Thursday, January 31, 2008

Here To Our Friend

I just watched the painful divorce process of my friend.
It's devastating I can tell, from all the fairy tale that turned into ugly drama.
Her spouse did everything he could to avoid the divorce, but all the wrong thing, in the name of money. He lives off
from her, and if they are separated, his money source is gone. He even tried to get custody of their son, for the hostage
of money, with ugly ways, I mean really really ugly. From kidnaping to trying to put his wife in jail for false accusation,
I almost can't believe that it is happening.

So when she finally went through the final court, with divorce on her hand, I didn't know what to say.
That is what she wants. But should I say congritulation? To what? To the failed marriage? To be happy for her that the man that she loved and trust ended up as her nightmare and the one who hurts her badly?
Although that is her goal at the moment, it is not her goal at all. I don't think anybody in their right mind would get married to be divorced again someday, if love is the reason. However, after all the dramas, it's a happy ending for her to get out from the hellish relationship, maybe it's not the end yet. Now, they have to split everything, sell the house, and she wants full custody of her son, which is going to be another stressful process I believe.

But my friend is a very strong person, she is very optimistic and always looks at the bright side.
So when she gets the result, me and our other friend suggest that we should celebrate, and because the person loves to sing very much, and as I read everywhere that singing is a very good way to relieve stress, here comes the dreaded reality of life, of me... We finally agreed to have a karaoke session for three of us, after our exam.

And so we did! Man...the last time I went for karaoke was.....huh...more than ten years ago. But set aside all the deaf tunes, we were having good time and two of my friends sang their heart out. I think I kind of carried away also, mhe he's good that we felt free among ourselves.

Bad stress...hear we sing!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


We saw the ad of the film, it's showed only at certain theatre in Singapore, so we went to see it straightaway or it would be slipped away from the cinema.

Rob Stewart is a freediver, scubadiver, professional phorographer and photojournalist. Starting from his interest in diving,
he found the horrible truth about human exploitation to the sea, especially to most exploited species that hasn't caught many
attention to their protection, sharks.
During the years of the making, he had come to many obstacles, from murder charges and mafia to life threatening diseases like West Nile, Tuberculosis and flesh-eating diseases that almost cost his leg and his life.

The movie has striking beautiful underwater footages, and also the footage of the horrible truth about what human do to the sharks and the sea. The end products might end up innocently on dinner plate or wedding occasion, but the bloody truth is devastating. Reality is, Asian community especially Chinese are the main, the most and the worst consumer of the product that they regard as good food, shark-fins. They believe it's the symbol of wealth, the powerful food that can give them strength, well, like those others, sea horse, tiger testicles etc etc.

The effect of the strong demand create strong protection to shark fins mafia, and the circle can't be broken, unless, the awareness takes over. I believe that our generation lives in a very important era of the history, where everything is to be gone and it's time to do something or to watch it gone.

It's a great documentary, that covers the facts and truth and hidden messages.
It would be great if I was able to do 1/10 of what he has done.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Albany & Perth

Christmas in the land of golden hairs ....

or click on the link on the right: Places.


Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Welcome 2008

New Year again!?
It seems to happen quite often. And every year everybody is so optimistic, especially if you see those who appear in TV. Waw, so happy.
If it sounds like I’m sarcastic, I’m not. I just hope the optimisms are rewarded. Really. Peace. Peace.

This year, we gathered with friends and did super long dinner and count down together. Make new friends and have stronger bonds with old friends, I think it’s very nice. Instead of wild party, we shared stories and pictures about our lives, hobbies and passions.
We do agree in one thing though, that New Year Resolution almost never works.
For me, I keep having the same one year to year until I stop having it. It’s the same anyway. There was only one glorious year that I manage to make half of it come true, half of the crappy and easy ones.

Actually, why is it hard to fulfill the New Year Resolution? Probably

1. Optimism
Writing down is easy, especially when I have big piece of blank paper. So I just write whatever fancy things I need to do. Even by the time I write it, I have big doubt in my head, but whatta hell, just whackkk..
On the other hand, if I’m too lazy just to write it, there is no way I’m going to do that..teo bo..

2. The span of a year.
It’s too long for resolution. It’s like working without deadline. The motivation is unclear, the timeline is unclear. When it’s not done, it won’t be done soon or longer. There are tomorrows, save some for tomorrow, I still have plenty of time etc etc etc..

3. Fun list
I only make fun list. I won’t put something like, I have to have promotion or be a director or earn something something in my resolution, what’s the point… Maybe it’s suitable for some ambitious people, but not for me. It doesn’t work in positive way.
So I only put fun list, and fun list does not contain pressure to finish, and fun list also expensive, and having fun contain having company like hubby, friends, parents, siblings so I have to match with their list also.

So I think, I just see what comes my way and do what I please. That would be my New Year Resolution. J

I think it’s more important to be grateful with the great 2007, I do!
I made many new friends from my ex-company, my classmates; it was a great year for friendship.
I went to many places and countries I had never gone before; it’s a great year for my mental recharging.
It’s a good year for changes, I made two very major decisions that I hope will change my life in a good way.
I did new things, I saw new stuffs, I ate new food, I play new games, I have new shoes (believe me it’s an achievement for me!)
I turned 30!
And the most important, I have my family, healthy and happy.

Welcome 2008, with less days in a year, less disaster, less war, less corruption, less disease, less pollution, less hypocrisy and less bad TV!

An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.
- Bill Vaughan

New Year's Day is every man's birthday.
- Charles Lamb

Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account. ~Oscar Wilde

New Year's Eve, where auld acquaintance be forgot. Unless, of course, those tests come back positive.
- Jay Leno

Many people look forward to the New Year for a new start on old habits.
- Anonymous