free-spirited and willing to try new things that are adventurous.
I embrace changes, for the better, for the spices in life.

However, changes also make me sad, it has especially turning me into defense mode, that I turn on, but whatever defense mode that I wear,
It doesn’t make changes easy for me.

Yes, for sure, I’d love to try many things in life. Watch live show, concert, jump from cliff, jump from aeroplane, skiing, boating, you name it, I’m willing to try if I have chance and fund. I probably can’t wait for some day when I move to a place that I really love, with sky on my head, sea after few footstep, and mountain visible from my window. But maybe those things are not changes. Those are challenges, those are dreams.

Changes to me are like more on personal relationship matter. Someone drifting away, someone moving away, people come and go. People come and go.
Is that life? We came alone and will go alone. Along the way we might be alone. Some people drops in our life, make significant influences and touch our lives, some are just passerby.

We are all living in rented time.

We're on the road
We move from place to place
And oftentimes when I'm about to call it home
We'd have to move along
Life is a constant change...

The friends we know we meet along the way
Too soon the times we share form part of yesterday
'Cause life's a constant change
And nothing stays the same, oh no

Clouds that move across the skies
Are changing form before our very eyes

Why couldn't we keep time from movin' on?
Hold on to all the years before this moment's gone?
Why must we live the days at such a frightening pace?

Have we outgrown our Peter Pans and wings?
We've simply grown too old for tales of knights and kings
'Cause life's a constant change
And nothing stays the same, oh no

-Jose Mari Chan-

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thanks for all good guys

Let’s get on writing.

Most women always complain that guys are insensitive, less compassionate and mud-headed when it comes to feelings.
For me, I always thought that guys are just more collected, they are from Mars, their nerves are probably less attached to the heart,
their tear-ducts are purposely clogged, so most boys don’t cry.

Until recently, although I probably had known but never comes to full realization before, that guys are much more noble that all of that above.
It was just a simple little thing in life that showed me that.

I’m into plants and gardening for about a year plus, which is something new to me in the past and even now. I was trying to set up a very simple water tank when I stumbled into
a fish shop that had many many mini fresh water pufferfish.

Get this right, I’m terrified of fish. Call me bullshit, as I dive. I embrace underwater fish in their natural habitat, but I’m particular scared with fish that are kept at home, in a tank,
wherever I might have a chance to see them dying or suffocated by jumping out. However, this particular mini puffer attracted my attention because of their mini smily faces, their cuteness, and how they look healthy in the tank, more over I always have soft spot for them in the sea. Although hesitating, I brought up the idea of puffer tank to hubby, who then suggested me not too.

First, his excuse was it would be smelly if not well taken care of. But it shouldn’t be an issue because once I committed to something, I usually take time to make sure I’d do necessary care of them. I was slightly disappointed, but together with my own hesitation, I then told my friend who encouraged me for puffer fish tank about why I would not do it.

Then I found out another reason, the real reason, that hubby had tried to keep the very same puffers in the past. It was so hard to maintain, water temperature etc etc that the whole tank rapidly perished within a week.
My friend told me, no wonder hubby rejected the idea, beside he worried about my fear, he knew it would be very difficult, and then he had to console me if anything failed.

Then it hits me.

This is the task of every guy, well, every good guy has to be aware and brace themselves to. To always be there to console the other sex when anything going wrong.
They have to be the ones who are stronger, who can lend a shoulder to cry on, and by the same time trying to compress their own feelings or sadness.
This is merely a significant example, but the point is quite clear.
I remember how my dad and my uncles trying to console my mom when my grandpa passed away, they had to be the strong one and nursed their sorrow a little while later,
probably on their own.
Or when something bad happens that affected all, you’ll see the girls cried or whatever while the guys rarely shed a tears in front of anyone.

What is worse, not being able to express your sadness, have to offer words of encouragement when they themselves need ones or have to appear strong when you are broken hearted inside?

And we sometimes thought they are the worst consoler just because they don’t know how to say the right comforting words.

Blessing to all good guys.
Thanks for being there for us.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Stray Puppy?

Last week during my usual routine in the morning, waiting for bus in bus interchange, I saw this small black kitten lurking around, looking very puny and fragile. Navigating in between shoes, looking for something to eat on the floor, it invited many stares.
It's not an usual sight in public area, because stray animals are not really welcomed here.
If it was a stray puppy, that is even more rare.

Yes, we hardly ever seen stray dogs around residental area, but they can be found in less urban aka those places a distance away from the city. On the pros, it's probably good for the environment and hygiene as animals can sometimes be destructive and make a mess. But have you seen animal categorized as human species making mess? How do they score compared to dogs? On the cons, where does all the stray animals go?
Put for adoption, yes, euthanize, yes, cull when there is a disease outbreak, yes.

Why is it hard to find home for dogs? Because you are not suppose to keep big dogs in apartment, unless it's condominium or landed house. Why? Don't ask me.
For apartment, only small dogs are allowed. Ironically, majority of dogs for adoption found in animal shelter are big dogs, because thet are abandoned by their owners who stay in condominium and landed house. How many percent people living in apartment here? Majority, and there are many candidates to provide good home for their dogs, or big dogs. But they can't.
Every time I pay a visit to animal shelter, almost all of the dogs put up for adoption are illegal to be put in apartment.

So, there goes the hopes. For the dogs. For lives.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

Gilberrish! (Is it even correctly spelled?)

Again, I haven't been writing here although I write a lot in my thought, in my mini journal that I keep private.. because some things are just not meant for share..
But I also kinda sad to lost touch for a while because writing is not just about personal stuffs, and there are one thousand and one way to reflect what had been going on in my life or my mind or things around me in words.

Life had been a roller coaster for me this year. I can be the happiest person and lighten up one day, but the other moment, I will stare blankly in sadness about what to become.
I can be the liveliest strongest unbreakable person when my spirit was high, especially after I completed my dream journey to Rinjani summit, one of the most beautiful mountain on earth, but I could be crush down with little failure upon failing a subject in my motorcycle lesson.

For now, I can say, I am in stable condition. Hue he he...
I'm happy, although I don't know what direction I want to take.. just because I have found my foundation and the clearer sign, eventhough I haven't found the answer. Hm... apa coba...
Put it this way. I am happy for the moment it is. For every little precious moment that is rare. For every little opportunity that is granted for me.
Nobody will understand that, maybe. But one advice might be applicable to everyone.
'Cherish every moment, every single moment, as if there is no tomorrow. Because for many things, there really is no tomorrow, or nothing will ever be the same.'

Confuseddd?????? Same here!!
You think it's easy to get those wisdom above? I contemplating for a long time and even so, I'm standing on shaky ground where I can topple any time. So for once, when I'm sure, I want to write it down.

Another advice that is simple but bloody difficult to do 'Never let anything crush your spirit.'
Difficult??? You bet...

I'm so sorry if above post sounds gilberrish.. I didn't mean to write when I logged in.. and I'm still in holiday mood and screen saver. I just want to get back to writing again, as it certainly can fulfill my soul.. ta-e-lah......

I have two personal projects now, since I'm still in the mood, let me share the secret..
First I want to create a page, what is inside? Let me gather my will and hopefully I really will put my effort in this..
Second, to create a secret journal where only me or people who don't know me might read.

Sound gilberrish? Ya.. still....

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I haven't been very active in updating this blog, not that I don't have anything to write, but most of the things happening to me lately is either too private to share, I don't want to talk about it, or they belong in their own journals.

I have been putting ideas to write more often, for myself, or trying out to write more professionally as suggested by some, but this lazyness keep hovering above me. Not only that, writing actually takes a lot of time.
For blog, it's alright, but it still need significant amount of time you can steal during the day.
For journal or something more credible, sometimes I got sick of it just by editing it over and over again.

Anyway, this year has been flying very fast and it has been a good year for me. I want to make it a year when I make things happen. Really happen and go out there and realizing it, so I hope I can keep the spirit high.

Keeping spirit high is actually a very big challenge that always tempted by something else every other day. Keeping mindset positive is also another challenge harder to face the older I get. Hmm.. what an irony.. but I'm sure it happens to a lot of people. Live longer make me more skeptical.

So I write this short entry, not to fill up space, but to remind myself to keep trying.

You too!


Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Rinjani Journal

Wahhhhh.. long lazy Sabatical from writing...

But I have journal..


Friday, May 07, 2010


Have you ever stuck in a situation where you hardly had any spare time and when you have it, you wonder what you should do?

I am!

When I have spare time I can actually check my facebook, write to my forum or do other things i used to do but sometimes I just sit there with a book in my lap that I don't intend to read. Those are the things I should be doing but I can't gather my mood because what I want is just to stare blankly on the TV screen and rest.

So my intention for today and tonight is to take 10 minutes to write this blog and declare that I still exist, maybe check facebook and appreciate what my friends are doing and I desperately need to log in to my forum because there is something really important to do there. It is closing. I am very sad. And I am guilty as I haven't been active like forever. But it's still my little wonderful cyber world and it has been more than five years and these small community still remember me.. hiks..

Yah.. tonight it is!

Friday, April 09, 2010


This is one of the songs with the best lyric. In my opinion.
I was smitten with this song long time ago, and upon chance to hear it again,
this time, again, really ponder through the lyric, but I look at it a bit differently.

Average monkey. Or... average weird monkey, like me, will love to imagine a world
without countries and religions. I don't mind countries, one of the things I love to do is to learn or read about other's cultures and uniqueness.
On the other hand, I might be in the minority for thinking that the absence of religions will make the world a better place. We need to learn common sense good and bad, right or wrong to live side to side, but we shouldn't differentiate and divide ourselves the way it is happening now. After all, religions are interpreted and practiced by human, one single animal species that make the most mistakes, driven by the most greed, most capable of cruelty and violent among their own species and other species.
Yah.. I think we’ll be fine without that.

Now I ponder about another phrase in the song “Imagine no possessions”
No need for greed or hunger”
I guess in the past I didn’t really give the first sentence a long thought. (Not that I say we have to ponder through every song lyrics as way of killing time. It’s just me being me, my brain is randomly scattered that I think about random things. All the time. Many times too much for my own liking.)
If I can say confidently that religion doesn’t matter to me, I can’t say the same for possession, and I’m sure, neither do majority of everyone else.
It’s the urge to decorate my shoes with those cute buttons that are honestly not really applicable for my age (but do I look like I care if anyone think so? ;p), it’s the dream of going places and doing things, it’s the crave of Indonesian food, it’s a sadness of seeing your favorite white top with chilly stain and the possessions of those you love and care about. How would I ever let it go? How could someone can be completely detached? Detach from earthy possessions, that I’m sure can be achieved at certain level, although I’m nowhere near. But detach from emotional possessions is something I can’t even… imagine.

Ah well..
I really do respect the writer of the lyrics.
I should continue ponder his other work that has excellent writing quality also.
Another one of the most straightforward lyrics: Jealous Guy
I’m not really a fan of John Lennon or Beatles but I love these two song’s lyrics.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Paralel Universe

April Foooooool!!!

Nah. Does anyone still doing prank on April Fool?
My friend said people in Hong Kong still believe so, but I don't know how updated is he.

Not because of April Fool, not because today is Thursday and tomorrow is starting of long weekend and Easter and my long awaited holiday. Or because currently I'm sitting alone in the office and I have been trying to work since morning, but thanks to me being at a milestone of work I can take a little bit of breath or thank to my sleepy eye and holiday mood I prefer to log in blogger and type something random that comes to my mind.

Paralel Universe.


If I didn't spend too much time reading rubbish since morning, I would go around internet to read up some interesting theory about paralel universe. But since I have tired eyes (reading on screen is taxing to eyes!), screw theories and histories, I just want to bluff myself at the moment.

Have you ever wonder how it is like if you take different path on your life and where would you end at this moment?
Just like the detective book I read during childhood 'Pilih Sendiri Petualanganmu' or whatever translated 'Choose Your Own Adventure'., when you can pick what you want to do and see your ending.

Somehow I found the book suck big time. First, it is too thin to qualify as a book, second everything is random, they can anyhow make up about anything and you just leave your faith to the writers with ridiculous progress in the story. How would I know there is a freaking deadly spider behind this door, or eight-headed snake that would chew my face when I walk that way? Somethingg like that. Yah, I always end up dying in every scenario. Not fun.

Maybe it would be fun if it's indeed a quality detective story that weight your choice based on clues and riddles.. don't you think... not too difficult riddle that you might need to bang your head to but simple riddles like that Professor Layton thingy.. Layton or Clayton? Although the movie is out, it's been a while since I woke up until wee hour in the morning trying to solve his puzzles.

So.. would it be different if you take different path in life?

How if I didn't pass the test to enter my Uni? I would have met my husband earlier in my other Uni choice that he happened to be in.
How if he took the offer to study in my high school? I would have met him earlier.
How if I decline my chance to work in Batam? I wouldn't have met him.
How if we didn't suck it up to difficult lives there? I would have been somewhere in Central Kalimantan and he would have been back to Jakarta.

How if I didn't pick Architecture as first choice when trying to enrole in my Uni?
I would have been rich. I'm quite sure. Must be better than now. Architecture sucks.
Noted that. Spread the words. Tell your kids.
Hue he he he...

How if I accept that invitation? That flower? That offer? I would have married someone else.
How if I pursue my photography interest since the beginning of my interest? I might be in somewhere cool, or begging on the street?

How if my mom really had the fund to put me in ballet school? I wouldn't be as robotic as now, or I might be the most robotic ballerina wanna be ever.

How if I never pass my very-short-phase-feminim-teenage year?
Nahh. This one I would pass. Fast. Regardless what route I take.

Yah. It could be it.
Regardless what route you take, it could lead into the same thing.
A friend I know (Yalah! Otherwise why would I say friend?!) loves this movie called Sliding Door. I don't really remember the details, but something about paralel world scenario that somehow lead to...errr... different/same ending? What is my point?
Or Butterfly Effect.. (I hate Asthon Kurcher, but I like this Sci-Fi)..

Welll... Guess we never know... ?

I actually feel that this post is not complete, no ending, but somehow I feel too sleepy to continue.
Yah... being me.


*What if I decide to continue the story and find whole new level of theory????*


Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Siapa yang sekarang sedang merasa senang dengan pekerjaannya??
Unjuk tangaaaaann...!

Kalo iya, lebih baik mandi kembang, bakar dupa atau apapun buat merasa bersyukur.
Karena pada dasarnya.., bekerja itu gak asik, jijay dan bikin frustasi. Mungkin ada saat2 dimana gua sangat menyukai pekerjaan gua, tapi kalo pada detik ini, saat ini, gua siap melancarkan bogem mentah ke siapa aja yang kasih gua alasan buat sumpek.

Ya, ya.. masih punya kerjaan, kudu bersyukur..
Iya... iya kok!! Bahkan gua mungkin termasuk yang unjuk tangan,
tapi biarlah di detik ini gua menikmati kefrustasian gua (bisa ya?)..
dan yang bikin lebih frustasi adalah kenyataan., kalau dimana pun, selama bekerja sama orang, selama berurusan dengan yang namanya orang, frustasi tetap ada biarpun levelnya beda-beda..

karena itu pas gua nemu dan mendengarkan lagu simple..
menarilah dan terus tertawa, walau dunia tak seindah surga....
tiba-tiba gua merasa digebuk dan perih dimata..

mood gua keangkat, tapi bersamaan, gua bener2 menyadari betapa pengennya gua keluar dari keadaan ini.. keadaan apapun yang bikin gua sumpek dan merasa terkekang..

mungkin istilah noraknya gua pengen berlarian dipantai, kejeduk sana sini atau kepeleset dipasir, gua gak peduli, tapi gua pengen teriak2 dan ketawa sekencang2nya dan bukannya ngumpet-ngumpet menyembunyikan perasaan dan berusaha mengontrol untuk tidak menyumpah atau menangis.


Kapan gua berani melepas semua-semuanya dan bener2 menjadi buih2 di laut???
Ce-elahhhhhh.... edan......



tapi gua serius.


Friday, March 12, 2010

Cougar Love

But unlike what we sometimes see in TV, cougar love is tough in Singapore. Just in few weeks, I read two articles about Cougar love goes wrong, in quite extreme ways.

Cougar is the term of older woman scoring younger or much younger man. It’s not necessary negative term, but it tends to go that direction also.

In first article, a parents of a guy, who is dating much older woman, ambush and beat her up. Confusing sentence? Let me try again, a woman was beaten up by parents of his much younger boyfriend. Better? I don’t care.
The boyfriend was furious and lodged police report against his own parents.
A lot of ugly dramas.

Second article, a guy is disowned by his parents when he had relationship and finally married older woman. He tried to ask for their consent, he tried to make peace, to no avail. The peak of all, he was chased away by his mother when he wanted to attend his father’s funeral. Despite going on his knees and tears, he was not welcome. His father’s wish on deathbed was not to let his son attend his funeral.

There are not many valid reasons flying around about why they reject ‘cougar’ that much, except she is a 'disgrace', sons are blind, and one, one, key reason, family tier would stop, the cougar might not be able to bear them grandchildren.

With all due respect to all parents, I would still say For Crying Out Loud. We are still living in ancient world, anytime, regardless how modern the technology and life has evolved. It’s not just for older generation, but actually very applicable for younger generation too, especially Asian. Give yourself a dollar, everytime you know and meet someone who view children as a way to continue your family surname (many Indonesian like me doesn’t even have surname!) , an indication of filial generation for grandchildren production, investment, for money and care on your rainy days when you are old, an must-have social status, a sure stage that everyone – diedie has to go through, an accomplishment of life.

Children are not object. They are individual. If individual are created the same, the creator might as well mass produce us. Bang bang bang… a thousand of Aping or whoever appear. When he gets bored, just release a virus and as easy as it comes, all Aping would be wipe out. Sama DNA. Same effect. Simple. No headache. When those Aping fights, they can go for hours, fighting using same method and all die together because there is no winner or loser.
Yah. It would be boring and crappy world I wouldn’t want to belong. I’ll be sick of them. Of me. Whatever.

Netizen post responses to the article, some share same thinking with me. Some says sons are not filial and disgraceful to their parents.
The sad thing is, until comes to age, those ‘cougar’ are portrayed as down to earth, nice and caring people, and it’s hard to find ladies with those quality in this modern world, you are saying? But when the number is out, Bam, they are disgraceful, slut, man eater, cougar, old hag.. That is really sad.
Not to mention that it doesn't work that way when the man is the much older one.

Parents are angel. They bring up their children until they can stand on their own. I would curse on anyone not being filial if they have angel parents and never repay their kindness when they are the ones who need us.

But it doesn’t mean that they control every aspect in the life, for future and for individual choices and decisions. They might have the reason of ‘I want the best for my children’ but what is the best? Anyone knows? And everything involves feelings are fragile. You think the sons prefer old woman if they can fall for younger and prettier one? They might question it everyday and fight but who can control feelings to be honest?

What is right for one might be wrong for others. And vice versa. Vice versa.
The world is soooo grey…, yet everyone see it as black and white.
I’d say blame Apple.


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bali Safari 13-21 February 2010

Bali Safari Journal
13-21 February 2010


Thursday, February 25, 2010


I am a shy person...?

Well, sometimes socializing kill me.
If I can choose I'll be going crazy if I spend one week without personal time tha none week alone without anyone.

Loner. Introvert or whatever it would be, but imho, not putting socializing as favorite activities doesn't mean one can't socialize.

In fact, beside having a blast hanging out with friends, I can hook up conversations with new friends or strangers easily, and I think I can mix myself into new environment or have new friends without much difficulty.

However, I can only limit my bandwith to certain capacity. If I have to meet friends that I'm not really close with, perhaps some relatives or newly known friends etc two days in the row, the energy really drains me. Sometimes I think I need to be around people, but many many other times I need alone time with myself or just the closest people in my life.

I prefer to eat alone rather than spending one hour with people I'm not really close to or comfortable with. Again, knowing them more is fine, I might gain new friend and I can do that, but I'm lacking of any motivation to put myself into the situation on the first place, if I can avoid it.

I declined two invitations last night to hang out with two group of new friends, one group even consists of one of my best friend wanting to introduce me to his personal friends, the others are fun people who like same activity with me. In fact, I was alone and was kind of needing something or someone to cheer me up, but yet, I chose to be a loner.

Maybe sometimes I wish I can be more outgoing, but having time alone or just being in circle of people I'm really comfortable with means more to me.

Although last night situation make me think, maybe if I'm more outgoing and just go out to hang around with them, would I gain few more good friends or would I feel miserable and uncomfortable?
From my statistic the first one is more likely to happen, maybe because when I really go out I can see that I can align with that particular people, if not I would decline forever?
Maybe next time when I have better mood. : )

I wouldn't change anything because I have been like this, well..., 33 years.
I think I just realize it more than ever.

You never know anyone or even yourself too well I think.


Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Beautiful Singapore

There are many sides of Singapore main island, it takes time to explore, it takes moments to ponder.
The impression is always, big city, transportation hub, shopping center, busy roads, fast-walking city dweller, buildings, buildings, buildings.

Despite the limitation and the main characteristic, Singapore actually has many hidden places, if you care enough to explore. Places where you can see less people, places where you can say "I don't feel like I'm in Singapore."..

I have found some secret places by accidental exploration or introduced.
Some time ago, I found a nice patch of shore just next to the place I work. It's not that close, we needed to walk around 3 clicks to reach. But it's very nice, quiet, beautiful and green patch of shore overlooking the reservoir. The road is just a distance away, but we can forget the sound of traffic and feel 'out of Singapore'.

There is also lush 'forestry' quite near my house, even though it's next to the street, it's well hidden, and the amount of mosquitoes and wild macaques say so too.

Last weekend I explore east part of Singapore, where I stumbled upon hidden beach and beautiful pine forest. There are beaches where we could see people fishing, doing Kite Surfing (It's an impressive sport!), rope-boarding (I don't know what is the official name).

But the best, are still the secret bays where we can just watch the water movement on the sand, colorful sea snail, sitting under the tree and listen to bird chirping with extraordinary beautiful blue sky and vegetation along the way.

No closure for this post.

Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our hearts are drunk with a beauty our eyes could never see.
~ George W. Russell

Do I love you because you're beautiful,
Or are you beautiful because I love you?

~ Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II, Cinderella

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

100%! 100%!

I take life seriously.
Perhaps too serious that sometimes I live as if there is no tomorrow.
So, end of last year I started to make resolutions again. Didn't write it down, but I carved in on my brain. Sadly, most of my resolutions are years and years old resolutions that I haven't able to fulfill because of the usual excuses; money, money, time, time. It's always money, it's always time. But I realized that there is bigger obstacle beside those two: will. The will to make it happen.
Yes, time and money always get in the way and I can't escape that, but I realize, if I really really put 100%, I probably can do it somehow. 50-60 or even 70% is not enough at all.

So hopefully this year I can fulfill the three wishes, with the resolution of putting 100% to my resolution (how confusing it is???)

Let's see. If all goes well, but mid of the year I should have crossed two out of the three things that have been my dreams for years.

Should try. For life is short. For life is always changing without waiting for you. For waiting and delaying means you waste valuable time.
Effort. Effort. Effort.

Wish me luck.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Don't Bang Computer To The Wall!!

If there is one thing that can make me agitate in matter of seconds, is the failure of machinery. I have the shortest temper for this, at the worst I can almost feel my eyes popping up because suddenly my computer just refuse to do what I ask, do it differently or insisting to do the wrong thing, over and over again.

Website or internet are also my main source of wanting to break things around me. Idiotic html, persistent errors and unexplainable problems are three main things. Unexplainable problems, I don't make it up, I think they hate me back. There are times when any guys who are expert or suppose to be expert in IT scratch their head wondering why on earth the problem is occurring. For example, in my previous office, long-long time ago, my Autocad doesn't work properly if it's installed after 3d Viz. It had to be installed first, regardless what, no matter how. What logic is that??

The reason I am pissed because everyday, during lunch hour, an anti virus check or whatever will appear on our computer screen in my current office. And randomly, after checking, it would restart the computer and closing all applications without warning. The problem is, it doesn't happen often enough so I would remember not leaving anything important to save.
However yesterday, I was working on something, then there was an interruption to do something else more urgent. Combined with going out to the site and doing other things, I forgot that I might not have saved the first thing I was working, at lunch, the computer did its magic, and voila, this morning, when I tried to find the file, I can't find it everywhere! *&@#$$^@#$%@...!!

Don' IT...department.... to.......the.......wall......


Monday, January 04, 2010

Mother of All Monday

Today is probably the day, where all the working people on earth, look up at the sky, and say to whoever they believe in "WHY? WHY? Why this is happening to me?"

Yah.. It is.. The dreaded Monday.
The bluest Monday. The Mother of all Mondays.
The first Monday in January.

People are coming back from holiday..and worse, all fo the sudden, all the quiet, bumbling, fun, cold, festive are all gone. Next holiday is not near the horizon (although thankfully, Chinese New Year is near here. And CNY is the longest public holiday of the year..two days..! Well, I meant to say it as sarcastic-ironic.., but living here for sometimes, I get really excited to this 'longest' public holiday).

People are coming back to office. Emails are flooding in, but not those tingling Christmas theme. It's work!
While I spent my December envying (is it a proper word?) those who went on holiday, at least for me the 'culture shock - mother of all Mondays' is not creeping me in as bad as the rest who enjoyed their December elsewhere. (Although it's bad enough, especially with the heavy rain this morning. You know what is the meaning of heavy rain???? Good sleeep!!).
So when my enviness (not a word I'm sure) is over, it's time they envy me for being quite okay waking up today. 'Lucky bastard' is the type of the look they gave me..
Kidding... a bit.. I believe some of the looks are 'Nice to see you again'
'Howdy' and some 'Arghhh, it's you again?' 'So, how did you root in office last week?'

Anyway.. I can say that my solitary for most of December had been quiet in nice way, when I have the whole room for myself, did whatever I want or picked my nose whenever I need.. I also found the keyboard clicking, phone ringing and familiar faces to be something good also.

It's nice to be in the office when we actually like one another. Lucky me?

Many people look forward to the New Year for a new start on old habits.
- Anonymous

New Year's is a harmless annual institution, of no particular use to anybody save as a scapegoat for promiscuous drunks, and friendly calls and humbug resolutions.
- Mark Twain