Times and again, it is surprising to see what guys perception of girls. Eventhough it’s not typical, but from friends and relative and others, there are some truths that guys might use to deal with ordinary girls, and there are a lot of ordinary girls out there. More than half of my friends are, some are not, some are even more ordinary. Unless you don’t believe me. Warning: It doesn’t work with all girls, but I think it works with more girls than you ever thought it would.
#1. Money is not (really) important.
This one is the most argued statement and most guys will jump on their seats. What? Then how do you explain all the suffering that we had gone through to win a girl’s heart? Sell kidney, cut toes to claim insurance to buy her stuff that she will proudly use or won’t throw away?
True. Go sell your kidney.
But the other truth is, there are a lot of girls who are not impressed with money, especially if the money is not belong to the suitor, aka daddy wealth etc. So flaunting a Ferrari or spending dad’s money only gets us pissed.
Impression: this bugger is unappreciative, dependent and proud of it. Logically, who will like this type of person? Genuinely?
Things would be different if the wealth is his own. He earns it, he has it. But mostly, guys who work up from bottom know how hard it could be and tend to be more down-to-earth and low profile. That is good. Even better if he doesn’t use it to woo a girl.
But if not belong to the two categories, girls still like hardworking ‘poorer’ guys, if not more. There is a will, there is a spirit, he gets out there and tries to support his family. It proves more.
Good and happy moment is not what money can buy.
Imagine the movie scene of dressing up, watch opera in another country, meal in another country and big diamond as a date gift, then cruise date.
It might be a dream date for some, but not necessary is. It’s like wearing a tight dress and there is no way to escape or breathe properly.
How about strolling in the beach or park with the guy who makes you laugh and feel comfortable..?
It’s personal, romantic, fun and the girl got all the attention undivided. Well?
#2. Singing in the balcony is not a really good idea.
For old movies, that is what romantic is. Showing unlimited affections in the public or sending bed of roses.
Showing affections is good, but overdoing it can works in reverse.
Most one can do is run, and fast, and wear a mask if have too.
Not too much, we want to feel special but not centre of gossip and mockery, especially when the affections are short-lived aka during the very first love blooming session only.
What happen to your bed of roses/balcony singer guy?
Oh. He passed through that phase and now just fart at home and pick me up two hours late if he remembers at all.
With fresh roses?
Nahhhh. Stinking breath.
So if it’s not you, don’t be it to impress a girl. Girls are demanding. While guys thought wooing time is the time they do their best, girls will hope that the best is the one they will keep getting. So, when the standard drops, they start to question your love.
So, better present what is real, be yourself. (If you don’t have the quality of ‘be yourself’, don’t blame me if it’s not working ;p).
Don’t over do but keep the standard. Genuine is the word.
#3. We need security
Nothing, nothing can underestimate this factor. Almost all girlfriends who look for my listening ears when they have sour relationship, this factor came up.
It’s not really the way the guy look at girl’s boob on the street, or on the teve or on the magazine, it’s not the way a guy turns his head to see beautiful women and sprains their neck. Most of girls are okay with that. Girls appreciate other’s beauty too.
But when a guy starts to show less interest, showing up later and later from the plan, forgotten about her in the group, and shows less and less appreciation to their relationship, most girls will question that and feel insecure. Who wouldn’t? It’s the dose that different. It sucks when a guy being all appreciative to woo you and then wear off as time goes by, how can you look into future if he keeps it up? Remember no #2. But above anything, non appreciative is the key for trouble to every relationship. Every. Even family and friends. Just because what you have, don’t forget to be grateful and treasure it. Human feeling is too fragile, nobody knows how many shots one can take, and even if someone can take multiple shots, the scars are there.
Insecurity is such a big factor that can drive people insane for every aspect of life. It takes away the fun of adventure, the peace of rest, the mind over body, and the logic over fear.
Don’t interpret this as calling to your girlfriend 3-4 times a day, showing up every where she is and celebrate every little things you can think of. It doesn’t work that extreme, it will kill the guy and even the girl off very fast, suffocated.
Some things will wear off the longer the relationship is, but main thing, it simply means that one have to be respectful, appreciative in relationship and never take it for granted.
But this is not easy at all.
#4. We hate fake gentleman or ungentleman.
Women are traditional creature. Regardless how bitchy and feminist we could be ;p (except a very extreme one) we still like to be treated as woman. It’s nice when we go out with a guy and they sort of protect and take care of you. From very simple thing like protecting you from the rain, putting himself on the side of the road where the car come first, offering you helping hand for some obstruction like steps, holes (honestly, we can do it. We are built almost the same and we won’t die jumping over small hole or climb some height), but it’s a very nice gesture and believe it or not, it sends us thinking of the guy higher.
We also like it when a guy takes charge. Waiving for cab, initiate to order food, make decisions and think about our safety in small or extreme way. For example, escorting you away from danger first before engaging to fight with another guy over you. Mhaha…But take note, no girls except blood thirsty one likes to see her guy or friend got beaten up or involve in anything violence, unless you are superhero who can kick ass without being hurt. Intelligent self control and cool is highly appreciated, together with logic and wisdom. Ce e lah…
These small protective and gentleman quality always win some soft spots, but warning: It has to be genuine, it really has to be genuine. We are watchful and really respect those move that goes under the radar, because it could be so genuine that the guy didn’t realize he is doing something really good. For example, pouring rain, one umbrella, classic scenario. You get to destination safe and sound, and dry. Only when you notice the guy is half drenched like a rat inside the gutter. Winning point: He takes good care of you without thinking of himself and he respects the personal distance (so he was out of the diameter of the umbrella just to avoid you being uncomfortable for getting too close). Aww…. It works the other way around with opportunist who take the chance to cuddle all over you without seeing the killing signal. Don’t share umbrella, and if you already did, kick his nuts.
The top of all and priceless is when a guy gives up something very important just to be there for you when you need him. This can’t be fake and it proves a lot. A loooot. This is kind of guy one who has the quality to be the companion of life. :")
Speaking of fake, fake gentlemen is the worst when they get caught. It’s like they treat us good, nice, and all of the qualities of making us feel impressed, flattered and protected then when we turn around, he bangs a door in front of old lady or someone else who he doesn’t have a purpose with. Or he is only good with those good looking ones. This kind is a branded male chauvinist pig that we don’t want to get involved seriously. He only treats us good when he wants us or something from us, the moment we don’t fit into the category, that is the moment he will turn his back or slam the door across our fore heads.
Point is: being fake doesn't work for long term.
This is far most a very important if not the most important point. It can hide ugly faces and other defect. Genuine smiles and gentleman deeds are really attractive.
So, for the lengthy post.
Indeed, because everytime I only have a chance to write half a point only. The post has been hanging around forever, better get it posted. When I finish, I don’t even know whether this is the topic I intend to write on the first place, and I’m sure I miss a lot of things, but the key important things are there.
Sorry for girls who don’t feel represented as ‘we’. Everybody is different, nobody is identical. Screw you, write you own. Ha…joking…
For the guys, we are not that complicated. Okay..we are.. our brain is clogged with tangled nerves and we think too much for too many little things. We can’t help it, we don’t have moustache to worry about.
But I dare to say, we are complicated in simple way, it is actually quite easy to read once you get the pattern. Hm?
Above all, these are good base but of course there other important factors, without chemistry it won't work, also, different personality attraction affect different people.
Sure God created man before woman, but then again you always make a rough draft before creating the final masterpiece.
A woman never forgets the men she could have had; a man, the women he couldn't.
Women have a wonderful instinct about things. They can discover everything except the obvious.
- Oscar Wilde
Women marry men hoping they will change. Men marry women hoping they will not. So each is inevitably disappointed.
- Albert Einstein
Men need rule books. Women want men to intuit what they want. And only about 2% of men can do that, and most of them are not heterosexual.
- Dennis Prager
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Christmas Is Here Again
Christmas is here again…yay!
It’s my favorite time of the year although I have mix feeling for Christmas.
I love it because the weather is cooler, the city is more romantic with the raindrop and drizzling wind, essential for my survival in the city.
It’s also the time to care and share more and be grateful, especially for the wonderful family, that even we are apart and scattered everywhere, we gather our thoughts of them together.
I’ll never forget the twinkling lonely Christmas tune in the dawn of some some years ago when I had to leave home for college and realized how much I’m going to miss it again.
Christmas is also blue because it was Christmas time when I had my heart break. Ceeee e lahhhh…
But on top of that, nobody can forget the tragedy of Boxing Day 2004, it affected me more than I never thought it would ever be.
So let me lift my mug and cheers to everyone, we have to always always be grateful and enjoy our lives as if there is no tomorrow, but don’t forget to save some in case we don’t die tomorrow. Cheers! :)
Christmas in new office, I never thought it would be this fun. We put up some Christmas decoration, although it’s minimalist, this morning I added some. ;p
It’s my favorite time of the year although I have mix feeling for Christmas.
I love it because the weather is cooler, the city is more romantic with the raindrop and drizzling wind, essential for my survival in the city.
It’s also the time to care and share more and be grateful, especially for the wonderful family, that even we are apart and scattered everywhere, we gather our thoughts of them together.
I’ll never forget the twinkling lonely Christmas tune in the dawn of some some years ago when I had to leave home for college and realized how much I’m going to miss it again.
Christmas is also blue because it was Christmas time when I had my heart break. Ceeee e lahhhh…
But on top of that, nobody can forget the tragedy of Boxing Day 2004, it affected me more than I never thought it would ever be.
So let me lift my mug and cheers to everyone, we have to always always be grateful and enjoy our lives as if there is no tomorrow, but don’t forget to save some in case we don’t die tomorrow. Cheers! :)
Christmas in new office, I never thought it would be this fun. We put up some Christmas decoration, although it’s minimalist, this morning I added some. ;p

We also just had our Christmas race that left me and my two colleagues cramp because we laughed like mad.




AND THE WINNER IS...........
Believe us! It's fair! We reconfirm and reconfirm again ;p
Merry Christmas to you all :)
My favorite Christmas's, still the classic!
- Silent Night by David Lanz
- So This Is Christmas by John Lennon
- My Grown Up Christmas List by Michael Bubble
- The Christmas Song
- What Child Is It
- I'll be Home for Christmas
- O Holy Night
- O Little Town og Bethlehem
And some I don't even know the title...
Thursday, December 04, 2008

I always want some magical stuff from my favorite cartoon character, the round and fat and bald blue cat who doesn’t look like a cat.. One of the thing I want is the Magical Door, repeat after me with croacky voice “Pintu Kemana Sajaaaaaaaaa”.
How wonderful it would be if I have this thing. Imagine, I can just open the door and go to the best dive sites in the world that I would never able to afford without sacrificing a lot of things. I can just plung to wherever I want to be, staring at the sky above the remote mountain in Java, walking in the snow in Switzerland, canyoning trough the cliff in Tibet, sand tobogganing in Australia outback, watch African Dance ritual in, well, Africa, counting migrating penguin in Antarctica, basking with marine iguana in Galapagos (although.. hiii! Giant lizard!), have breakfast in New Zealand, lunch in Hokkaido and dinner in Yogyakarta, and so and so hell yeah!..
But now I have different thinking, I think human should endure traveling while they can, it shapes important part of our lives. Maybe it’s not so exciting to go everywhere again if what we need to do is open that door. Traveling to reach a destination is time and resource consuming, tiring, dangerous, sickening but it makes us grateful to reach the end of it. Sometimes, the traveling itself is the enjoyment and important part of the trip. We create bonds with companion, make friends, even fall in love, have exciting adventure to remember etc etc.., even movie world admit the necessity, look at movies like TransAmerica, The terminal, Titanic, Little Miss Sunshine to name a few..
Of course there are times when all we want during traveling is to drop dead in the bedroom. I have encountered at least twice. As I am not resistant with motion sickness (I think I lost a screw somewhere in my head, it affects my balance. I even got prescription with what the doctor called cure for “Nerve Imbalanced”, how crazy is that sound? But don’t shun me, it’s quite common ok…).
Yah, there are times when I spent whole day traveling in bus’s toilet. Tell me about the scenery in Twelve Apostles, now it’s not even Twelve anymore, Apollo Bay, etc etc..What I remember is throwing up in the toilet every 15 minutes, literally, I was so pissed that I just sat in the toilet. Tell me about the nice first experience of scuba dive, what I did was also throwing up leaning on the boat, on the sea surface and underwater.
Tell me about squeezing my legs and everything into cramp airline and stranded in the airport waiting for plane delay in hot weather and smelly neighbors, about the fear when being driven by someone who acted like drunkard, or plane that is not working properly just before boarding. Mugger, crappy people, insanity, bau terasi, hairy people…
There are whole load of crap.
But still, traveling is significant, it keeps us grateful when we reach destination, it gives us motivation to be able to step out foot somewhere one day one time, it keeps the quiet place quiet, exotic places exotic, great diving site great, and pretty places pretty. What is more significant?
Of course, if I’m able to bargain, I would like to eliminate the negative impact of traveling, the worry of safety of loved ones. And to get the advantage like being able to visit my family anytime now and then.
That would be ideal.
If only the world is ideal.
Only the traveling is good which reveals to me the value of home and enables me to enjoy it better.
- Henry David Thorea
There is a third dimension to traveling, the longing for what is beyond.
- Jan Myrdal
The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail. Travel too fast and you miss all you are traveling for.
How wonderful it would be if I have this thing. Imagine, I can just open the door and go to the best dive sites in the world that I would never able to afford without sacrificing a lot of things. I can just plung to wherever I want to be, staring at the sky above the remote mountain in Java, walking in the snow in Switzerland, canyoning trough the cliff in Tibet, sand tobogganing in Australia outback, watch African Dance ritual in, well, Africa, counting migrating penguin in Antarctica, basking with marine iguana in Galapagos (although.. hiii! Giant lizard!), have breakfast in New Zealand, lunch in Hokkaido and dinner in Yogyakarta, and so and so hell yeah!..
But now I have different thinking, I think human should endure traveling while they can, it shapes important part of our lives. Maybe it’s not so exciting to go everywhere again if what we need to do is open that door. Traveling to reach a destination is time and resource consuming, tiring, dangerous, sickening but it makes us grateful to reach the end of it. Sometimes, the traveling itself is the enjoyment and important part of the trip. We create bonds with companion, make friends, even fall in love, have exciting adventure to remember etc etc.., even movie world admit the necessity, look at movies like TransAmerica, The terminal, Titanic, Little Miss Sunshine to name a few..
Of course there are times when all we want during traveling is to drop dead in the bedroom. I have encountered at least twice. As I am not resistant with motion sickness (I think I lost a screw somewhere in my head, it affects my balance. I even got prescription with what the doctor called cure for “Nerve Imbalanced”, how crazy is that sound? But don’t shun me, it’s quite common ok…).
Yah, there are times when I spent whole day traveling in bus’s toilet. Tell me about the scenery in Twelve Apostles, now it’s not even Twelve anymore, Apollo Bay, etc etc..What I remember is throwing up in the toilet every 15 minutes, literally, I was so pissed that I just sat in the toilet. Tell me about the nice first experience of scuba dive, what I did was also throwing up leaning on the boat, on the sea surface and underwater.
Tell me about squeezing my legs and everything into cramp airline and stranded in the airport waiting for plane delay in hot weather and smelly neighbors, about the fear when being driven by someone who acted like drunkard, or plane that is not working properly just before boarding. Mugger, crappy people, insanity, bau terasi, hairy people…
There are whole load of crap.
But still, traveling is significant, it keeps us grateful when we reach destination, it gives us motivation to be able to step out foot somewhere one day one time, it keeps the quiet place quiet, exotic places exotic, great diving site great, and pretty places pretty. What is more significant?
Of course, if I’m able to bargain, I would like to eliminate the negative impact of traveling, the worry of safety of loved ones. And to get the advantage like being able to visit my family anytime now and then.
That would be ideal.
If only the world is ideal.
Only the traveling is good which reveals to me the value of home and enables me to enjoy it better.
- Henry David Thorea
There is a third dimension to traveling, the longing for what is beyond.
- Jan Myrdal
The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail. Travel too fast and you miss all you are traveling for.
- Unknown
I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move.
- Robert Louis Stevenson
I would like to spend the whole of my life traveling, if I could anywhere borrow another life to spend at home.
- William Hazlitt
My home is in Heaven. I'm just traveling through this world.
- Billy Graham
I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move.
- Robert Louis Stevenson
I would like to spend the whole of my life traveling, if I could anywhere borrow another life to spend at home.
- William Hazlitt
My home is in Heaven. I'm just traveling through this world.
- Billy Graham
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