Starting from last week, there is a new advertisement in the radio; to buy slimming equipment for your mother on Mother’s day. Huh?
What a heartless and dumb advertisement!
I’d say, if you have problem with mother’s weight, remember she got it because of you!
Advertisement are getting worse and worse whether we like it or not. I saw good DJ being idiots when they advertise. It sounds like the product they carry are heavenly product, and deserve a Nobel prize, it makes that impression…to fool fools.
Two things that sell like hot cakes are slimming and beauty ads. Newspaper, Internet, TV, brochures are creating an image of ideal woman that makes almost everyone become overweight. The spokesperson? Of course slim actress! They have been popular since long ago and that slim as ever, something is missing…who ha.. they had never been fat, so what is the use of that product to them?
I understand maybe that is their marketing strategy, realistic is not an issue, but advertising slimming equipment as a gift to mothers, isn’t it a bit too much..?
I had one very skinny colleague; she is super skinny that I was afraid if I bumped into her, she would break in half. Yet, when she entered a shop promoting slimming product, they still offered it for her. She looked at them, they looked at her.
“So you really think I still need your product?”
The salesperson observed her and realized, but without missing a beat, she said, “Oh, except for slimming, our product is good for skin complexion too, and it also contains daily vitamin intake, and…”
I won’t be surprise if suddenly their product can result in bust enhancement, manhood enlargement, cleaner and brighter laundry, amazing school performance…
I feel for those who are not confident enough and happen to enter this type of shop with salespersons who are not hesitate to step on your toe and smile outside comfortable personal space to offer you something that you might not need. It’s sad, but I notice that most women never satisfied with themselves, it’s either I wish my waist was smaller, my head was bigger, my boobs were higher, my ankles were slimmer, my thighs were thicker, my hands were smoother..… from friends, family and even, myself.
I have this nice cute story I found somewhere in files I saved long time ago from the internet. Khe he he… it’s cute! Read it, if you find something familiar, give the poor guy a break, and remember to love yourselves. : )
So I sincerely believe that women are wiser than men, with the exception of one key area, and that area is: clothing sizes. In this particular area, women are insane.
When a man shops for clothes, his primary objective-follow me closely here-is to purchase clothes that fit on his particular body. A man will try on a pair of pants, and if those pants are too small, he'll try on a larger pair, and when he finds a pair that fits, he buys them. Most men do not spend a lot of time fretting about the size of their pants. Many men wear jeans with the size printed right on the back label, so that if you're standing behind a man in a supermarket line, you can read his waist and inseam size. A man could have, say, a 52-inch waist and a 30-inch inseam, and his label will proudly display this information, which is basically the same thing as having a sign that says: "Howdy! My butt is the size of a Federal Express truck!"
The situation is very different with women. When a woman shops for clothes, her primary objective is NOT to find clothes that fit her particular body. She would like for that to be the case, but her primary objective is to purchase clothes that are the size she wore when she was 19 years old. This will be some arbitrary number such as "8" or "10." Don't ask me "8" or "10" of what; that question has baffled scientists for centuries. All I know is that if a woman was a size 8 at age 19, she wants to be a size 8 now, and if a size 8 outfit does not fit her, she will not move on to a larger size: She can't! Her size is 8, dammit! So she will keep trying on size 8 items, and unless they start fitting her, she will become extremely unhappy. She may take this unhappiness out on her husband, who is waiting patiently in the mall, perhaps browsing in the Sharper Image store, trying to think of how he could justify purchasing a pair of night-vision binoculars.
"Hi!" he'll say, when his wife finds him. "You know how sometimes the electricity goes out at night and . . ."
"Am I fat?" she'll ask, cutting him off.
This is a very bad situation for the man, because if he answers "yes," she'll be angry because he's saying that she's fat, and if he answers "no," she'll be angry because HE'S OBVIOUSLY LYING BECAUSE NONE OF THE SIZE 8's FIT HER. There is no escape for the husband. I think a lot of unexplained disappearances occur because guys in malls see their wives unsuccessfully trying on outfits, and they realize their lives will be easier if, before their wives come out and demand to know whether they're fat, the guys just run off and join a UFO cult.
The other day my wife, Michelle, was in a terrific mood, and you know why? Because she had successfully put on a size 6 outfit. She said this made her feel wonderful. She said, and this is a direct quote: "I wouldn't care if these pants were this big (here she held her arms far apart) as long as they have a '6' on them."
Here's how you could get rich: Start a women's clothing store called "SIZE 2," in which all garments, including those that were originally intended to be restaurant awnings, had labels with the words "SIZE 2." I bet you'd sell clothes like crazy. You'd probably get rich, and you could retire, maybe take up some philanthropic activity to benefit humanity. I'm thinking here of professional lawn mower racing.
For Indonesia Mother’s Day falls on 22nd of December.
For Singapore it falls on Sunday of the second week of May.
For my friend who was bulimic I'm glad you shared and have backed to your happy self. :)
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Asian Dive Ex..Ex...
Saturday, we went to Adex 2006. Adex stands for Asian Dive Exhibition, I suppose, or Expo? Or Extension? Or Exclusive? Or Expensive? Nahhh…
I’ve been wanting to see how this exhibition like since few months ago, this time we were lucky because it was held in Singapore, previous year was in Thailand, and so will next. But it was not fantastic (lucky we didn’t need to pay the expensive entry fee!), in fact, we couldn’t find any operator who could beat the price we got for Menado and previously Bali trip. The equipments was so-so also, we found Radiator stall who sold vest and wetsuit we bought last time, this time they came in various colors, so I scared everyone who bought them would look the same with us, again. With limited dive equipment range available, it is very easy to find twins here and there. Even when I was in my first trip with Cynthia, Sipadan, we just found out we had exactly the same wet suit, size and colors, sometimes I confused with each other pictures.
Okay, nothing much for the equipment, I even cancelled my camera purchase because the seller was wishy-washy and didn’t bring the product there although he had promised. So be it. When we went around to try and find 5mm wetsuit, nobody had the product to sell, it is understandable, a bit, that not all tropical diving needs 5mm, but the options should be available.
So, disappointed about equipment, we looked for Minahasa Diver, our operator in Menado. We found one Minahasa Lagoon stall and confronted the poor Mat Soleh.
“Are you from Minahasa Diver?”
“Yes, we dive in Minahasa..”
“Yes, hi, we are looking for you, are you Oliver?”
“Huh? No, I’m (name)…”
“Eh? But you are from Minahasa Diver?”
“Uh. No. We provide diving in Minahasa, but we are called Minahasa Lagoon.”
“Not Minahasa Diver?”
“No. Never heard of it.”
O-o. We have a trip in two weeks time in Bunaken, Menado. Bunaken is one of the famous dive sites in Indonesia and in the world. In the past, when the only diving thing that I know was a guy who dived and out of nowhere showed us his thumb, then..RCTI Okeee…., I have heard of Bunaken, although I didn’t know where it is. Now I know, it’s in Sulawesi Island, the K-shaped Island next to the chicken-shaped island, my home, Borneo. Yet, it still doesn’t sound knowledgeable, I know.
By the way, since we hadn’t touch the water, when we were in the first classroom diving lesson, our operator that time already talked to us about the possible partnership in Bunaken, bla bla, and even my aunt who does not have any idea about this activities, also convincingly told us that we have to go to Bunaken, because she heard from here and there that it’s good…
So let’s see whether it still stands for its reputation.
We had disposed our original plan to go back to Sipadan since the price had risen very high and the resort we want are full of Japanese. They have booked their trip since last year! Talk about Japanese occupation….
Although it would be good to be back to Sipadan, I prefer somewhere new to explore. So we settled for Menado, alias Bunaken and Lembeh, the plan was only confirmed about two or three weeks ago, too bad one of our group won’t join us as he is busy with his work.
Overall, while Adex was quite disappointing, it was fun to meet friends, we also met some dive shop owners who happened to remember us. Other than that, tThere were many Indonesian dive operators, when we approached them, it always good to meet fellow Indonesian, regardless the race.
“Halo, may I help you?”
“Mas/mbak orang Indonesia ya?”
“Eh, iya Adek juga jdari Injdonesia? Wuaduh, apa kabuar?” (I don’t know how to write an accent, they speak in strong Javanese or Sundanese. : ) ).
And when we asked whether they have Indonesian price in case we want to arrange dive trip, they always gave us warm welcome, muah, cups, I love my Indonesian passport. It’s true that when we are out of the country, all races differences disappear when we meet each others. : )
A-ha, one thing very fun for me. On our way out of Adex, we filled a survey form to get a cute fin key chain (he he he) which is also serves as a free entry to Adex 2007.
One of the questions was ‘What is your age group?’ The option was, I think, ’10-19, ’20-29’,’30-39’,..
Suddenly I burst out laughing, and next to me, Hubby, was laughing also, but that kind of ironic laugh..
he he he…, so we are belong to different age group already! I happily checked 20-29, while he had to choose the next. Although I am pretty close, at the edge of it, I still can laugh at him for about nine months, and I promise, I’ll laugh at him every, single, day. : )
When I give a lecture, I accept that people look at their watches, but what I do not tolerate is when they look at it and raise it to their ear to find out if it stopped.
- Marcel Achard
The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence but you still have to mow it.
- Anonymous
I told my wife that a husband is like a fine wine; he gets better with age. The next day, she locked me in the cellar.
- Anonymous
If you found yourself in a situation where you could either save a drowning man, or you could take a Pulitzer prize winning photograph of him drowning, what shutter speed and setting would you use?
- Paul Harvey
There are three types of people in this world: Those who can count, and those who can't.
- Seen on a bumper sticker
I’ve been wanting to see how this exhibition like since few months ago, this time we were lucky because it was held in Singapore, previous year was in Thailand, and so will next. But it was not fantastic (lucky we didn’t need to pay the expensive entry fee!), in fact, we couldn’t find any operator who could beat the price we got for Menado and previously Bali trip. The equipments was so-so also, we found Radiator stall who sold vest and wetsuit we bought last time, this time they came in various colors, so I scared everyone who bought them would look the same with us, again. With limited dive equipment range available, it is very easy to find twins here and there. Even when I was in my first trip with Cynthia, Sipadan, we just found out we had exactly the same wet suit, size and colors, sometimes I confused with each other pictures.
Okay, nothing much for the equipment, I even cancelled my camera purchase because the seller was wishy-washy and didn’t bring the product there although he had promised. So be it. When we went around to try and find 5mm wetsuit, nobody had the product to sell, it is understandable, a bit, that not all tropical diving needs 5mm, but the options should be available.
So, disappointed about equipment, we looked for Minahasa Diver, our operator in Menado. We found one Minahasa Lagoon stall and confronted the poor Mat Soleh.
“Are you from Minahasa Diver?”
“Yes, we dive in Minahasa..”
“Yes, hi, we are looking for you, are you Oliver?”
“Huh? No, I’m (name)…”
“Eh? But you are from Minahasa Diver?”
“Uh. No. We provide diving in Minahasa, but we are called Minahasa Lagoon.”
“Not Minahasa Diver?”
“No. Never heard of it.”
O-o. We have a trip in two weeks time in Bunaken, Menado. Bunaken is one of the famous dive sites in Indonesia and in the world. In the past, when the only diving thing that I know was a guy who dived and out of nowhere showed us his thumb, then..RCTI Okeee…., I have heard of Bunaken, although I didn’t know where it is. Now I know, it’s in Sulawesi Island, the K-shaped Island next to the chicken-shaped island, my home, Borneo. Yet, it still doesn’t sound knowledgeable, I know.
By the way, since we hadn’t touch the water, when we were in the first classroom diving lesson, our operator that time already talked to us about the possible partnership in Bunaken, bla bla, and even my aunt who does not have any idea about this activities, also convincingly told us that we have to go to Bunaken, because she heard from here and there that it’s good…
So let’s see whether it still stands for its reputation.
We had disposed our original plan to go back to Sipadan since the price had risen very high and the resort we want are full of Japanese. They have booked their trip since last year! Talk about Japanese occupation….
Although it would be good to be back to Sipadan, I prefer somewhere new to explore. So we settled for Menado, alias Bunaken and Lembeh, the plan was only confirmed about two or three weeks ago, too bad one of our group won’t join us as he is busy with his work.
Overall, while Adex was quite disappointing, it was fun to meet friends, we also met some dive shop owners who happened to remember us. Other than that, tThere were many Indonesian dive operators, when we approached them, it always good to meet fellow Indonesian, regardless the race.
“Halo, may I help you?”
“Mas/mbak orang Indonesia ya?”
“Eh, iya Adek juga jdari Injdonesia? Wuaduh, apa kabuar?” (I don’t know how to write an accent, they speak in strong Javanese or Sundanese. : ) ).
And when we asked whether they have Indonesian price in case we want to arrange dive trip, they always gave us warm welcome, muah, cups, I love my Indonesian passport. It’s true that when we are out of the country, all races differences disappear when we meet each others. : )
A-ha, one thing very fun for me. On our way out of Adex, we filled a survey form to get a cute fin key chain (he he he) which is also serves as a free entry to Adex 2007.
One of the questions was ‘What is your age group?’ The option was, I think, ’10-19, ’20-29’,’30-39’,..
Suddenly I burst out laughing, and next to me, Hubby, was laughing also, but that kind of ironic laugh..
he he he…, so we are belong to different age group already! I happily checked 20-29, while he had to choose the next. Although I am pretty close, at the edge of it, I still can laugh at him for about nine months, and I promise, I’ll laugh at him every, single, day. : )
When I give a lecture, I accept that people look at their watches, but what I do not tolerate is when they look at it and raise it to their ear to find out if it stopped.
- Marcel Achard
The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence but you still have to mow it.
- Anonymous
I told my wife that a husband is like a fine wine; he gets better with age. The next day, she locked me in the cellar.
- Anonymous
If you found yourself in a situation where you could either save a drowning man, or you could take a Pulitzer prize winning photograph of him drowning, what shutter speed and setting would you use?
- Paul Harvey
There are three types of people in this world: Those who can count, and those who can't.
- Seen on a bumper sticker
Friday, April 21, 2006
It's Friday!!!
Today, I wear a miniskirt to office. Not so mini lah, just slightly above knees, but I have never wear skirt to office for years, so I just want to scare some people today.
Actually, although very not often, it’s quite fun to wear skirt, especially the one you can wear with sport shoes, it’s easy, and it’s a breeze, hehehehe. Easy if we go to toilet, lift up, pull down, and there you go. Don’t forget to lift up and pull down later. For pants, I don’t need to go through the details. I’m sure it’s easier for guys, huh? I was very curious that sometimes I ask a lot of things around.
Does a guy need to pull down or just peeping out?
I’m sorry, it’s still early, and it’s Friday. Maybe that’s why I’m blurting nonsense.
Another question. I know that funny flowerpot called urinal. So, when guys do, do they peep their neighbors out of curiosity? Like, to compare or to make sure something is normal or whatever? I know one guy said that he prefers to use cubicle, ever since he saw a guy him self. Yucky!
I think, to see each other, nothing is fun. Long time ago, I went to gym, three times a week, two times a week, one time a week, never, never.
I was freak out in the gym. Everybody was hanging around and didn’t bother to cover themselves. Maybe I have to get a grip and understand that they are comfortable, but it’s not fun and it was scary for me, and Hey, hey! You! Don’t bend! Owww!!
Girlfriends are usually more convenient to each other, I’m not proud to say that I was stuck at times in situation when I had to share bathroom with other girls. Or when my friends come to my place and started to get ready to somewhere else.
“Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing?”
“I’m getting ready.”
“Uhm..can’t you do it in the bathroom?”
“Bathroom is too small. I’ll do it here.”
“Huh?… Okay. Suit yourself. Let me do my ironing in the bathroom then.”
Or when I did my wedding gown fitting, it seemed like a very common thing for the gown designer to stand and watch you change. I looked at her, and she looked at me, waiting, waiting, until she realized, “ Oh, Okay, I’m out of here. He he he.”
I guess for me, I still prefer bathroom and changing thingy to be private.
I was in a don’t know where village during my orientation before I joined Kapa, and our group happened to spend a night in villager’s house. When I asked the permission to go toilet, I was given the direction.
The toilet was out of the house, more like in an open field, and picture this: There were three poles standing about a meter high and some blue thick plastic went around them, less than one meter, and that was my toilet. I don’t think there was a door, it’s easy, step over the plastic and you were in and vice versa. Who needed a door?
Or when I went Thousand Island for Social Work. So we were a bunch of University students in a project, to try to improve the living condition of the villagers. It was fun, we collected books and clothings for them and we were there for a week to build them gutters, generators, public toilets and even helped them improve the school. Girls would help in cooking, surveying, while the guys did all the muscle-involved works, like digging the gutters, setting up the generators etc. When we had free times, we liked to hang out in the beach (the island was so narrow that from one beach we could see the beach opposite), relaxing in the hammock, especially when sunset took place.
Oh, before I go out of topic, I was talking about bathroom. Yes, our bathroom then was not better than the Bermuda Triangle I met once, but of course our bathroom was higher. Only, one time, I remember it collapsed, with someone inside. Lucky, the person already finished with the business. So, after that, me and my good friend who went together with me, Tina, we went to villager’s house and asked to use their bathroom.
It was quite nice, build from brick, but.. it was doorless! And I think villagers have problem with height, the partition was only shoulder high. So, we took turn to look out.
Sometimes I wonder how a simple thing can make me write about something else out of nowhere. So, I wear a skirt to office and it’s a breeze…….
"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.
- Mark Twain
A doctor can bury his mistakes, but an architect can only advise his clients to plant vines.
- Frank Lloyd Wright
I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch.
- Gilda Radner
THE COURT: Now, as we begin, I must ask you to banish all present
information and prejudice from your minds, if you have any.
Q. Did he pick the dog up by the ears?
A. No.
Q. What was he doing with the dog's ears?
A. Picking them up in the air.
Q. Where was the dog at this time?
A. Attached to the ears.
Actually, although very not often, it’s quite fun to wear skirt, especially the one you can wear with sport shoes, it’s easy, and it’s a breeze, hehehehe. Easy if we go to toilet, lift up, pull down, and there you go. Don’t forget to lift up and pull down later. For pants, I don’t need to go through the details. I’m sure it’s easier for guys, huh? I was very curious that sometimes I ask a lot of things around.
Does a guy need to pull down or just peeping out?
I’m sorry, it’s still early, and it’s Friday. Maybe that’s why I’m blurting nonsense.
Another question. I know that funny flowerpot called urinal. So, when guys do, do they peep their neighbors out of curiosity? Like, to compare or to make sure something is normal or whatever? I know one guy said that he prefers to use cubicle, ever since he saw a guy him self. Yucky!
I think, to see each other, nothing is fun. Long time ago, I went to gym, three times a week, two times a week, one time a week, never, never.
I was freak out in the gym. Everybody was hanging around and didn’t bother to cover themselves. Maybe I have to get a grip and understand that they are comfortable, but it’s not fun and it was scary for me, and Hey, hey! You! Don’t bend! Owww!!
Girlfriends are usually more convenient to each other, I’m not proud to say that I was stuck at times in situation when I had to share bathroom with other girls. Or when my friends come to my place and started to get ready to somewhere else.
“Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing?”
“I’m getting ready.”
“Uhm..can’t you do it in the bathroom?”
“Bathroom is too small. I’ll do it here.”
“Huh?… Okay. Suit yourself. Let me do my ironing in the bathroom then.”
Or when I did my wedding gown fitting, it seemed like a very common thing for the gown designer to stand and watch you change. I looked at her, and she looked at me, waiting, waiting, until she realized, “ Oh, Okay, I’m out of here. He he he.”
I guess for me, I still prefer bathroom and changing thingy to be private.
I was in a don’t know where village during my orientation before I joined Kapa, and our group happened to spend a night in villager’s house. When I asked the permission to go toilet, I was given the direction.
The toilet was out of the house, more like in an open field, and picture this: There were three poles standing about a meter high and some blue thick plastic went around them, less than one meter, and that was my toilet. I don’t think there was a door, it’s easy, step over the plastic and you were in and vice versa. Who needed a door?
Or when I went Thousand Island for Social Work. So we were a bunch of University students in a project, to try to improve the living condition of the villagers. It was fun, we collected books and clothings for them and we were there for a week to build them gutters, generators, public toilets and even helped them improve the school. Girls would help in cooking, surveying, while the guys did all the muscle-involved works, like digging the gutters, setting up the generators etc. When we had free times, we liked to hang out in the beach (the island was so narrow that from one beach we could see the beach opposite), relaxing in the hammock, especially when sunset took place.
Oh, before I go out of topic, I was talking about bathroom. Yes, our bathroom then was not better than the Bermuda Triangle I met once, but of course our bathroom was higher. Only, one time, I remember it collapsed, with someone inside. Lucky, the person already finished with the business. So, after that, me and my good friend who went together with me, Tina, we went to villager’s house and asked to use their bathroom.
It was quite nice, build from brick, but.. it was doorless! And I think villagers have problem with height, the partition was only shoulder high. So, we took turn to look out.
Sometimes I wonder how a simple thing can make me write about something else out of nowhere. So, I wear a skirt to office and it’s a breeze…….
"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.
- Mark Twain
A doctor can bury his mistakes, but an architect can only advise his clients to plant vines.
- Frank Lloyd Wright
I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch.
- Gilda Radner
THE COURT: Now, as we begin, I must ask you to banish all present
information and prejudice from your minds, if you have any.
Q. Did he pick the dog up by the ears?
A. No.
Q. What was he doing with the dog's ears?
A. Picking them up in the air.
Q. Where was the dog at this time?
A. Attached to the ears.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Snoopy Friend
Besok hari terakhir temen Snoopy gue. Belakangan ini orang2 kantor lagi pada pindahan, dari yang kenal dekat ampe yang cuman familiar strangers.
Gue gak gitu deket sama temen Snoopy ini ,selaen kita suka tukeran miniatur2 dan saling memberi. Kemaren dia nongol bawa kotak M&M yang lucu buat kenang2an, en gue bawain Bambi magnet kulkas. Hehehe…kalo dibanding gue, dia lebih childissssh…..
Gak kayak cowok? Emang. Banget. Cowokan juga gue. Tapi dia fun dijadikan temen, orangnya cerewet habis dan kalo nyela suka gak tanggung-tanggung. Waktu pertama kali setelah berpuluh-puluh tahun akhirnya gue berambut pendek, orang lagi gak pede-gak pedenya, gue dicela di dalam lift.
Lift : loe gak bisa ngabur, gak bisa tutup muka, gak bisa gebok orang, karena itu, rame an sempit.
“Wah, potong rambut ya? Kok jadi kayak wig?” Semuanya ketawa, emang tuh rambut agak aneh jadinya, kayak helem, gue juga berasa, tapi celaannya itu lho, langsung dipusat rasa sakit. ;p
Untungnya, ada temen laen yang nyelutuk.
“Kalo menurut gue sih bagus kok, oke lho, soalnya gak semua orang bagus berambut pendek.” least dapet aspirin.
Kadang2 kalo sore2 dia suka nyamper, trus cerita2 soal pengalaman dia jalan2, dia paling demen jalan2 ke Hk dan Taiwan, berburu barang2 lucu. Kalo udah cerita, ributnya kayak cewek, tapi selalu, dia bawa oleh2 buat gue, terakhir gue dikasih Oscar si penghuni tong sampah dari Sesame Street. Kalo meja gue meriah, ini liat aja sendiri, foto salah satu pojokan meja gue, tapi serame itu cuman segede 30 x 30 cm,
( ) soalnya kecil, kalo kuya ini, ( ) emang bongsor :).
Mejanya dia, jauuh lebih rame dari meja gue, tapi dia juga rapi abis, dan dia koleksi ikan cupang dan tanaman kaktus yang bisa tumbuh di tempat aneh-aneh. Kalo lagi bosen banget dikantor, gue suka ngeliat2in barang lucu2 dan ngisengin ikan2nya. Tadi pas gue kesono, udah pada kosong mejanya.
Begitulah, begitulah. Berbagai macam orang datang dan pergi. Ada yang ninggalin kesan, ada yang ninggalin angin. Makin dewasa, makin banyak ketemu, makin banyak berpisah. Kok gak asik ya……. :”(
Tapi kalo dipikir2, ketemu temen baru, dan mungkin temen lama juga gak lupa sama gue, so, bisa dibilang makin tua nambah temen? Mustinya… : “ )
When we lose a friend we die a little.
- E. W. Howe
Reprove a friend in secret, but praise him before others.
- Leonardo Da Vinci
Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate.
- Thomas Jones
Every time I paint a portrait, I lose a friend.
- John Singer Sargent
Gue gak gitu deket sama temen Snoopy ini ,selaen kita suka tukeran miniatur2 dan saling memberi. Kemaren dia nongol bawa kotak M&M yang lucu buat kenang2an, en gue bawain Bambi magnet kulkas. Hehehe…kalo dibanding gue, dia lebih childissssh…..
Gak kayak cowok? Emang. Banget. Cowokan juga gue. Tapi dia fun dijadikan temen, orangnya cerewet habis dan kalo nyela suka gak tanggung-tanggung. Waktu pertama kali setelah berpuluh-puluh tahun akhirnya gue berambut pendek, orang lagi gak pede-gak pedenya, gue dicela di dalam lift.
Lift : loe gak bisa ngabur, gak bisa tutup muka, gak bisa gebok orang, karena itu, rame an sempit.
“Wah, potong rambut ya? Kok jadi kayak wig?” Semuanya ketawa, emang tuh rambut agak aneh jadinya, kayak helem, gue juga berasa, tapi celaannya itu lho, langsung dipusat rasa sakit. ;p
Untungnya, ada temen laen yang nyelutuk.
“Kalo menurut gue sih bagus kok, oke lho, soalnya gak semua orang bagus berambut pendek.” least dapet aspirin.
Kadang2 kalo sore2 dia suka nyamper, trus cerita2 soal pengalaman dia jalan2, dia paling demen jalan2 ke Hk dan Taiwan, berburu barang2 lucu. Kalo udah cerita, ributnya kayak cewek, tapi selalu, dia bawa oleh2 buat gue, terakhir gue dikasih Oscar si penghuni tong sampah dari Sesame Street. Kalo meja gue meriah, ini liat aja sendiri, foto salah satu pojokan meja gue, tapi serame itu cuman segede 30 x 30 cm,
( ) soalnya kecil, kalo kuya ini, ( ) emang bongsor :).
Mejanya dia, jauuh lebih rame dari meja gue, tapi dia juga rapi abis, dan dia koleksi ikan cupang dan tanaman kaktus yang bisa tumbuh di tempat aneh-aneh. Kalo lagi bosen banget dikantor, gue suka ngeliat2in barang lucu2 dan ngisengin ikan2nya. Tadi pas gue kesono, udah pada kosong mejanya.
Begitulah, begitulah. Berbagai macam orang datang dan pergi. Ada yang ninggalin kesan, ada yang ninggalin angin. Makin dewasa, makin banyak ketemu, makin banyak berpisah. Kok gak asik ya……. :”(
Tapi kalo dipikir2, ketemu temen baru, dan mungkin temen lama juga gak lupa sama gue, so, bisa dibilang makin tua nambah temen? Mustinya… : “ )
When we lose a friend we die a little.
- E. W. Howe
Reprove a friend in secret, but praise him before others.
- Leonardo Da Vinci
Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate.
- Thomas Jones
Every time I paint a portrait, I lose a friend.
- John Singer Sargent
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Been There, Done That
Warning: Not suitable for male readers. Complicatedly.
Maybe anyone has been in a situation, when a friend is in relationship whirlpool. She came to me and told me how hurt she was to be with her boyfriend, how he hardly appreciated her, how he treated her in front of friends and how they spent un-quality time together. From manggut-manggut to dropping jaw I heard piece of piece of her experiences and concluded, how bloothy hell her boyfriend was.
Then of course, I started to show that I’m on her side.
“How could he?”
“You don’t deserve to be treated like that..”
Somethingggg like that.
And then, to my amazement, she would start defending him, and smoothen up her opinion about him, and gave me the clue that his boyfriend was not that bad (despite what the horror stories she told me a minute earlier), and that maybe she was exaggerating.
I don’t know how much truth was in her story, from outside, her boyfriend looked fine and they looked cool, but what do I know? When people got close together, all the ugliness and real characters came out and it’s something outsiders couldn’t see.
But if he made her that unhappy, why didn’t she tell him and why did she endure it? What is the point of unhappy relationship?
But I guess, it’s complicated. woman tends to fall into the comfort zone when they are in relationship, especially if they pass ‘year’-s.
I’ve seen many type of relationship where the girl endures the unhappiness but never have the will to talk heart to heart to her couple. Some might be exaggerating, but more are genuine. The most common problem is that the women feel that their men are not the same, don’t appreciate them the same, don’t treat them the same, don’t cherish them anymore, and because they think they have been mistreated in front of friends.
Of course, one should expect the possibility decline in amount of affections after the relationship has moved to a steadier part, but it doesn’t mean that it changes 120 degree.
The problems are not those simple teenager’s problem, the women are disappointed, when the men start to break his promise, start to put everything before her, while during courting, they would call at least once every three days, but when they are together, he doesn’t even call when she needs him the most.
Or, the most cases, men ignore their women once they are in the group of friends and enjoy himself. It sounds simple, but it happens so often. The women feel ignored, mistreated, and the worst, jealously. It really isn’t as immature as it sounds, indeed, it’s a complicated, one thing lead to another, and it builds up.
Because it sounds immature, the women don’t have the will to talk to their couple about their feelings, and when it builds, the relationship sours and the disappointment trigger another and another problems.
Or for those who talks, but the problem persists.
So I could only be silent and ready to listen.
They tend to have the idea to end the relationship, but hardly, they have courage to really do it. Most feel insecure, as they had fallen into the comfort zone, and they are not ready to leave, to be alone again, denial, and most, most of the reason, Other than these problems, he actually is a very good boyfriend.
But you are unhappy.
And it happens and happens again.
And you don’t want to talk and try to solve your problem.
Or you talk, but there is no solution.
The poor guy maybe doesn’t even know what he did wrong.
Or he really has changed his heart out of his conscience and really treats you the way he feel.
But give him a chance to know, regardless how harsh, I guess everyone have to be honest about their feelings if they want the relationship to last, happily. Easier said than done.
And give yourself another try to understand him better though, to give in, to be in his shoes.
Try, try, but maybe there is time to give up if you sacrifice your own happiness way too much.
When nothing works out, maybe it helps to realize that maybe none of you are wrong, but you are just made from different way of thinking.
The discourage to be alone again is indeed a very sad thing. My friend endured whatever treatment her boyfriend did to her just because she tried to defend her relationship, whereas what her boyfriend wanted was just to break her up.
Or my guy friend endures his girlfriend’s unfaithfulness time and again, for, also, to defend the thin-glassed relationship.
Unworthy? Maybe. But not for them.
“I feel better now after sharing. I’m sure everything would be better.”
Then she cried.
When my love swears that she is made of truth, I do believe her, though I know she lies.
- William Shakespeare
Perhaps it was right to dissemble your love.
But – Why did you kick me downstairs?
- John Phillip Kemble
The mind has a thousand eyes,
And the heart but one;
Yet the light of a whole life dies,
When love is done.
- Francis William Bourdillion
Silence in love betrays more woe
Than words, though ne’er so witty!
- Sir Walter Raleigh
Life is a glorious circle of song,
A medley of extemporania,
And love is a thing that can never go wrong,
And I am Marie of Rumania.
- Dorothy Rothchild Parker
Maybe anyone has been in a situation, when a friend is in relationship whirlpool. She came to me and told me how hurt she was to be with her boyfriend, how he hardly appreciated her, how he treated her in front of friends and how they spent un-quality time together. From manggut-manggut to dropping jaw I heard piece of piece of her experiences and concluded, how bloothy hell her boyfriend was.
Then of course, I started to show that I’m on her side.
“How could he?”
“You don’t deserve to be treated like that..”
Somethingggg like that.
And then, to my amazement, she would start defending him, and smoothen up her opinion about him, and gave me the clue that his boyfriend was not that bad (despite what the horror stories she told me a minute earlier), and that maybe she was exaggerating.
I don’t know how much truth was in her story, from outside, her boyfriend looked fine and they looked cool, but what do I know? When people got close together, all the ugliness and real characters came out and it’s something outsiders couldn’t see.
But if he made her that unhappy, why didn’t she tell him and why did she endure it? What is the point of unhappy relationship?
But I guess, it’s complicated. woman tends to fall into the comfort zone when they are in relationship, especially if they pass ‘year’-s.
I’ve seen many type of relationship where the girl endures the unhappiness but never have the will to talk heart to heart to her couple. Some might be exaggerating, but more are genuine. The most common problem is that the women feel that their men are not the same, don’t appreciate them the same, don’t treat them the same, don’t cherish them anymore, and because they think they have been mistreated in front of friends.
Of course, one should expect the possibility decline in amount of affections after the relationship has moved to a steadier part, but it doesn’t mean that it changes 120 degree.
The problems are not those simple teenager’s problem, the women are disappointed, when the men start to break his promise, start to put everything before her, while during courting, they would call at least once every three days, but when they are together, he doesn’t even call when she needs him the most.
Or, the most cases, men ignore their women once they are in the group of friends and enjoy himself. It sounds simple, but it happens so often. The women feel ignored, mistreated, and the worst, jealously. It really isn’t as immature as it sounds, indeed, it’s a complicated, one thing lead to another, and it builds up.
Because it sounds immature, the women don’t have the will to talk to their couple about their feelings, and when it builds, the relationship sours and the disappointment trigger another and another problems.
Or for those who talks, but the problem persists.
So I could only be silent and ready to listen.
They tend to have the idea to end the relationship, but hardly, they have courage to really do it. Most feel insecure, as they had fallen into the comfort zone, and they are not ready to leave, to be alone again, denial, and most, most of the reason, Other than these problems, he actually is a very good boyfriend.
But you are unhappy.
And it happens and happens again.
And you don’t want to talk and try to solve your problem.
Or you talk, but there is no solution.
The poor guy maybe doesn’t even know what he did wrong.
Or he really has changed his heart out of his conscience and really treats you the way he feel.
But give him a chance to know, regardless how harsh, I guess everyone have to be honest about their feelings if they want the relationship to last, happily. Easier said than done.
And give yourself another try to understand him better though, to give in, to be in his shoes.
Try, try, but maybe there is time to give up if you sacrifice your own happiness way too much.
When nothing works out, maybe it helps to realize that maybe none of you are wrong, but you are just made from different way of thinking.
The discourage to be alone again is indeed a very sad thing. My friend endured whatever treatment her boyfriend did to her just because she tried to defend her relationship, whereas what her boyfriend wanted was just to break her up.
Or my guy friend endures his girlfriend’s unfaithfulness time and again, for, also, to defend the thin-glassed relationship.
Unworthy? Maybe. But not for them.
“I feel better now after sharing. I’m sure everything would be better.”
Then she cried.
When my love swears that she is made of truth, I do believe her, though I know she lies.
- William Shakespeare
Perhaps it was right to dissemble your love.
But – Why did you kick me downstairs?
- John Phillip Kemble
The mind has a thousand eyes,
And the heart but one;
Yet the light of a whole life dies,
When love is done.
- Francis William Bourdillion
Silence in love betrays more woe
Than words, though ne’er so witty!
- Sir Walter Raleigh
Life is a glorious circle of song,
A medley of extemporania,
And love is a thing that can never go wrong,
And I am Marie of Rumania.
- Dorothy Rothchild Parker
Monday, April 17, 2006
Thought For The Day
Have you ever noticed, that when we queue for a water dispenser, and a person in front of us press the trap really hard to show appreciation to you that he is rushing, he tries to shorten your waiting time….but of course, pressing the trap hard or harder, it doesn’t change the water flow, I guess, the point it, those who wait see your effort, see that you are trying, at least more effort than press with one finger and the other hand do some other chores; like eating some instant noodle, or typing a letter or as simple as scratching your butt or other’s.
So it’s about social appreciation.
Easter weekend was really a hedonic life. It was wonderful to do nothing important but lazing around, the most thing I did was watching Keeping Mum, a movie by Rowan Atkinson, and it was good. Funny and fun. And the British accent stick in my mind.
I found that I almost always write on Monday. Maybe because Monday is the longest day in a week. When we sit in the office, ten minutes, twenty,…Hey, where is the weekend? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?..
On Thursday, I found a pamphlet on my table; I saw it on other’s table too. I suspect that the person who distributes it is the same person who likes to deliver mysterious Christmas, Easter Gifts like one-piece calendar or bookmark with those passages from bible. That Thursday, she delivered the pamphlet, I guess, something like, the Church Response to Da Vinci Code, by the book and by the movie.
I was quite amazed by it, they quoted, and they pinpointed about why this and that are wrong. The funny thing was, they said a lot of things are untrue in the novel, seen from the source that Dan Brown had picked, and that’s according to some professor in some University. I mean, what convinces me to think that this professor from some Uni is more right that an historian quoted by an author? Both of those are fairy tales, I would rather believe that if I kicked somebody, they would kick me back.
It’s not even a strong argument. Trying to prove a don’t know whether it’s sure source with don’t know whether it’s qualified source, poor quality defense is worse than silence. It tastes like conspiracy theory or hidden political agenda.
If someone bases their faith on the building they visit every Sunday, and believe every words of a person standing on the stage interpreting the Bible regardless what and do whatever they suggest without trying to see with their own eyes, it’s hardly a religion, it’s almost a cult. Maybe they are the people that the Church are afraid of losing. The people, the donation,..
Personally, why should we care what was the real history, whether Jesus was the real Son on God or just a human, or married or single, because I think what important is that he is a very kind and humble person, he teaches good, and he cares about other people, the step that a human wants to follow.
I guess it’s right to say that religion is based on the heart.
Well? Heavy start for a week, huh?
Beware of the man whose God is in the skies.
- George Bernard Shaw
One man’s religion neither harms nor helps another man.
- Tertullian
Religion’s in the heart, not the knees.
- Douglas William Jerrold
I love mankind, it’s the people I can’t stand.
- Charles Monroe Schulz
Behold, the fool saith, “Put not all three eggs in the one basket.” – Which is but a manner of saying, “ Scatter your money and your attention,” but the wise man saith,” Put all your eggs in the one basket and – Watch the basket.”
- Mark Twain
So it’s about social appreciation.
Easter weekend was really a hedonic life. It was wonderful to do nothing important but lazing around, the most thing I did was watching Keeping Mum, a movie by Rowan Atkinson, and it was good. Funny and fun. And the British accent stick in my mind.
I found that I almost always write on Monday. Maybe because Monday is the longest day in a week. When we sit in the office, ten minutes, twenty,…Hey, where is the weekend? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?..
On Thursday, I found a pamphlet on my table; I saw it on other’s table too. I suspect that the person who distributes it is the same person who likes to deliver mysterious Christmas, Easter Gifts like one-piece calendar or bookmark with those passages from bible. That Thursday, she delivered the pamphlet, I guess, something like, the Church Response to Da Vinci Code, by the book and by the movie.
I was quite amazed by it, they quoted, and they pinpointed about why this and that are wrong. The funny thing was, they said a lot of things are untrue in the novel, seen from the source that Dan Brown had picked, and that’s according to some professor in some University. I mean, what convinces me to think that this professor from some Uni is more right that an historian quoted by an author? Both of those are fairy tales, I would rather believe that if I kicked somebody, they would kick me back.
It’s not even a strong argument. Trying to prove a don’t know whether it’s sure source with don’t know whether it’s qualified source, poor quality defense is worse than silence. It tastes like conspiracy theory or hidden political agenda.
If someone bases their faith on the building they visit every Sunday, and believe every words of a person standing on the stage interpreting the Bible regardless what and do whatever they suggest without trying to see with their own eyes, it’s hardly a religion, it’s almost a cult. Maybe they are the people that the Church are afraid of losing. The people, the donation,..
Personally, why should we care what was the real history, whether Jesus was the real Son on God or just a human, or married or single, because I think what important is that he is a very kind and humble person, he teaches good, and he cares about other people, the step that a human wants to follow.
I guess it’s right to say that religion is based on the heart.
Well? Heavy start for a week, huh?
Beware of the man whose God is in the skies.
- George Bernard Shaw
One man’s religion neither harms nor helps another man.
- Tertullian
Religion’s in the heart, not the knees.
- Douglas William Jerrold
I love mankind, it’s the people I can’t stand.
- Charles Monroe Schulz
Behold, the fool saith, “Put not all three eggs in the one basket.” – Which is but a manner of saying, “ Scatter your money and your attention,” but the wise man saith,” Put all your eggs in the one basket and – Watch the basket.”
- Mark Twain
Monday, April 10, 2006
Saturday, we saw a pickpocket.
What’s so special about them? We can find them in any corner of Jakarta. You can invite them if you want. Stand beside the street, have a budging thing sticking out from your pocket, look pretty, and they will come to you. Or even without bait, or even when you were on your lowest financial condition. Once I had to fight a hand reaching out for my neck through bus’s window trying to grab my what, 40 cent necklace?
Good thing here, they are rare, or at least the sense of security is very strong here. I’ve been spoilt to a stage that I might have lost most of the courage I had when I roamed Jakarta.
Such as, I didn’t blink my eyes when a person next to me holding a brochure said ‘Everyone has to kill at least four Chinese according the passage of…' pasca 1998 riot, I was in a bus full of other Indonesian ethnic group when someone climbed in and distributed the brochure, he skipped me, of course. I wonder why.
Now, I don't think I won't be nervous if I have to hit Jakarta's road again.
Anyway, here, there was a pickpocket, a stupid pickpocket.
First, he tried to grab a man’s handphone. He was unable to snatch it away, because the man wouldn’t let go. Instead, the man held him and shouted to his face.
This is my phone. What are you trying to do... Somethinggg like that. I missed that part.
Second, the place of incident is in front of the busiest mall on the weekend, and in front of Carrefour. It’s hard enough to have a leisure walk among crowded area. So, figure this, even if he managed to grab the phone, ran, he had to jump among trolleys, children (trust me it’s hard when those little people were running around you), and, imagine if the victim shouted, STOP HIM, he stole my phone.
Everybody would stop, every little people also, and the thief would be the only one running, sure enough someone could go as little as sticking his feet out to make him kiss the floor.
Not saying about physical stamina and appearance, the guy looked like a librarian nerd and caught red-handed. Nuff said.
The ridiculous thing was, Hubby, who witnessed the whole process, was waiting for a fight to break out, or, the beating. He was surprised to see the thief was escorted away just like that, after being caught by the guy, few other guy helped to keep watch, and security guard. That’s all? Me, who came out of the shop, missed the whole thing, also looked for a fight when he told me there was a pickpocket. After a while, we smacked our foreheads.
Okay, I think we were too get used to ugly Indonesia, if there was a person caught stealing, he would almost as good as dead. Beaten up by people would be his minimal risk, on worse scenario, they could be burnt or stoned. Of course they are wrong, but the ones who do the punishment are blood-thirst freaking idiots.
So, for this guy, maybe he didn’t realize he was lucky enough to be escorted peacefully. I’ve been grumbling about Lion City a few times, but in security department, I love it.
About movies.., I’ve been saying I watched this movie, that movie, this one crap, that one sucks without much explanations. So, I’ll try to pull my tongue a bit..
The Constant Gardener:
Finally, managed to rent the DVD about three weeks ago, it’s amazing because I’ve just missed it in the cinema. Starring Ralph Fiennes and Rachel Weiz (sp), it’s about a man who lost his wife in a tragic incident, he smelled something fishy about the death and started to dig everything out. The movie seemed to set mostly in Africa, where we could see people queuing for food or medication, as the wife is an activist, and some scenes were set in beautiful garden (something has to make sense with the title) and bathroom.
The plot is quite jumpy as it involves a lot of flashbacks but the pace is fine, the story has some touching facts and make us think about how many things are actually happen that fail to catch the world’s attention, set aside by news like coach jumper actor?
Le Grand Voyage :
A story about a father and a son, who are not close at all, going on a journey to Mecca. It’s all about the road, although they are said to travel through Milan, Venice, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and a dozen of other countries, we see none of them in the movie, except Mecca. But of course the movie is not about travel promotion, in fact, the setting doesn’t have any significance to be appeared in the movies, if there were.
So, along the humble journey, they met their problem, and the most, the difficulty to settle down with each other, it has Islamic topic but for most of the movie the feel is general. The message is not so deep but there are messages and there are terrible moments.
Broken Flower :
The concept is okay, and I like the cover picture, looked like some smart conceptual story. But actually, it’s disappointing. That is the problem if the story is too chronological, the creator feel the need to include every minute and every step of the journey, which, they shouldn’t, so it’s flat. Flat flat flat flat flat flat.
Brrrtzkxxxzzz, tongue is retracted.
Ice Age 2 : For good leisure time, and good chuckles, enjoy Scrat.
Corpse’s Bride : Okay lah.
Brother’s Grimm : So-so-lah.
Polar Express : Standard-lah.
Bridget Jones Diary 1 : I know, I know, it’s something very outdated already. I found one very surprising thing. I thought only Asian society has problem with married before thirty. Huh?
What if nothing exists and we're all in somebody's dream? Or what's worse, what if only that fat guy in the third row exists?
- Woody Allen
Anytime four New Yorkers get into a cab together without arguing, a bank robbery has just taken place.
- Johnny Carson
- Confidence is the feeling you have before you understand the situation.
- Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
- Lets get along with me.
What’s so special about them? We can find them in any corner of Jakarta. You can invite them if you want. Stand beside the street, have a budging thing sticking out from your pocket, look pretty, and they will come to you. Or even without bait, or even when you were on your lowest financial condition. Once I had to fight a hand reaching out for my neck through bus’s window trying to grab my what, 40 cent necklace?
Good thing here, they are rare, or at least the sense of security is very strong here. I’ve been spoilt to a stage that I might have lost most of the courage I had when I roamed Jakarta.
Such as, I didn’t blink my eyes when a person next to me holding a brochure said ‘Everyone has to kill at least four Chinese according the passage of…' pasca 1998 riot, I was in a bus full of other Indonesian ethnic group when someone climbed in and distributed the brochure, he skipped me, of course. I wonder why.
Now, I don't think I won't be nervous if I have to hit Jakarta's road again.
Anyway, here, there was a pickpocket, a stupid pickpocket.
First, he tried to grab a man’s handphone. He was unable to snatch it away, because the man wouldn’t let go. Instead, the man held him and shouted to his face.
This is my phone. What are you trying to do... Somethinggg like that. I missed that part.
Second, the place of incident is in front of the busiest mall on the weekend, and in front of Carrefour. It’s hard enough to have a leisure walk among crowded area. So, figure this, even if he managed to grab the phone, ran, he had to jump among trolleys, children (trust me it’s hard when those little people were running around you), and, imagine if the victim shouted, STOP HIM, he stole my phone.
Everybody would stop, every little people also, and the thief would be the only one running, sure enough someone could go as little as sticking his feet out to make him kiss the floor.
Not saying about physical stamina and appearance, the guy looked like a librarian nerd and caught red-handed. Nuff said.
The ridiculous thing was, Hubby, who witnessed the whole process, was waiting for a fight to break out, or, the beating. He was surprised to see the thief was escorted away just like that, after being caught by the guy, few other guy helped to keep watch, and security guard. That’s all? Me, who came out of the shop, missed the whole thing, also looked for a fight when he told me there was a pickpocket. After a while, we smacked our foreheads.
Okay, I think we were too get used to ugly Indonesia, if there was a person caught stealing, he would almost as good as dead. Beaten up by people would be his minimal risk, on worse scenario, they could be burnt or stoned. Of course they are wrong, but the ones who do the punishment are blood-thirst freaking idiots.
So, for this guy, maybe he didn’t realize he was lucky enough to be escorted peacefully. I’ve been grumbling about Lion City a few times, but in security department, I love it.
About movies.., I’ve been saying I watched this movie, that movie, this one crap, that one sucks without much explanations. So, I’ll try to pull my tongue a bit..
The Constant Gardener:
Finally, managed to rent the DVD about three weeks ago, it’s amazing because I’ve just missed it in the cinema. Starring Ralph Fiennes and Rachel Weiz (sp), it’s about a man who lost his wife in a tragic incident, he smelled something fishy about the death and started to dig everything out. The movie seemed to set mostly in Africa, where we could see people queuing for food or medication, as the wife is an activist, and some scenes were set in beautiful garden (something has to make sense with the title) and bathroom.
The plot is quite jumpy as it involves a lot of flashbacks but the pace is fine, the story has some touching facts and make us think about how many things are actually happen that fail to catch the world’s attention, set aside by news like coach jumper actor?
Le Grand Voyage :
A story about a father and a son, who are not close at all, going on a journey to Mecca. It’s all about the road, although they are said to travel through Milan, Venice, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and a dozen of other countries, we see none of them in the movie, except Mecca. But of course the movie is not about travel promotion, in fact, the setting doesn’t have any significance to be appeared in the movies, if there were.
So, along the humble journey, they met their problem, and the most, the difficulty to settle down with each other, it has Islamic topic but for most of the movie the feel is general. The message is not so deep but there are messages and there are terrible moments.
Broken Flower :
The concept is okay, and I like the cover picture, looked like some smart conceptual story. But actually, it’s disappointing. That is the problem if the story is too chronological, the creator feel the need to include every minute and every step of the journey, which, they shouldn’t, so it’s flat. Flat flat flat flat flat flat.
Brrrtzkxxxzzz, tongue is retracted.
Ice Age 2 : For good leisure time, and good chuckles, enjoy Scrat.
Corpse’s Bride : Okay lah.
Brother’s Grimm : So-so-lah.
Polar Express : Standard-lah.
Bridget Jones Diary 1 : I know, I know, it’s something very outdated already. I found one very surprising thing. I thought only Asian society has problem with married before thirty. Huh?
What if nothing exists and we're all in somebody's dream? Or what's worse, what if only that fat guy in the third row exists?
- Woody Allen
Anytime four New Yorkers get into a cab together without arguing, a bank robbery has just taken place.
- Johnny Carson
- Confidence is the feeling you have before you understand the situation.
- Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
- Lets get along with me.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
I have quite a lot of single guy friends, and my friend has a lot of single girl friends. So, she asked me to introduce my men (;p) to her girls. Weleh weleh.. how come it sounds so …
I never gave way to her idea, it’s too much of a hassle, what am I, a matchmaker?
If we are happy, forget the ol’ matchmaker! If we are unhappy, kill the matchmaker! Who who ha ha he ho who who…chanting…
When I was a kid, I watched a matchmaking process. Don’t know how, my aunt and my mom dragged me along. So this matchmaker lady was an old lady, she lived alone (Why didn’t she matchmake herself?) in a very dark house, with only single fluorescent light, few wooden chair and one table. I vividly remember that there was nothing else in the living room except a wall calendar…from last year (Doesn’t sound like a promising career huh?) The bride and groom in question were not there, so it’s my aunt’s relative, an unmarried lady in her mid thirty, I guess, looking for a husband, and this matchmaker knew one eligible bachelor, my aunt asked my mom to accompany her, to settle on the date of meeting etc etc..and they had to do imaginary count because there was no up to date calendar! That’s why I remember she didn’t have a real calendar! It’s a matchmaker house!
Then, we also went to the groom-to-be house. The groom was slightly younger than the bride, he had a bit of speech problem because of short tongue, I don’t know the medical term of this.
Then they met, I remember behind the door the bride complained that he didn’t look good and didn’t speak so well, but since she was thirty plus and wanted to get married asap..
The groom’s family complained that the bride was too old, but since the groom had some disadvantage and too shy to look for a bride himself..
So it was quite a happening wedding. They looked happy, more than I expect from a relationship born of an expired calendar. I remember they were still together years later, now, I don’t know.
I had been ‘matchmaker’, unofficially and accidentally. My girl friend told me that she liked this guy, but I had to keep it as a secret. Then the guy also did some sharing with me, and told me he liked this girl, but it had to be a secret too. It gave me headache all week long, how would I tell them!? And nobody was taking the real step, each of them shared me different stories.
M : She threw a pencil case at me today! She doesn’t like me.
W : I had to throw a pencil case to him today. He talked to the other girl way too much.
M : We want to study together. Can you come too?
W : Please, please. I don’t know what to do if we were alone.
So I came. They treated me like a Muppet. So they didn’t want to show their affections to each other too much, and I got all the fake attentions.
It went all aloooong with no improvement, I dropped small to huge hints, even slapped something obvious in front of their nose, sniff, they didn’t believe me. What I could do was chewing my fingernails while hearing their complicated stories. Hayah, screw them!
There was one same case with different ending. Somehow another couple settled through their courting process and got so comfortable with each other, and suddenly, they looked at me as if I was an alien.
The signs were obvious. *Get out from our sight! Hush! Hush! Bugger Off!*
See? I didn’t even want to be there on the first place if they didn’t ask me to!!!
Another type of case, a girl told me that she liked this friend, she asked my advices or whatever2 or whether I could help her. It broke my heart a bit because ehmm.. I thought I liked him too, hehe.., anyway, I didn’t take myself seriously and I helped her.
Me : What do you think about Markayam?
He : Who?
Me : Markayam.
He : Ayam who?
Me : That girl. She sits next to you for two years!
He : Oh.
Me : And?
He : Yes?
Me : So?
He : What?
Me : Markayam! Markayam! Ayam!
He : Oh. Ayam who?
So, there is no way I want to be involved again, unofficially, accidentally, forcefully. Nyah. Nyah. Nyah.
I expressed this attitude when my colleague asked me to introduce my friends to her, then she protested.
Why not? It will increase our chance to find the right person. For us, our goal is to meet as many people as we can, the rest is up to everything else. You should have help the society while you should. Remember the hungry children in Africa and endangered Rhino in Java. Whenever you reject the request, there is one fairy drop dead somewhere from the sky…
I was wandering around a bookshop when I met this colleague next door; he used to be my lunchmate before he was moved next door and was my first friend when I first joined, so we exchanged small talk. He will be forty soon, but seriously, he doesn’t look like forty at all, I would guess thirty had I not known. He is a very shy but very nice guy, so he told me this story that his family kept pressuring him to take a Vietnamese bride.
It’s quite common in Singapore, that you can ‘buy’ a bride from Vietnam. With around 10K, you could go to the shop, choose from catalogue and they would arrange a meeting. I guess you can change you choice if you don’t like later on. Usually the girls come from Vietnam village, young, pretty, and they make very good housewife. But..
I told him not to listen to the relative; anyway, the one who kept feeding the idea owns a matchmaking agency. It’s just a funny idea to marry a stranger. Marriage can’t be forced right? So when something go wrong, the only person you can blame is yourself. Nyahoo looooe. Sapa suruh. No regret.
How could somebody marry a stranger and living together just because ‘it’s time’?
Screw people who decide ‘it’s time’. Bollock.
And, imho, it’s more romantic if someday,
Do you remember when we first met? Our beca tabrakan kebo and yours went to the gutter. Mahahahahha… You looked really funny with your face trapped inside the beca’s wheel..
Rather than,
Do you remember when we first met? I thought I miscode the catalogue number…
Concerning the Proper Age to Get Married.
Once I'm done with kindergarten, I'm going to find me a wife.
- Bert, AGE 5
What Do Most People Do on a Date??
On the first date, they just tell each other lies, and that usually
gets them interested enough to go for a second date.
- Martin, AGE 10
The Great Debate: Is It Better to Be Single or Married??
It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need
somebody to clean up after them.
- Anita, AGE 9
It gives me a headache to think about that stuff. I'm just a kid. I
don't need that kind of trouble.
- Will, AGE 7
I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in.
- Unknown
I think - therefore I'm single.
- Wendy Liebman
I've been on so many blind dates, I should get a free dog.
- Carol Leifer
Women now have choices. They can be married, not married, have a job, not have a job, be married with children, unmarried with children. Men have the same choice we've always had: work or prison.
- Tim Allen
I never gave way to her idea, it’s too much of a hassle, what am I, a matchmaker?
If we are happy, forget the ol’ matchmaker! If we are unhappy, kill the matchmaker! Who who ha ha he ho who who…chanting…
When I was a kid, I watched a matchmaking process. Don’t know how, my aunt and my mom dragged me along. So this matchmaker lady was an old lady, she lived alone (Why didn’t she matchmake herself?) in a very dark house, with only single fluorescent light, few wooden chair and one table. I vividly remember that there was nothing else in the living room except a wall calendar…from last year (Doesn’t sound like a promising career huh?) The bride and groom in question were not there, so it’s my aunt’s relative, an unmarried lady in her mid thirty, I guess, looking for a husband, and this matchmaker knew one eligible bachelor, my aunt asked my mom to accompany her, to settle on the date of meeting etc etc..and they had to do imaginary count because there was no up to date calendar! That’s why I remember she didn’t have a real calendar! It’s a matchmaker house!
Then, we also went to the groom-to-be house. The groom was slightly younger than the bride, he had a bit of speech problem because of short tongue, I don’t know the medical term of this.
Then they met, I remember behind the door the bride complained that he didn’t look good and didn’t speak so well, but since she was thirty plus and wanted to get married asap..
The groom’s family complained that the bride was too old, but since the groom had some disadvantage and too shy to look for a bride himself..
So it was quite a happening wedding. They looked happy, more than I expect from a relationship born of an expired calendar. I remember they were still together years later, now, I don’t know.
I had been ‘matchmaker’, unofficially and accidentally. My girl friend told me that she liked this guy, but I had to keep it as a secret. Then the guy also did some sharing with me, and told me he liked this girl, but it had to be a secret too. It gave me headache all week long, how would I tell them!? And nobody was taking the real step, each of them shared me different stories.
M : She threw a pencil case at me today! She doesn’t like me.
W : I had to throw a pencil case to him today. He talked to the other girl way too much.
M : We want to study together. Can you come too?
W : Please, please. I don’t know what to do if we were alone.
So I came. They treated me like a Muppet. So they didn’t want to show their affections to each other too much, and I got all the fake attentions.
It went all aloooong with no improvement, I dropped small to huge hints, even slapped something obvious in front of their nose, sniff, they didn’t believe me. What I could do was chewing my fingernails while hearing their complicated stories. Hayah, screw them!
There was one same case with different ending. Somehow another couple settled through their courting process and got so comfortable with each other, and suddenly, they looked at me as if I was an alien.
The signs were obvious. *Get out from our sight! Hush! Hush! Bugger Off!*
See? I didn’t even want to be there on the first place if they didn’t ask me to!!!
Another type of case, a girl told me that she liked this friend, she asked my advices or whatever2 or whether I could help her. It broke my heart a bit because ehmm.. I thought I liked him too, hehe.., anyway, I didn’t take myself seriously and I helped her.
Me : What do you think about Markayam?
He : Who?
Me : Markayam.
He : Ayam who?
Me : That girl. She sits next to you for two years!
He : Oh.
Me : And?
He : Yes?
Me : So?
He : What?
Me : Markayam! Markayam! Ayam!
He : Oh. Ayam who?
So, there is no way I want to be involved again, unofficially, accidentally, forcefully. Nyah. Nyah. Nyah.
I expressed this attitude when my colleague asked me to introduce my friends to her, then she protested.
Why not? It will increase our chance to find the right person. For us, our goal is to meet as many people as we can, the rest is up to everything else. You should have help the society while you should. Remember the hungry children in Africa and endangered Rhino in Java. Whenever you reject the request, there is one fairy drop dead somewhere from the sky…
I was wandering around a bookshop when I met this colleague next door; he used to be my lunchmate before he was moved next door and was my first friend when I first joined, so we exchanged small talk. He will be forty soon, but seriously, he doesn’t look like forty at all, I would guess thirty had I not known. He is a very shy but very nice guy, so he told me this story that his family kept pressuring him to take a Vietnamese bride.
It’s quite common in Singapore, that you can ‘buy’ a bride from Vietnam. With around 10K, you could go to the shop, choose from catalogue and they would arrange a meeting. I guess you can change you choice if you don’t like later on. Usually the girls come from Vietnam village, young, pretty, and they make very good housewife. But..
I told him not to listen to the relative; anyway, the one who kept feeding the idea owns a matchmaking agency. It’s just a funny idea to marry a stranger. Marriage can’t be forced right? So when something go wrong, the only person you can blame is yourself. Nyahoo looooe. Sapa suruh. No regret.
How could somebody marry a stranger and living together just because ‘it’s time’?
Screw people who decide ‘it’s time’. Bollock.
And, imho, it’s more romantic if someday,
Do you remember when we first met? Our beca tabrakan kebo and yours went to the gutter. Mahahahahha… You looked really funny with your face trapped inside the beca’s wheel..
Rather than,
Do you remember when we first met? I thought I miscode the catalogue number…
Concerning the Proper Age to Get Married.
Once I'm done with kindergarten, I'm going to find me a wife.
- Bert, AGE 5
What Do Most People Do on a Date??
On the first date, they just tell each other lies, and that usually
gets them interested enough to go for a second date.
- Martin, AGE 10
The Great Debate: Is It Better to Be Single or Married??
It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need
somebody to clean up after them.
- Anita, AGE 9
It gives me a headache to think about that stuff. I'm just a kid. I
don't need that kind of trouble.
- Will, AGE 7
I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in.
- Unknown
I think - therefore I'm single.
- Wendy Liebman
I've been on so many blind dates, I should get a free dog.
- Carol Leifer
Women now have choices. They can be married, not married, have a job, not have a job, be married with children, unmarried with children. Men have the same choice we've always had: work or prison.
- Tim Allen
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Lunch Break
After lunch, we went to Seven Eleven to buy some bottle drinks. While holding my purse, handphone, tissue, I tried and failed to open the bottle. On the second offer, I agreed to my lunchmate’s help, rather than wet my top. Then they shared me this secret.
“A girl has to pretend to be weak sometimes. That would please the guy and they would feel better.”
“That’s right. A girl has to act weak so that the guy can help you. Girls shouldn’t be tough all the times.” Another guy continued.
“Is it?”
“Yes, It lifts our confidence. Further more, we do like to help girls.”
“Okay, I got your point. So we have to act weak….”
“That’s right.”
“But once in a while right? I think it would be very annoying if girls act weak all the time, correct?”
They think for a while. “Yes, that’s true.”
Nah. I share this secret for you, unless, it’s a common knowledge that I’m the only one who don’t know. It happens all the time, so I’m not confident that this is a new found.
We talked about Beetle Bug Girl, if I’m right, that’s the way they call Street Food Seller girl in Taiwan. They have some pronunciation in Mandarin too, Beetle Bug Girls is the ones who sell food on the street wearing very sexy dress.
“Hah? That’s a very unique way of selling food.” I said.
“Yes. Sometimes they sit in a very appealing position too, with very wide opening and…”
“This kind of seating position can’t be found in Singapore.”
“Have. I’ve seen some. But they are all…”
All the way I followed their conversation with much amusement, sometimes they are very funny in describing something.
“Yes, always aunties. I wonder why.”
They silenced for a while.
“I know, it must be because of the uncles.”
“Desperate lah. They used to sit with this very tight leg, but the uncles are not interested anymore, so they need more aggressive action.”
“By opening their leg? The uncles will run away!”
Mahahhahaha…I couldn’t stand it anymore.
Life is so not fair!
What would men be without women? Scarce, sir, mighty scarce.
- Mark Twain
“A girl has to pretend to be weak sometimes. That would please the guy and they would feel better.”
“That’s right. A girl has to act weak so that the guy can help you. Girls shouldn’t be tough all the times.” Another guy continued.
“Is it?”
“Yes, It lifts our confidence. Further more, we do like to help girls.”
“Okay, I got your point. So we have to act weak….”
“That’s right.”
“But once in a while right? I think it would be very annoying if girls act weak all the time, correct?”
They think for a while. “Yes, that’s true.”
Nah. I share this secret for you, unless, it’s a common knowledge that I’m the only one who don’t know. It happens all the time, so I’m not confident that this is a new found.
We talked about Beetle Bug Girl, if I’m right, that’s the way they call Street Food Seller girl in Taiwan. They have some pronunciation in Mandarin too, Beetle Bug Girls is the ones who sell food on the street wearing very sexy dress.
“Hah? That’s a very unique way of selling food.” I said.
“Yes. Sometimes they sit in a very appealing position too, with very wide opening and…”
“This kind of seating position can’t be found in Singapore.”
“Have. I’ve seen some. But they are all…”
All the way I followed their conversation with much amusement, sometimes they are very funny in describing something.
“Yes, always aunties. I wonder why.”
They silenced for a while.
“I know, it must be because of the uncles.”
“Desperate lah. They used to sit with this very tight leg, but the uncles are not interested anymore, so they need more aggressive action.”
“By opening their leg? The uncles will run away!”
Mahahhahaha…I couldn’t stand it anymore.
Life is so not fair!
What would men be without women? Scarce, sir, mighty scarce.
- Mark Twain
Monday, April 03, 2006
They Do Exist....
There are some people with this kind of annoying look. See, they are innocent, they are not ugly, they don’t harm me, and they don’t even have something to do with me. But they have this type of intimidating eyes and body languages that make me feel uncomfortable even just to pass by them in the corridor. Uncomfortable as in I feel like I desperately want to be angry and frown or give them a piece of mind, but I caaaan’t, because they don’t do anything wrong, that makes it more annoying!
How do I describe it…if I cross path to this person, she will look into my eyes and fix it with annoying look until I pass by, then with the same grade annoying knowing smile, I know something you don’t..he..he..he..kikiki kind of smile, then the body language is like flying and swaying, but believe me, not in sensual categorize, then, sometimes she includes a small chuckle. Even though when she is in the middle of conversation with someone, she will stop and give the annoying habit when I pass by, until I disappear from her sight.
Nothing right? I know…since the first time I tried to convince myself that I have to shut down the urge to frown or nyanyanyah stick out my tongue, but day to day, the urge has never subsided, even now, I unconsciously really stick out my tongue after she passes by. Don’t mean to hide it, but I don’t want to be involved in Q & A about why and moral and humanity and logic and reasoning.
I guess a lot of people choose to appear whatever they like. I have this Pilipino colleague, he used to sit in the corner of the room, and he was alwayssss very quiet, even when we crossed path, and I tried to give a friendly smile, it’s impossible! He always looked down to his shoes, with ninety-degree head to his body, but he smiled, to his shoes, because he refused to look at everybody.
Then one day, he was moved to another room, he changed 180 degree. When I met him in the lift lobby, he was like, Hey, how are you? Busy? How is work? Where do you stay? Then laugh and laugh like old friend. I was very stunned that on the first encounter I only stood there with budging eyes. Because we always leave office around the same time, I meet him quite often in the lift lobby, he is very talkative, he talks about his country, family life, works etc etc. He also over excited in another office encounter, something like we’ve just meet after twenty years apart and we used to be best friend. Weird huh? Talk about the very very shy and mute guy, or maybe, my division scared him out last time.
Don’t look at their eyes, they are deeeemooon…look down…recognize the shoes..
Then there is also one weird guy. He holds a high position. One day, he came to me and asked me about my colleague, who sat next to me.
Hey, where is Pokijan?
I don't know.
Hayahhhhh…but I need him…do you know where is he?
Any chance to contact him?
I have no idea.
No? Are you sure you don’t know where is he?
I was starting to boil at this time. It was a very busy day, and my computer just crashed. I always sure that crashed computer gives me the ability to be murderous. And I always piss off with those people who need my colleague, and when I tell them I don’t know where the hell he is (I happen to be his nearest neighbor and we share the same telephone number), people would be like Hah? You don’t know? Then how….this…that…. Why he is not around? Where the hell is he? Somethinggg like that….and this colleague of mine seems like the type who likes to leave anytime for a break or coffee, to cut a long story short, I have this kind of grudge about how people respond to his absent and pour it to me.
Anyway, he talked again.
I really need him you know.
I gave him I’ll kill you look.
Does he never tell you where he is?
You don’t have his phone number?
Do you know how to contact him?
Can you believe this guy actually holds a high position? All the while he was block by chest high partition, so I stood up and looked at him.
'Look, I told you many times that I don’t know where is he.'
Hey, I was polite, I didn’t shout, I didn’t yell, but I guess my face was as black as coal miner and the tone that I used must be very bad, that he glanced at me, one time, swallowed his saliva, and disappeared.
Talking about how I admire men to be able to let bygones be bygones, this one is a rare case. He hates me since then. He avoids talking or looking at me. He rather stands behind me, hoping desperately that someone else will pass by, so he can ask about Pokijan, rather than asking me myself. Thanks Heavens!
But I really despise this kind of guy, what a childish behavior, I am the one who suppose to be mad. If I didn’t control myself and throw things (like monitor or chair) at him, as what I originally intended to do, I don’t know how he will take it. Lately, my colleague secretly told me that he might be a Brokeback. I don’t say that it should explains, because I don’t know the characteristic about them, but my friend concludes that they are much much more sensitive than girls.
Not offending anyone, that’s my colleague’s say, so contact me for his full address in case anyone offended and wants to beat him up.
Pokijan is not the real name.
Any resembles to the living thing is completely intentional. : )
Some people are alive only because it is illegal to kill them.
- Unknown
It is ill manner to silence a fool, and a cruelty to let him go on.
- Benjamin Franklin
How do I describe it…if I cross path to this person, she will look into my eyes and fix it with annoying look until I pass by, then with the same grade annoying knowing smile, I know something you don’t..he..he..he..kikiki kind of smile, then the body language is like flying and swaying, but believe me, not in sensual categorize, then, sometimes she includes a small chuckle. Even though when she is in the middle of conversation with someone, she will stop and give the annoying habit when I pass by, until I disappear from her sight.
Nothing right? I know…since the first time I tried to convince myself that I have to shut down the urge to frown or nyanyanyah stick out my tongue, but day to day, the urge has never subsided, even now, I unconsciously really stick out my tongue after she passes by. Don’t mean to hide it, but I don’t want to be involved in Q & A about why and moral and humanity and logic and reasoning.
I guess a lot of people choose to appear whatever they like. I have this Pilipino colleague, he used to sit in the corner of the room, and he was alwayssss very quiet, even when we crossed path, and I tried to give a friendly smile, it’s impossible! He always looked down to his shoes, with ninety-degree head to his body, but he smiled, to his shoes, because he refused to look at everybody.
Then one day, he was moved to another room, he changed 180 degree. When I met him in the lift lobby, he was like, Hey, how are you? Busy? How is work? Where do you stay? Then laugh and laugh like old friend. I was very stunned that on the first encounter I only stood there with budging eyes. Because we always leave office around the same time, I meet him quite often in the lift lobby, he is very talkative, he talks about his country, family life, works etc etc. He also over excited in another office encounter, something like we’ve just meet after twenty years apart and we used to be best friend. Weird huh? Talk about the very very shy and mute guy, or maybe, my division scared him out last time.
Don’t look at their eyes, they are deeeemooon…look down…recognize the shoes..
Then there is also one weird guy. He holds a high position. One day, he came to me and asked me about my colleague, who sat next to me.
Hey, where is Pokijan?
I don't know.
Hayahhhhh…but I need him…do you know where is he?
Any chance to contact him?
I have no idea.
No? Are you sure you don’t know where is he?
I was starting to boil at this time. It was a very busy day, and my computer just crashed. I always sure that crashed computer gives me the ability to be murderous. And I always piss off with those people who need my colleague, and when I tell them I don’t know where the hell he is (I happen to be his nearest neighbor and we share the same telephone number), people would be like Hah? You don’t know? Then how….this…that…. Why he is not around? Where the hell is he? Somethinggg like that….and this colleague of mine seems like the type who likes to leave anytime for a break or coffee, to cut a long story short, I have this kind of grudge about how people respond to his absent and pour it to me.
Anyway, he talked again.
I really need him you know.
I gave him I’ll kill you look.
Does he never tell you where he is?
You don’t have his phone number?
Do you know how to contact him?
Can you believe this guy actually holds a high position? All the while he was block by chest high partition, so I stood up and looked at him.
'Look, I told you many times that I don’t know where is he.'
Hey, I was polite, I didn’t shout, I didn’t yell, but I guess my face was as black as coal miner and the tone that I used must be very bad, that he glanced at me, one time, swallowed his saliva, and disappeared.
Talking about how I admire men to be able to let bygones be bygones, this one is a rare case. He hates me since then. He avoids talking or looking at me. He rather stands behind me, hoping desperately that someone else will pass by, so he can ask about Pokijan, rather than asking me myself. Thanks Heavens!
But I really despise this kind of guy, what a childish behavior, I am the one who suppose to be mad. If I didn’t control myself and throw things (like monitor or chair) at him, as what I originally intended to do, I don’t know how he will take it. Lately, my colleague secretly told me that he might be a Brokeback. I don’t say that it should explains, because I don’t know the characteristic about them, but my friend concludes that they are much much more sensitive than girls.
Not offending anyone, that’s my colleague’s say, so contact me for his full address in case anyone offended and wants to beat him up.
Pokijan is not the real name.
Any resembles to the living thing is completely intentional. : )
Some people are alive only because it is illegal to kill them.
- Unknown
It is ill manner to silence a fool, and a cruelty to let him go on.
- Benjamin Franklin
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