Few months, few weeks to few days before the Olympic begins, disaster and unfortunate events came as if they had been queuing to fall on the same time, to prevent China into fulfilling their Olympic year. Politic, disease, terrorist threat, economic, social problem, even pollution and natural disasters took their turn in significant and big scale. Few had confident that the country will be able to host the Olympic well, many cross their fingers, yet many speculate and sit back to watch whatever next controversy might be happening next.
Today, the Olympic has come to the end. Despite all the controversy and discouragement that China faces, it manages to pull out a sensational Olympic that makes Asia proud. They certainly put their weight, their resources and effort into making it a successful event.
To salute all the athlete who scarification might be beyond imagination, with the warm fulfilling heart watching with pride as they make their national anthem echoing in the stadium, Olympic should always be an event where, if all else fail, be the one events all nations celebrate and gather with peace, spirit, pride and patriotism to be part of their country and part of the world.
It should never be tainted with politic, war, hatred if, ever possible.
I always turn to the sports section first. The sports page records people's accomplishments; the front page has nothing but man's failures.
~Earl Warren
If only Hitler and Mussolini could have a good game of bowls once a week at Geneva, I feel that Europe would not be as troubled as it is.
~R.G. Briscow