The purchase was made because we are sick to keep changing our external hard disks, those hard disk with card readers we bring on trips to transfer and store pictures for backup or when memory cards are full. They are unreliable, break easily and on many occasions, the pictures stored inside can’t be open or damaged. In my new, not so new anymore, job, I also happen to have 25 minutes bus ride each morning and evening and I can’t read in the bus. If I don’t do anything, I would fall asleep and got giddy afterwards. Anyway, I also hardly have time to write anymore in my work, so my journal and blogs are being neglected. So except for data storing, I need this for my bus ride that come in handy to write anything. It had performed much better and hardy than I expected, it also cost much less than high-end handphone. The minor inconvenience, it doesn’t have cd-rom, hence the size.
I’m impressed because in the past, I almost always had bad records with computers. Somehow, machines always work up on me, well, I’m not the most patient person to start with, and I hate it the most when machines start to give me troubles, it irritates me to the point that I would curse and throw fists to the air or beat-up something that can’t fight back, like chair or table. Coward you say, but if I beat up something that can fight back I would have add another thing to piss me off!
Month of February, March and April, I was extremely busy with computer. I need to get my Final project done, get it over and done with. It has been more that half a year since I suppose to start. I gave myself deadline to finish it before my diving trip in March. But again, you must know, I also gave myself deadline to finish it before my September, then October, then December trip but nothing was done.
So again, this time I got the deadline I’m not really sure I want to honour. However, just a mere two weeks before the trip, I lightly talked about it and ended up with my two colleagues, placing up a bet that I wouldn’t be able to finish. So, for motivation, I work day and night hahaha..and even though I missed out quite a lot of thing, which I didn’t bother to add in anymore because I’m sick of it..I managed to hand in the project few days earlier than my deadline.
To connect it to the story, what happened was, my computer at home, inherited from hubby, died even before I started. It was one of my excuses for delayed project. We changed the hard disk, it was up and running, but few days after, it crashed again.
To add salt to the wound, my office computer also crashed, I couldn’t rely on anything but the notebook. Setback that, it was so tiny that it’ss not comfortable for working long hour with words and researches. Luckily, I could just plug in the desktop monitor, put in mouse to replace the touchpad, network cable or using wireless and speaker in home or office and it’s ready for long battles. Didn't have chance to do in office thought, except for final read-through..
Beside heavy researches and programs, It also handle my month long photo editing with big files. Amazingly, it didn’t give me any kind of trouble, which is very unlikely as long as I dealt with machine.
So, dedicate this post to my mini Aspire One….exactly almost one year age…you survive me.
No many do.. ;p