and this:
Blame it on schedule and mood, my brain memory is kind of full because I haven’t backed it up.
I would just dump everything inside for a quick recap..
Me and hubby have another mutual hobby.
Looking back, I ‘kind of’ interested in photography since long time ago. So I wanted to join my high school extra curricular for photography. But opss.. the first thing that I need was a camera, obviously, which I don’t have. So as fast as it came, it went off. I changed the class to painting class. Cheaper, dirtier and fun, with the cool long curly haired teacher.
First time, until now, that I had my own camera, privately own was after I saw all the nice pictures my diving kakis took and how they enjoyed it. I enjoyed my role as finder-helper, because they are busy with camera, I got more time to find objects for them to take. It was shaky experience at first. Taking down camera is a lot of tasks. Make sure it doesn’t leak is another risk. It happened that first trip I brought my camera with is the crazy Komodo trip with the pro and con. I spent few dives without it first because I was too chickened to bring it down, afraid it’d be a task too many with all the unpredictable dive conditions. But after that it was okay, it’s just worth it.
This time, I don’t use my own camera, because the pocket camera can’t do much to be honest. I can’t do good shots at night, and nothing fantastic with the land shots. I can’t even take monkey’s faces without the need to crop from the bigger pictures.
I was not interested with those bulky ugly blacky DSLR at first, but one day we happened to go to camera shop and I felt quite bored so I tried. And wohoho…how can I explain the kechang kechang kechang..multiple shots and so and so.. I would never miss a thing. How many times I had to spend minutes on focusing on a fish and when I shot it was actually gone, or taking monkey’s butt instead of the face because it got bored posing for me..
So when hubby had the new camera, he also brings back his office’s one for me to try. And I tell you, those ugly fat black thingy are so good that it’s just interesting to take shots of everything!
So now, if we don’t have outing or other things, we would go hunting for pictures. Parks, cities etc… As weird as people might think, we can spend a lot of time in various ugly position. I would say land photography is dirty hobby, especially if we hunt for insects. We got to hang around bushes or shrubs or soil, sometimes under the shade or under the sun for those scary creatures. It’s amazing of what human eyes can’t see. We would never able to see a spider’s cynical face and the watchful eye of soldier ants if we were to use only naked eyes. I took a picture of a black shape of what I thought is the relaxing insects, but it turned out to be dead insects. Ho….spookyyy…ha…
Still 1. THE HENDERSON WAVE (20th June 2008)
Other less dirty hunts we had done was to Henderson Wave. I must say this bridge impresses me a lot. It feels good to be there.

We went with Alan and Dor on Friday night. We had barbeque stingray dinner for a start before taking a long walk from Hort Park across the steel bridge..long..long way, through the total darkness (I forgot I was in Singapore!) before we reached the bridge. We spent around one and a half hour walking.
In the bridge itself, after taking all sort of shots, we enjoyed the bright moonlight overlooking the whole Singapore because it was around 70 something meters above sea level. Around us was windy and nice. We were getting comfortable lying down on the highest wooden deck.

Hardly as you heard, I applaud the effort to create nice hang out place for pedestrian like this. If not only because we were jealous of family next to us, who brought their picnic necessity, it would have been perfect.
We spent some time there, just talking and looking at the sky. It is also one of the few places we can actually see stars here. Around 11, we had to leave. We had to take taxi to go back to our first starting point to pick up our friend’s car.
But it has been few weeks that we skipped picture hunting, which lead me to the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth story.
2. THE TOY EXHIBITION (22st June 2008)
Seems like no matter how an adult has grown up, we always have a child spirit inside. Look at the toy exhibition in Suntec City. Did I see any kids? Yes. Did I see adults? YESSSSSS! They were many many times more adults than kids with glowing eyes and itchy wallet. Hard to say, toys are collectible and adults treat them better. Clean, display, take care of those while kids are master in destroying. There were also many teenager showed up as anime characters just to have fun and pose for pictures, and a lot of photographers around for the opportunity too.
Except those ‘freewill’ characters, some booth are promoting theirs. There was this big guy walking around with coat and big boot, red faced with one palm bigger than another. He looked exactly like hellboy because he wore mask. It was too late for hubby to take his picture because it was his break time. When he took off the mask..aiyah!
I hate Star Wars and will happily join Star Wars hater club but I must applaud their collectible goods. They have all character figurines. All…! So even small ugly or whatever and whoever, they have it.
Too bad there was not much happy2 characters like Doraemon around. Kekeke..
One thing I always keep in mind for barbeque between friends or family, we always have too much food to finish. Everyone brought something and everything ended up too much. Barbeque is also one thing when everybody is too hungry in the beginning because it takes time for things to get cooked and too full in the end. I’ve known hubby colleagues quite well, especially Alan and Dor, our kaki in their office trip and our kaki for hang out also. So everyone was almost like my own friends. We got excited talking about the upcoming office trip which is actually still about half a year.
4. THE GRADUATION DAY (28th June 2008)
Nothing fantastic, in fact, I wanted to skip it if not for hubby and friends. It was not a bad day, although what everyone said is true. Second time is nahhh… But we had fun meeting classmate’s family and each other again. Other reason I also attended it half heartedly because we haven’t actually finished yet. There is final project which I abandoned for quite sometime, which lead me to the another stories.
5. THE MOVIE NIGHT (4th July 2008)
Night time was not always a good time to bring family with children out. So we went out with Alan and Dor for a movie night. Stuffed our selves with cheese-woven-funnel cake look alike before the movie and enjoy Indian instant noodle after that with their famous prata. Bad for me, I don’t remember what is the name of the place. It’s nearby famous nasi lemak…er….nevermind.
Speaking about movie, I had movie day (14th June 2008) with my ex-colleague too, but I skipped the dinner, heard they had big big prawn yummy noodle. Aiyah.
6. THE FAMILY VISIT (from 28th June 2008)
Jovan my nephew is here again, this time with Xin-xin, his sister. I thought he would be a big boy now.. you know, those who knows it all, naughty and hate all the uncles and aunts with early teenager angst. I was wrong, he is still the same kid, so talkative that it dried up my throats talking to him the whole weekend. Xin-xin has different character and temper, she is cute and very active. But if she decides to scream, mohoo, all the nerves in my head feel like shattered into pieces. The problem is if we don’t understand what she tried to communicate, luckily, it doesn’t happen too often. Although it’s bone and muscle cracking for us, it’s a lot of fun having them around.
29th June 2008
First weekend we went to the beach in Sentosa. We went for picnic but forget to bring picnic stuff like food and matt. It was a last minute decision, even me and hubby dress in jeans and shoes, we looked like clueless tourist but we kicked off our shoes anytime. Jovan together with my youngest brother and his daughter swim on the shore while the rest of us roamed around, taking pictures or relaxing. At night, we went to watch the laser show, but in the middle of the show, the rain caught us off guard. Everyone was like chicken running around when it felt on our head. I can swear to you that the droplet hurt when it hit my back because it was gigantic. We missed three quarter of the show and went home half soaked because we were the ones delivering the umbrella here and there.
4-5 July 2008
The next weekend, I went out to have breakfast-lunch with my ex-colleagues. 5 of us had dimsum in this Hong Kong restaurant in Chinatown area. It was nice and relaxing to go out early and the weather was quite pleasant that day. Like old time sake, we chit chat and catching up with each other story.
The rest of the day I spent with family on nearby mall since they didn’t feel like going out too far. They hung out in our house until late before going back to my brother’s.
The Sunday I brought them to the zoo, it happened that it was bloody hot that day. With our pace, we missed quite a lot of things and a lot of shows, but we can always come back another day if they want. We spent the afternoon in the Kid’s play area. Watching two kids running around with a whole lot bunch of other kids is a big tasks..! When they bumped around or ran like mad…
11-13 July 2008
The next weekend, they moved to our house for a change. So we made use of the time well. Friday night we went to Underwater World to see the fish and took cable car to Mount Faber and back. It’s quite real that as I grow older, eh..more mature, things are more frightening…I got echo of agreement from many people. Like watching scary movie and even ride cable cars haha…maybe because we know we could fall and die. Hush…!
Saturday we went to the theme park and waterpark, since we had limited time, we didn’t try all rides. I accompanied Jovan to the bumper boat thinking it was harmless to do. Apparently being the only adult at that turn, I was too nice not to spray the kids and helped Jovan to control the boat when he just turned around and around, the grateful less nephew and other kids sprayed me with all might, with all those passerby (*@# adults. I went up soaked.
At the water park we had great time trying the ride or just lazed around floating. Too bad Xin-xin didn’t want to play, so it was only me and hubby with Jovan while mom, sis in law and xin2 just sat around and watched. Forget to mention perhaps, that big bro only joined us next week. And for this weekend, young bro and family didn’t join us.
Jovan was restless playing with water, he did not stop for a minute. Even climbing the stair for the ride up and down didn’t slow him at all. To think that the stairs are actually adult scale and it should be more ‘tasky’ to him, but I guess fun beat anything. We had great fun too although three of us ended up with muscle strain and pain the day after.
Sunday, slide from original plan, we decide to take it indoor by visiting discovery center and science center. There was not much to do in discovery centre; I think it’s very plain and too Singaporean for my liking. Science centre was much more fun with those weird exhibit and animatronics like T-rex etc.
That’s the recap…sorry it looks like long boring newspaper blah blah..
I promise to put in pictures tonight or…give me unlimited deadline….